꧁You Get Jealous꧂

Start from the beginning

"So you did know she liked you!" You exclaimed pointing an accusatory finger at him. He just shrugs as he intertwines your fingers with his walking to who knows where while you grumble at him.

➪ Sasuke
You were with Sasuke split up from the others while trying to find this small village to ask about certain information Sasuke was looking for. You, of course, had no idea what information he was looking for. You normally don't pay attention when it comes to the real criminal stuff and Sasuke doesn't really involve you.

You notice Sasuke subtly tense as he stops walking so you turn to him with a confused face. But then you hear a loud voice yelling 'Sasuke', so you turn to that voice seeing a blonde boy ninja and a pink haired girl ninja.

Sasuke then let's out a sigh before talking. "Naruto". 'They're friends then?' you thought trying to put the puzzle together before he spoke again. "Go away" You sweat dropped thinking 'Maybe not friends then'.

The boy you assumed was Naruto was yelling about bringing him home, but your sight wandered to the girl as she looked at Sasuke "Sasuke please, why won't you come back!" The girl begged with a look you know all too well.

If them saying they want to take Sasuke away from you wasnt pissing you off enough, the way that girl looks at him is pushing you to your limit.

The same look you give Sasuke. Not even how Karin looks at him, with just lust. She looks at him with genuine love, of course he doesn't have any emotion on his face as he blankly stares back at her, but still you can't help thinking about them.

'Is she from his home village? Maybe they knew each other since they were young. Did they use to be a thing? Did he ever have feelings for her?'

Your head just keep coming up with more and more thoughts against your will until you see the boy charge at you guys. Sasuke runs up to meet Naruto as you jump back to the side to give him room to fight.

You then see the girl also run at the boys providing back up. So you run at her kicking her as she barely blocks and is pushed back.

You look at her with pure disgust and anger. "So who are you?" She just looked up at you with a scowl and her first up seemingly ready to fight. "I should be asking you that." She counters back.

"You can call me Lady Y/N now-" She cuts you off scoffing "As if!" and then she charges at you with nothing but her fist so you assume it's better not to get hit by her if she chooses her first over simple ninjutsu.

After dodging her for a little bit you finally see an opening, you get behind her, grabbing her arm putting it behind her back and pushing her into the ground while on top of her.

"Now tell me, who is Sasuke to you?" She gasps a bit "That's none of your business!" This makes your grip on her tighten. "He's mine." You unconsciously say before you turn hearing Naruto yell out 'Sakura' which you assume is her name.

You weren't paying attention, being caught up in your rage, until you hear Chrono's caw which is one you know of being a warning. As you pop your head up looking for incoming danger you feel a grip around your torso as your moved away from the girl.

When you look to where you were before you see a black and white tiger. You look up to see it's Sasuke who had you in his grasps.

"Sasuke!" You then turn to the Naruto kid seeing him look angrier than before as he joins the girl and another pale boy with black hair joins them. "We're leaving now, we have things to do, and Naruto, don't find me again or you will die."

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