chapter 2

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"I don't want to be an apprentice..." SheepKit whined. I want to be with you, momma!"

RyeBerry scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You two need to stop acting like kits. I know warrior life can be scary, but if once you adapt to it you won't think it's that bad. Who knows maybe you two will be one of the strongest cats in the clan!?"

SheepKit did not find her mother's words encouraging at all. She wishes she could just... Not be a warrior apprentice. BurrKit wishes the same thing. They both never looked forward to it. They never pretended to be warriors when they were kits. Tho SheepKit said she wanted to be a leader one day, she changed her mind. She doesn't want to be anything.

"All cats old enough to lurk through the tall grass, gather here beneath the WeedRock for a clan meeting." Called LeatherStar and the two sisters nervously padded forward.

LeatherStar looked down at the two potential warrior with approval. "SheepKit and BurrKit. You both have reached the age of six moons and are ready to become apprentices. From this day on until you have received your warrior names, you two shall be knows as SheepPaw and BurrPaw. SheepPaw, your mentor will be LittlePool."

SheepPaw has completely forgotten that she will be trained by a cat. As LittlePool walked up to the apprentice and touched noses with her, SheepPaw's neck fur almost bristled anxiously, but soon she began to feel safer. She tried to squits her eyes so she could see the cat better. She doesn't understand why the world is so blurry.

"BurrPaw, your mentor will be BumbleHeart." LeatherStar went on. "I expect these two cats to pass their wisdom onto you, younglings."

"SheepPaw! BurrPaw! SheepPaw! BurrPaw!"

The cats' cheering was deafening! SheepPaw even covered one of her ears.

LeatherStar nodded. "Meeting dismissed."

All cats scattered throughout the camp.

BumbleHeart gazed down at BurrPaw. "When do you want to start?"

SheepPaw was surprised if how deep BumbleHeart's voice was.

BurrPaw looked down. "Uhh... Tomorrow."

BumbleHeart nodded. "Sounds good." He gazed over to his brother. "What are you two going to be doing?"

LittlePool shrugged and looked at SheepPaw. "D-Do you want to go outside of camp or something?"

SheepPaw thought it would be cool. She thinks it would be rude to say no anyways. "Yes."

"Come on then." LittlePool meowed and leader SheepPaw out of the camp, through the thick bushes.

SheepPaw was startled by the tall grass hitting her face. It almost poked her eyes.

"So.." LittlePool began. "As you can see... uh- our camp is surrounded by grass. The closer out camp is, the taller the grass. That's why our clan is named FuzzyClan."

Astonishing. SheepPaw thought to herself sarcastically, but learning the basic stuff is better than learning to fight and hunt.

"Let's go check the borders!" LittlePool meowed.

SheepPaw kept on being silent and walked forward, and LittlePool began to walk too.

LittlePool took SheepPaw to a sandy path. It didn't smell good. There were also trees. If only the trees somehow made it smell better.

"This is the ThunderPath." Said LittlePool.

Huh..? Why it's sandy! SheepPaw raised a brow.

"It's were twoleg monsters go. Twolegs control them."

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