"Why does this bother me?" I muttered to myself, unable to find a clear answer. The sight of Se Mi with another man stirred up a whirlwind of emotions inside me, leaving me grappling with feelings I couldn't quite comprehend.

As I witnessed the guy's hand moving too close to Se Mi's thigh and his lips nearing her neck, my anger surged. Reacting instinctively, I stepped in, pulling him away with determination.

"What do you think you're doing?" I demanded, my fists clenched as I confronted him.

Se Mi's voice cut through the tension. "Taehyung, what's going on?" she asked, her eyes wide with surprise and concern.

"He was being inappropriate with you," I explained, my tone laced with frustration and protectiveness.

Se Mi's words hit me like a slap in the face, her anger and frustration palpable in the air.

"Stop it, Taehyung!" she shouted, her voice laced with indignation. "He's my date. You're disrespecting him."

I pushed the guy away, my own frustration boiling over. "He's disrespecting you. Didn't you see how he was touching you?" I retorted, my voice raised in defense of her honor.

But Se Mi's response cut through me like a knife. "Why do you care about that thing? Huh! Are you my boyfriend?" she yelled, her words stinging with accusation.

For a moment, I was speechless, caught off guard by her harsh tone. I stepped back, the weight of her words sinking in. "Yes," I thought bitterly. "Why do I care?"

Confusion and hurt mingled within me as I struggled to make sense of the situation. Did my feelings for Se Mi warrant such a reaction? Was I crossing a line by intervening in her personal life?

Se Mi's words echoed in my mind as I walked away from the restaurant, my heart heavy with frustration and confusion. How could she say those things to me? I had only been trying to protect her, to stop that guy from disrespecting her. But instead, she had accused me of overstepping my bounds.

Anger simmered within me, threatening to boil over, but I knew I had to keep it in check. I couldn't let my emotions get the better of me. Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to calm down, to push aside the hurt and frustration that threatened to consume me.

As I made my way back home, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within me. I shouldn't have interfered in Se Mi's personal life like that. Maybe she was right. Maybe I had overstepped my boundaries.

Se Mi's POV:-

As my fake date, my guy friend graciously accepted my apology, a wave of relief washed over me. I hadn't wanted things to escalate, and I was grateful that he understood.

"Thank you," I murmured, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders.

He offered me a kind smile, his words dripping with understanding. "No need to thank me. It's all good. Friends look out for each other, right?"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his light-hearted response. "Yeah, you definitely played your part well," I admitted, grateful for his role in diffusing the situation.

Once again, I found myself asking for forgiveness, even though he had already assured me that all was forgiven. "Please forgive me again. I didn't mean for things to get out of hand."

"It's okay, Se Mi," he reassured me, his tone warm and comforting. "After all, you're my friend."

With a nod of gratitude, I watched as he made his way to the door. "Thank you, for everything. Take care, okay?"

As he stepped outside, leaving me alone with my thoughts, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for his understanding and forgiveness.

I quickly dialed Si Jun's number, eager to share the news that Taehyung had indeed reacted just as she had predicted. When she answered, I wasted no time in recounting the events that had unfolded.

"See, I told you jealousy is the best remedy," Si Jun remarked confidently, her words carrying a hint of satisfaction.

I couldn't help but feel a surge of hope at her assurance. "Okay. Now you've done your part. It's my turn to take over," she declared with determination. "Just wait and see. He'll come running to you and confess his feelings. I promise."

Her unwavering confidence both reassured and intrigued me. "Seriously?" I questioned, seeking validation for her bold claims.

"Absolutely," Si Jun affirmed firmly. "Trust me, Se Mi. I know what I'm doing."

With her promise echoing in my mind, I ended the call, feeling a mix of anticipation and uncertainty. I could only hope that Si Jun's plan would lead to the happy outcome we both desired.


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