chapter 5

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SheepFur was walking through nettles while being in a familiar place. It looked like the twoleg place she visited all those moons ago. Incomprehensible cat meows echoed in her ears. SheepFur climbed up a tiny sandy hill, getting her fur dirty. The hill wasn't very stable and she couldn't stand on it, so she got off and continued to walk. She walked up to a raspberry bush and watched a stork fly through the sky and land on a pile of dirt. SheepPaw watched the distance and listened to the quiet ambient.

SheepFur was woken up by a ray of sunlight. She raised her head and looked around, noticing that some of the warriors were already up and were washing.

"Good morning." LavenderSnow mewed to SheepFur quietly.

"Good morning." SheepFur mewed back and sat up, tensing her muscles and licking her chest fur, thinking deeply about the dream she had.

SheepFur was going to hunt. She watched GingerHolly organise a hunting patrol. SheepPaw is glad she doesn't have to be apart of it. She'll hunt by herself and avoid embarassment.

SheepFur lurked through the tall grasses near the borders. She stalked a tit, and tried to catch it, but she missed and the small bird flew away. SheepFur stared into the unclaimed lands for a few seconds and then snapped back and was going to continue hunting.

"Focus." A voice startled SheepFur as she turned around. It was ThymeStripe, who stared at her coldly. "The last thing we need is you scaring away all the prey."

Anger surged through SheepFur and she desperately sniffed for prey. Did ThymeStripe purposely come up to SheepFur to criticise her? Well, It won't help at all.

SheepFur was glad that she was about taller now, and she could see better through the tall grasses. She was able to catch a mouse before it ran away. Ofcourse SheepFur's least favourite prey is the easiest to catch. Cats are born to hunt little creatures like mice.

SheepFur knew she should hunt something more than a mouse, but she didn't have the patience and carried the mouse by the tail as she walked back to camp, not hesitating to get away from ThymeStripe.

SheepFur walked into the camp and saw most of the clan crowding the clearing. She wanted to know what was going on. She dropped off her mouse and tried to join the cluster of cats.

"Look who came back!" AsterFlight mewed thowards SheepFur and smiling.

SheepFur tucked her tail between her legs, slightly panicking. "Is- What did I do?"

"Oh, no no no no! You didn't do anything, dearie!" RoseGold assured her.

"Is that sister!?" A random black and white cat pushed himself through the cats and touched noses with SheepFur, licking her face intensely.

Siren? SheepFur widened her eyes as she tried to gain personal space. She recognised her brother's small face. Someone tell me what's going on.

"We didn't know RyeBerry had another kit!" GingerHolly commented. "Except LeatherStar. They used to be kittypets together, if I'm correct."

SheepFur was completely stunned. Why is Siren here? Is he joining FuzzyClan? SheepFur looked at RyeBerry, who just sat there awkwardly, looking at her feet. Looks like none of her clan-mates knew she abandoned most of her litter.

Siren swirled around cheerfully. "Yeah! I'm so excited to be with my momma! My other siblings were too scared to leave home!"

"There's more!?" LittlePool asked RyeBerry. "Why did you leave the rest of your kits behind!?"

RyeBerry hissed, backing away. SheepFur didn't understand how the clan didn't know about all of this, nether did she know why this mattered so much. She has very mixed feelings about this situation.

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