The shocking date.

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Si Jun's POV:-

My heart raced at the sight of Se Mi. Taehyung's reaction was palpable, his shock mirrored in my own confusion.

I watched in silence as Se Mi approached Taehyung, enveloping him in a tight embrace. In that moment, I felt a twinge of insecurity, wondering who this Se Mi was and what connection she had to Taehyung.

As Se Mi pulled away, her eyes locked onto mine, and she greeted me with an unsettling familiarity. "Hi, Si Jun," she said casually, leaving me bewildered. "How do you know my name?" I managed to ask, my surprise evident.

Taehyung seemed uneasy, as if worried that Se Mi might reveal something about their past. Without a word, he swiftly guided Se Mi away from there, leaving me standing there, stunned by his abrupt departure.

As I tried to make sense of Taehyung's actions, a nagging feeling crept over me. There was a part of his life that he had kept hidden from me, and now, faced with Se Mi's unexpected presence, I couldn't help but wonder what else he was hiding.

Si Jun's hand trembled as she reached out, trying to grasp the sudden shift in Taehyung's behavior. Her mind raced with insecurities, each thought louder than the last.

"Why did he leave so abruptly?" she wondered, her heart pounding with uncertainty. "Is there something he's not telling me?"

Doubt gnawed at her, consuming her thoughts like a wildfire. She replayed every moment, searching for clues she might have missed.

"Does he regret being with me?" she agonized, her fears spiraling out of control.

But amidst the turmoil, a flicker of determination ignited within her. She refused to let her insecurities dictate her happiness.

"I need to talk to him," she resolved, steeling herself for the conversation ahead. "I won't let fear tear us apart.”

After a long day at college, I returned home and changed into comfortable pajamas and a t-shirt. As night fell, I sat down to eat dinner, my mind wandering with thoughts of the day.

Just as I was about to retire to bed, a noise from the balcony caught my attention. Frowning, I made my way there, only to find a ball with a note attached to it. Peering down, I saw Jungkook standing by his car, a smile playing on his lips. My heart raced, nervousness creeping in.

"What's he doing here at this hour?" I wondered aloud, my brows furrowing in confusion. I picked up the note and read the message: "Come downstairs, or I'll come upstairs." My breath caught in my throat as I glanced back at Jungkook, his smile unwavering.

Feeling a sense of dread, I knew I had to comply with his request. "Don't worry, Si Jun. Everything will be fine," I reassured myself, taking a deep breath. Silently, I made my way downstairs, careful not to wake anyone.

As I approached Jungkook, I couldn't help but notice his usual attire—black jacket, boots, and metal chains. "Why did you come here?" I asked, my voice tinged with apprehension.

"I want to take you on a date. Our first date," he replied, his words catching me off guard. I shook my head, feeling overwhelmed by fear.

"Please, just one date," he pleaded, his tone softening. Despite my reluctance, I couldn't shake the feeling of dread looming over me.

But when I noticed a gun tucked into his pocket, my blood ran cold. "Si Jun, don't try to scream, or I'll kill that bastard Seong Jin," he threatened, sending shivers down my spine. How could he even consider such a thing?

Feeling trapped, I weighed my options carefully. "I'm asking you, not forcing you. Do you want to go on a date?" Jungkook asked, his tone insistent.

Terrified of the consequences, I reluctantly nodded, unable to defy him. "It's midnight," I stammered, hoping to delay our departure.

Love: Till the end. Kim Taehyung. Jeon Jungkook Fanfiction.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora