Part 3

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Classes have gone well today. It's the first day of a new semester, so you're busy looking for the right classrooms and getting to know your classmates. But your mind is on Cody back home. You hope he's doing okay, and that you find his real owners soon. You kept an eye out for Lost Dog posters in the streets but saw nothing.

Your last class of the day is totally full with students excitedly chatting. From what you can gather from the chatter, they're excited because the professor is supposed to be really hot. You shake your head, smiling as you walk by. You've got way bigger things to worry about than attractive professors—things like how you're going to pay rent.

You don't have time for dating. Not since you broke up with your ex, Gareth. You dated for almost two years, since you met freshman year on campus. Then you walked in on him cheating on you, in your bed, with his coworker from Trader Joe's. Needless to say, you kicked him out and you haven't gone to Trader Joe's since, either.

A group of your friends waves at you from the front of the lecture hall. Lexi, a tall brunette with a stunning figure, pats the seat next to her. You two met at freshman orientation, figured out you were in the same major, and have been friends ever since.

"Hi, babe, come sit!" she says, smiling. "We saved you a seat."

You sit between Lexi and Kyle, another friend from your major. He's got curly hair and a smile that attracts girls like flies to honey. Their entire friend group is here today—Tanya, Ali, and Tommy, Lexi's boyfriend, are here too. Lexi and Kyle are both more outgoing than you are, so you feel like you're more on the outskirts of the group than they are. Still, you do my best to tag along to their group outings if you can afford the cost and the time off.

"Isn't it awesome? The gang's all here!" Lexi gushes. You smile and nod at her.

"How's the first day of the semester going?" Kyle asks.

"Good!" you answer. "I tried to pick easy electives this semester. And it seems like all my professors so far are going to be great. How about you?"

"Me too, this spring is going to be a total breeze!" Lexi adds.

Kyle groans in response. "Aw man, I wish. I've got the worst luck. I just came from my analytics class, the professor is a total hardass. This semester's going to suck."

Suddenly a weird hush falls across the classroom as a new student enters. You turn to see a tall guy walk down the aisle, dressed in a black hoodie with the hood pulled over his big headphones. Strands of floppy black hair fall across his forehead and cast a shadow over his eyes. It's easy to see why everyone is staring at him; he's absolutely gorgeous. His build is lean but strong and he moves with a predatory grace, eyes lazily surveying the lecture hall.

"Oh my gosh, just look at him," Lexi says with a hand on her heart. "If I didn't already have a boyfriend, I would be licking him like an ice cream cone right now."

You gently shove her shoulder. "Don't say stuff like that."

"Yeah, especially not in earshot of your boyfriend," Kyle adds, inclining his head towards Tommy.

You've never seen the black-haired guy in any of your classes before. You would definitely remember if you had. Maybe he's a transfer student, you wonder.

He ignores the whispers and giggles from the students he passes and sits in a seat in the corner of the hall, looking bored. The other students settle down as the professor walks in, giving everyone a new reason to drool, but you can't seem to tear your eyes away from the black-haired student.

Chasing Tail: A reader x shifters romanceWhere stories live. Discover now