Part 15

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We make our way outside when the sun dips below the horizon. Everyone else is already down by the rocky beach of the lakeside, having grilled cheese sandwiches and starting up the bonfire with bits of newspaper and matches.

Y/N is dressed in a cute flowy sundress with a cardigan, because it's April and it does still get chilly at night sometimes. She looks so beautiful, I just want to lock her away forever so that no one else ever gets to look at her body or capture her attention ever again. My panther is especially agitated and active tonight, lying in wait just under my skin, itching to shift. It's making me feel extra protective towards my mate.

As soon as we step outside, I can see why. The full moon has already risen, reflecting on the lake's surface like a silver plate. The moment I catch sight of it, the urge to shift becomes nearly overwhelming. I pull Y/N to me and bury my nose in her hair, inhaling. Her warm scent grounds me, and I manage to stay in my human form.

I can tell Cody is struggling, too. A low sound, half whine and half growl, is emanating from his chest as he stares at the moon. He flexes his fingers, which are tipped by claws.

Y/N puts a steadying hand on his arm, watching him with concern. "Are you all right? Is the full moon affecting you?"

With a tight smile, Cody nods. "It's hard to resist the pull. This is the only time when I can shift into our true animal forms—not just a dog but a wolf."

"It's your time of the month, huh?"

We both give Y/N an incredulous look. She giggles, covering her mouth with one hand. "Sorry. That was insensitive."

"No, you're right." I lift a lock of her hair to my nose and inhale more of her scent. "It's a tough time while we're in the city, where we can't really run free during the full moon. But out here, there's nothing but wilderness..."

Cody nods, throwing a longing look out at the woods.

For the first time, it's occurring to me that having a human mate will be more complicated than either of us anticipated. If Y/N were a shifter like us, we could all revel in the power of the full moon together, racing each other through the woods. But as a human, she can't keep up with us.

She's weaker than a shifter would be, too. It's no wonder that my instincts are always demanding that I hover around her to keep her safe. Anything could happen to a fragile, sweet human like Y/N. Part of me is scared that I myself might break her if I ever lose control.

That's why I'm torn. Half of me is longing to shift and run, and the other half is adamant that I can't leave Y/N on her own, unprotected.

"Just go," she says.

Cody and I both shake our heads. "We're not leaving you."

"I'll be fine. I've got all my friends here. What could possibly happen?"

My eyes meet Cody's as we consider this tempting offer.

"You're sure?" Cody steps closer, running his hands down her arms then stroking her jawline.

Y/N rolls her eyes and pushes us both away gently with an indulgent smile. "Yes, I'm sure. You don't have to watch over me all the time. I'll survive a few hours without you."

Cody grins. "If you need anything, anything at all, just yell for me. No matter how far away I am, I'll hear you."

With that, he's already sprinting into the woods, tearing off his shirt as he goes.

I shake my head. "I don't want you to be alone with those guys."

"Oh, would you just go?! Seriously, you're like a helicopter sometimes, the way you hover."

I scowl at her. Inside me, my panther rears its head and snarls. "I wouldn't have to if you'd stop going out all the time and talking to other men."

"You don't get to decide who I talk to." She crosses her arms and raises her chin, and fucking hell, even when she's defying me she makes my dick rise. It's enough to drive a shifter insane.

"Maybe I should." My voice is a low hiss as I stalk toward her, my claws sliding out.

I reach for her. She dodges me, making a disapproving sound in the back of her throat that makes me want to kiss her and then fuck her hard until the only sound that leaves her lips is my name.

"I can't deal with your possessive bullshit right now. Go work off that negative energy in the woods. I'll see you later, once it's out of your system."

She turns and walks away, joining her friends around the fire. My panther rages within me. I'm barely keeping him from running over to her, throwing her over my shoulder, and dragging her away. She's mine.

But I know that if I give in to the impulse, I won't be able to stay in human form for long. And I can't afford to shift in front of Y/N's friends. Humans can't know about the existence of shifters, and I don't trust them not to blab, so I'd have to kill them on the spot.

Murdering my mate's friends probably won't make her like me any more.

Fuming, I stalk off into the woods. I rip off my clothes and finally shift, sprinting in the opposite direction Cody took. We all need our space tonight.



You sit with all your friends in lawn chairs in a circle around the bonfire. Kyle and Vincent have fed the flames so now they're roaring and leaping high into the air.

You feel a little guilty about the way that you pushed Ash away. There was probably a nicer way to put what you said, but he really was irritating you by acting like he owns you.

Still, now that your shifter friends aren't with you, you do actually miss their overbearing presence.

You told your friends that Cody is going for a run in the woods—which is technically true, and believable since he gives off jock vibes—and that Ash is taking a nap. That explanation got you some weird looks, but everyone dismissed their absence quickly. You've all been distracted by eating dinner, and then making s'mores over the fire.

"Guess what we've got!" Tommy announces as he emerges from the house, followed by Tanya and Kyle. Each of them is carrying either a crate of beer or several bottles of liquor. Everyone around the circle cheers.

Kyle sits in the chair next to you and pours you a mixed drink in a red Solo cup. "Here, I know you don't like beer."


Lexi, who's sitting on your other side with Tommy, raises her bottle and everyone follows her lead. "Cheers! Now this is starting to feel like spring break!"

You take a swig from the drink Kyle made you and almost choke. Damn, this is strong.

"What's in this?"

"Rum and coke." He laughs as you try to hide your coughing. "Okay, it's mostly rum."

"Okay, gather 'round, my friends," Lexi calls out. "It's time for the most classic drinking game of all...Truth or Dare!"

A few people cheer. Tommy groans. "Aw, man, you always want to play Truth or Dare. We're not high schoolers anymore."

"Cheap beer, lake house, spring break—the setting practically demands Truth or Dare. Well, that or beer pong, but we don't have any ping pong balls, so just get on board, will you?"

"Yeah, yeah." He gives her a kiss. "Who's going first?"

"Oh, I know!" Lexi starts chugging her beer in one go. It's impressive. Lexi is the ultimate party girl, so she can really drink. She's always a ton of fun to be around—it's one of the reasons you like her, but it can also get exhausting for you, since you've got a smaller social battery.

Once her bottle is empty, she puts it on the ground in the middle of the group and spins it. It spins once, twice, slowing down...until it finally lands on you.

"Y/N!" Lexi exclaims with a grin. "Truth or Dare?"


Cutting this part in half because it was starting to get a little lengthy. More to come soon, including (at last!) some actual smutty times :))))

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