"What are you doing? Stay away," I exclaimed, feeling uneasy.

He closed his eyes, ignoring my protests. I tried to push him away, but fear gripped me.

"Should I push him? What if he'll hurt me?" I worried, feeling overwhelmed.

"Am I too heavy for you?" he asked, his voice soft.

"Are you not sleeping?" I questioned, my voice trembling slightly.

"No, I'm not," he admitted. I gasped, feeling a surge of panic.

"Then why were you acting like you were sleeping?" I demanded, my frustration growing.

"I wasn't acting. I just closed my eyes," he explained calmly. I gritted my teeth, feeling annoyed.

"You're too heavy," I blurted out, unable to contain my discomfort.

"Yeah, it might be. My weight is 80kg," he disclosed. I widened my eyes in disbelief.

He sat up, sensing my shock.

"What happened, Si Jun?" he inquired, his tone filled with concern.

"If he's 80 kg, what will happen if he sleeps on top of me? I'll be crushed," I thought anxiously, feeling overwhelmed.

"Si Jun!" he said, his voice breaking through my frantic thoughts.

"Why am I thinking that? Why would he sleep above me? Is it something vulgar? Yeah, it must be. Sleeping with a boy? That's vulgar," I muttered to myself, feeling repulsed by the thought.

"Yuck!" I blurted out, catching Jungkook's attention.

"What?" he asked, looking at me curiously. I shook my head, trying to dismiss the intrusive thought.

"Nothing," I replied, hoping he wouldn't pry further.

"What were you thinking?" he pressed, his gaze unwavering.

I couldn't tell him what I was really thinking. He might judge me and think I'm a bad person.

"Nothing. Just leave me alone. Get out," I said, feeling flustered.

"I'm not going anywhere," he declared, standing his ground. I furrowed my brows, puzzled by his insistence.

"Why?" I questioned, feeling a mix of annoyance and confusion.

"Because it's my room too. I'm your man, and you're my girl. What's mine is yours, and what's yours is mine," he asserted. I opened my mouth in disbelief.

"Since when did you become my man? Huh? WHEN?" I yelled, feeling frustrated.

"THAT MOMENT WHEN WE SHARED THAT KISS," he yelled back, his words hitting me like a punch to the gut. Memories of our kiss flooded my mind, causing my cheeks to flush with embarrassment. I clenched my fists, struggling to catch my breath. Without a word, I stood up and fled to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me.

Inside the bathroom, I leaned against the door, trying to calm my racing heart. My mind was in turmoil as I replayed the moment over and over again.

"Why am I feeling like this? I don't like him," I whispered to myself, trying to convince myself of my own words.

"Do you really not? Si Jun. Sometimes, you don't even know yourself. Sometimes, you need someone to guide you, to tell you what you truly want," a voice in my head whispered.

"It's not true. I know myself. Only I know myself," I argued back, shaking my head.

"You really are stubborn. You always listen to your mind and end up getting into trouble. You think your heart, your inner voice, will lead you astray. But maybe, just maybe, your heart knows what's best for you," the voice persisted.

"Because the heart is foolish. How does it know what's right or wrong? We should only listen to our minds," I countered, feeling defensive.

"And what does your mind say?" the voice questioned.

"That Jungkook is a bad person. He's a cheater, a liar. He never loved me. He's just trying to trap me," I replied firmly, trying to quell the doubts creeping into my mind.

As I sat alone in the bathroom, thoughts raced through my mind. If Jungkook really loved me, why did he leave me after the accident? Why didn't he try to find me or even check if I was okay? Tears filled my eyes as I thought about his lies and betrayal.

I couldn't understand why he would say he loved me when his actions showed otherwise. It hurt to realize that his love was just a trick, a way to keep me tangled in his web of lies.

I felt angry and sad at the same time. How could he play with my feelings like that? But I also felt determined not to let his lies define me.

My heart hurt so much, like it was being squeezed tight. Tears just kept coming, and I couldn't stop them. I felt lost, like there was nobody there for me. It was like a big storm inside me, with all these feelings crashing around.

"Why, Jungkook? Why?" I cried, my voice shaking with pain. I couldn't understand why he would hurt me like this.

Confusion filled my mind, mixing with the ache in my heart. How could someone I cared about so much do something so hurtful? Memories of our time together flashed through my mind, each one now tainted by betrayal.

I felt like I was drowning in sorrow, each sob pulling me deeper into despair. It was like the ground had been pulled out from under me, leaving me adrift in a sea of sadness.

But alongside the sadness, there was anger. How could he play with my feelings like this? The tears I shed weren't just from sadness—they were also from frustration and anger at being lied to.

"Why did you do this to me?" I whispered, the words filled with pain and confusion.


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Love: Till the end. Kim Taehyung. Jeon Jungkook Fanfiction.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu