Fake date

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Taehyung's POV:-

As I walked home, Se Mi's sudden decision to go on a date consumed my thoughts. Why now? Why with someone else? The questions echoed in my mind, demanding answers I couldn't seem to find.

Entering my house, I threw my keys on the table and collapsed onto the couch, the weight of confusion bearing down on me. Se Mi's image lingered in my mind, her smile haunting me as I tried to piece together the puzzle of her actions.

"Se Mi," I murmured, the name a bitter taste on my tongue. "What are you thinking?"

Memories of our time together flooded my thoughts, each one a painful reminder of what we once had. The laughter, the shared moments of intimacy—it all felt like a dream slipping through my fingers.

"Why can't I let her go?" I muttered, frustration building with each passing moment. I knew I shouldn't care, shouldn't let her affect me like this, but I couldn't help it. Se Mi had become a part of me, and now she was slipping away.

I paced the living room, my mind racing with a thousand questions. Should I confront her? Should I demand answers? The uncertainty gnawed at me, driving me to the brink of madness.

"I have to talk to her," I decided, determination fueling my actions. Grabbing my phone, I dialed Se Mi's number, my heart hammering in my chest as I waited for her to pick up.

"I need to know the truth," I whispered to myself, steeling myself for whatever revelation awaited me on the other end of the line.

As I listened to Se Mi's hurried explanation over the phone, a knot formed in my stomach. "Busy getting ready for her date," she had said. Those words echoed in my mind, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions.

"Who is she going on a date with?" I wondered aloud, frustration seeping into my tone. It felt like a punch to the gut, knowing that Se Mi was moving on while I was still grappling with our past.

I clenched my jaw, unable to shake the feeling of unease that settled over me. Without a second thought, I grabbed my keys and dashed out the door, my footsteps echoing in the empty hallway.

As I made my way through the bustling streets, my mind raced with possibilities. Who could Se Mi be meeting? Was it someone from our college? Or perhaps someone new she had met?

The thought of Se Mi with another man ignited a fire inside me, igniting a wave of jealousy that I struggled to contain. I couldn't bear the idea of her moving on without me, of her finding happiness in someone else's arms.

With each step, my determination grew stronger. I needed to know the truth, to see for myself where Se Mi was going and who she was meeting. The uncertainty gnawed at me, driving me forward with an urgency I couldn't ignore.

As I parked outside Se Mi's house, I watched her emerge and climb into another guy's car. My heart sank as they drove off, and I found myself following them, unable to resist the urge to know where they were headed.

We arrived at a restaurant, and I took a seat nearby, keeping a discreet eye on them. Seeing Se Mi laughing and enjoying herself with another man sent a pang of jealousy through me. Why was she so happy with him? Wasn't I the one she enjoyed spending time with?

Confusion and frustration swirled inside me as I tried to make sense of my feelings. Why did it bother me so much to see her with someone else? Was it because I cared about her more than I realized?

As I watched them interact, a part of me wished I could be the one making her laugh, sharing those moments of joy with her. But the reality was stark: she was with someone else, and I couldn't deny the sting of disappointment that pierced my heart.

Love: Till the end. Kim Taehyung. Jeon Jungkook Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now