chapter 7

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"You're doing alot better, SheepFur!" ThymeStripe mewed and SheepFur was carrying a squirrel that she found in the territory and two mice. She dropped the prey in the fresh-kill pile.

"Thank you." SheepFur mewed back, pretty surprised that ThymeStripe complimented. Usually he'd berate her.

"Y'know, if your mentor was someone like me or LavenderSnow, you'd hunt and fight like all of LeopardClan after less than a moon of training." ThymeStripe sat down and chuckled, while SheepFur gazed down and rolled her eyes. "LavenderSnow did not let me sleep until I perform a warrior move right. Would you survive under LavenderSnow's mentorship, SheepFur?"

"Maybe not." The she-cat muttered. She didn't understand why ThymeStripe would try so hard to have a conversation with her. She didn't really like him because he's just so strict and unnecessarily harsh thowards SheepFur, but she sort of looks up to him.

"Hm." ThymeStripe gazed away. Seems like he is isn't very impressed with SheepFur's dry replies. "Well, you should probably eat something or else you'll stay as this scrawny scrap of fur you are right now." He said as he was walking away.

There is it. SheepFur scowled. She ate a few hours ago! Despite her eating regularly, she just can't gain weight and you could feel her ribs under her shaggy fur.

SheepFur was invited by HoneyMoon to lay down next to her somewhere at the corner of the camp, GingerHolly also being there, and SheepFur was carefully listening to the deputy complain about LeatherStar. It was extremely awkward for SheepFur, especially because SheepFur was talking to the deputy.
"I don't know if he's lazy or a coward. He was chosen as the deputy for being strong and courageous, and sure, he was a decent leader for moons, but now I'm practically doing all of his tasks. I want to challenge him."

SheepFur's ears perked up as GingerHolly said he wanted to LeatherStar. Can he do that? That... would be interesting to watch. Well, SheepFur can't agree that LeatherStar is so bad. She thinks he's nice and values freedom, tho he's very intimidating. But whenever an unnecessary battle happens, LeatherStar thinks it's no big deal and that battles happen all the time, even if FuzzyClan loses territory.

"He's probably just getting old." HoneyMoon suggested, sounding as if she didn't care.

"He's not even that old! I'm older than him by a few moons!" GingerHolly meowed back. "But if he is too old to carry on his duties, why doesn't he just retire?"

While the two cats discussed with each other, SheepFur gazed into the distance, squinting to see what's going on. A calico, so probably SunflowerPatch, was bouncing around a tortoiseshell. It could be FerretBite or TwilightChirp.

SheepFur heard GingerHolly call her name and she perked her ears and turned her head. "What?"

"Who do you think would be a better leader, me or LeatherStar?" GingerHolly asked with a serious tone.

SheepFur thought for abit, soon feeling pressured when she realised GingerHolly was asking her not out of curiosity, but he genuinely needed his clan-mates' opinions.
Again, LeatherStar was a nice cat, tho GarStripe rumoured him not to be, and besides that he was calm and forgiving, but he can agree with GingerHolly that LeatherStar bosses rather than leads. GingerHolly is more strict and serious, not as strict as ThymeStripe or LavenderSnow, but cats listen to him no questions asked. LeatherStar is strong and thoughtful, GingerHolly is brave and impulsive.

"I don't know!" SheepFur meowed. She thinks both are good leading cats and thinks that GingerHolly is exaggerating.

"I think it's nice to have a laid-back leader." HoneyMoon added before GingerHolly could reply to SheepFur.
You saved me.

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