He got me a strawberry applesauce pouch from the fridge opening it before handing it to me. I sucked on it while he carried me back up to my room every once in a while, he would check on me to see the progress I had made on my lunch. Getting back to my room he set me back on my bed and I whined a bit, being let go from his arms. He chuckled and ruffled my hair, then he grabbed a duffle bag from my closet and set to work on packing things I wanted to take with me to school and in the car.

     "Bud, you want these pillows and blankets to come with you. I notice Mom didn't pack any of them." I nod at him. He folds them up and strategically lays them in the bag. "You probably want your sweats and sweaters huh bud, Mom so kindly neglected to pack any of those also." I once again nodded, once he was finished packing my bag up, he turned back to me with the bag he had brought into my room earlier.

     "So, I got you a little gift, I figured you could use a little friend and maybe some comfort since I won't be there with you." He says handing me the blue gift bag and encouraging me to open it. I gently take the tissue paper out of the bag revealing the gift underneath. Tears sprung to my eyes as I gently took out the softest thing I had ever held. I looked at the stuffed deer for a couple seconds before hugging it tightly. I hadn't had a stuffed animal since I was six, my parents deeming them unnecessary since I wasn't a baby anymore. I look up at Kye tears running down my face.


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     "Thanks." I whispered

     "Anything for you bud." He replied, we both turn as we hear the front door and our mother calling out that it was time to leave. Kye slung my duffle bag over his shoulder, then he wrapped me up in one of my blankets before picking me up once again and carrying me to the car. He climbed into the back seat which seated two people and buckled me and him in. Kye was finishing his last year at Apatore Elite. He left the middle row open for the twins and Atlas who were going back to Grove Lake Academy from their semester break. Once everyone had gotten into the car and all the bags had been loaded, we started on our long journey to my new school.

     I was awaken by the movement of being picked up by you guessed it, Kye. I hadn't even realized I slept all through dropping the twins and Atlas off at their school and had now arrived at mine. Kye followed behind my parents who had my bags, following signs that said main office. "Kye put him down he's not a baby, he can walk on his own legs." My mother glared over at us. Kye just ignored her and continued walking as we arrived at the office. My mother told the receptionist what we were here for, and she had us sit and wait to be called back.

     We got called back to the headmistress's office; my parents sat down and Kye sat down with me in his lap as I continued to bury mt head into his neck. "Hello, I am Madam Layne and welcome to Silver Oak Academy!" I turn my head a bit to see a woman who looked to maybe be in her early to mid-thirties. My Father and Mother acknowledge her, and I give her a timid wave. She smiles at me and next to her I see a tall pale boy, with a head full of white, blonde curls and piercing yellow eyes. "This is Andre Anomagias, he will be Dawson's supervisor of sorts. Checking in on him from time to time, making sure he is coping well with the environment and keeping up with his grades. Usually, we would have him act as a temporary caregiver until Dawson met his permeant one. But due to Dawson's special education plan, Andre here will just be supervising him." My parent nod as they continue discussing things with the headmistress.

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