Chapter 1: Respect

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Have you ever just sat and thought about life? Well, neither have I. I really don't care for the sign of life. I prefer death just to be clear. Why think and search for something that gives nothing? Death is CLEAR. The sight. The smell. The sounds. So again why hunt for the source of life? As Lilel Raventon I don't see the point of it. Or maybe I'm just being...too gloomy?

You're probably wondering why I'm saying all of this right now. Well, at this moment I'm watching a building burn down. I've been around such sights so many times I've developed the skill to talk in my head without being bothered. The sight is such a lovely scene but no matter I will be blamed and given a "punishment" deserved.

Can you even picture the tragedy I'm witnessing? Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Imagine burning wood with a hint of hickory maybe...oak. The smoke clouds were as dark as the night sky as she came. The screaming oh the screaming of children big and small and the adults pretending to know how to handle the situation is a confusing sight yet comforting. Everyone always says the eyes are the windows to your soul but for me, it's the first source that creates our actions....



The yelling of my name can be heard from my brother Lionel. "Yes brother", I chuckle". I can see him struggling to catch his breath. "You look like you've been in a race with hundreds of horses", I pat him on the back while continuing with my humor.

"Father is going to kill us! by US I mean YOU", I roll my eyes at his antics but he seems to get his act together.

"Oh my dear younger brother you know I didn't do this...well this time", I shrug and I see him calm down while crossing his arms to stare at this blaze of beauty.

"I know...", he looks me up and down "But they need someone to blame". I smile.

"Uuuuughhhh! I don't have time for such basic trivial problems Lionel, Father has already been up my back and I don't need more stress". The wetness of my shoes was starting to irritate me more since this passing winter was rather harsh.

"Yeah, you could say that...and you have more letters from HIM", I see my brother's shoulders tense up in annoyance but anyone would when you get disgusting letters from a "promising" fiance, yet the bastard can't take a hint, and hates your guts.

2 months ago~

"You're a jackass who won't respect me!" my nostrils flared in fury as I eyed the man sitting right in front of me.

"I'm a jackass? You're the one who won't sit and behave like a lady as I was promised. Hell I even agreed to let you do your practice yet you act like a child who can't behave". His hands curled into a ball so tightly that his knuckles were turning white.

"Is that what you were promised? A LADY? And who in... God's...ass made such a statement? , At this point, I was close to smashing the wine bottle set next to me on the wooden table.

"My mother said I should find a good woman, and not one just for sitting at home, but one who had the brain smarts that would fit well with me...but it looks like I got you". He eyed me up and down as if he was looking at a corpse on a table. I glanced in his direction with a blank stare, then in an instant this pit of rage was enough and I admired the wine bottle next to me. I smashed the end into sharp, rigid pieces.

"Are you out of your fucking mind? what are you planning on doing with that? Stabbing me? or keep giving more empty threats?" I was perplexed by his statement cause that was my plan. Too bad for the "nice" interruption from my dear mother.

"It was nice talking to y- oh my!", My lovely mother so happened to take a picture of the scene, and may I say her face could be the face of any child's nightmare. "LILEL RAVENTON! WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!"

I felt no shame but getting caught was the bane of my existence. I put the glass bottle down and sir asshole over there had the biggest smirk on his face. "Mom I know this looks bad but this guy was being rude!"

"I think anyone would be rude if someone had a WEAPON towards them", Her face was stern but I wasn't backing down.

I looked at him and this man was on the verge of laughter. Oh, this will definitely make me spiral. "Mother but he did start all this. He even-". My mom put her hand up to interrupt me and this was her silent way to pause my antics and to let her get a word in.

"Lilel this is Daymen...". As soon as she said that name my reality was smacked in my face. "The library you burned down out of SPITE for medical information was his you WILL apologize and one-fourth of your funding will go to the repair". I went to open my mouth but judging my mothers's tone she was serious.

"Yes, Mom I will pay him back", I remark while gritting my teeth. How the hell was I supposed to know that this guy, who is a potential fiance, owned that library not to mention he wasn't bad-looking either.

"Good, I'll leave you two alone". And at that, she waltzed away through the double mahogany doors of our common area. At that moment I felt a hot sensation on my back and turned around to see fuck face looking down at me.

"Well?". I scowled at him and pushed passed him.

"Listen up Hayden...".

I felt my body twist around for a minute and in seconds I was facing him again. "It's Daymen".

I removed his grip from my shoulder and at this point, this is too much. "Listen here Daymen I'm not giving you shit. If I want to burn down more of your libraries for my benefit I will. Maybe if your resources weren't so selfish and rude like their owner no ashes would be made".

As soon as I was done he looked unfazed at my statement and even worse he chuckled but it sounded sadistic. "What's so funny?". I looked at him unfazed and rolled my eyes for the effect. He then gripped my chin harshly and so tight that his callous hands were scratching my face. The eye contact we were both making was close and fierce...but it made my stomach turn.

" listen to me".He brushed a piece of my hair out of my face.

"You can burn as many of my libraries as you want I own all of them in the city...but just to let you know the more libraries you burn the more I'll trade in some of your ravens," he said nonchalantly. I looked at him oddly and I think he caught on to my confused expression. "I think you'll like the surprise in that corner next to the bookshelf with the globe." Daymen let go of my face then gave me one last look and left with no hesitation.

What the hell is he talking about?

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