꧁He Gets Jealous꧂

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➪ Naruto
You were waiting to meet up with Naruto but it seems like he's running late like always. You started to get bored and just looked around hoping he'd show soon. But as you're looking around you spot a dog, a very big dog. 'Omg it's so fluffy and cute!' You think for a moment before just deciding on approaching it.

As you get closer you spot a guy with it. "Hey is this your dog?" The guy turns to look at you and you notice he's a ninja and his markings. "Huh? Oh yeah this is Akamaru he's my ninja dog." Your eyes start to sparkle as you go down to pet him. "Ninja dog how cool!" "My names Kiba, are you a ninja?" the guy ask you. "Oh yeah i am, and my names Y/N, nice to meet you and Akamaru!"

You guys continue to chat a bit until you hear someone. "Hey Y/N-Chan what's going on here!" You turn to see Naruto with a pissed off look on his face staring daggers at Kiba. "Huh Naruto!? What are you doing here" Kiba said glaring back at Naruto while you just look between them.

"Oh Naruto you know Kiba?" You ask trying to understand what's going on here. "Yeah i do, how do YOU know Kiba" You hear Kiba tsk as you go to explain. "Oh well we just met but he's pretty cool and look he has a ninja dog that's so awesome!" You start gushing talking about this new friend but Naruto didn't like it one bit. "He's not that cool" He mutters but you both heard it.

"What was that Naruto? Say it to my face!" You looked even more confused you couldn't tell if they wanted to fight each or if that was just their thing but then it started to look like they were gonna fight. "Uh so are you guys friends or not?" Kiba just waves you off. "It doesn't matter, maybe we should go somewhere else to talk-" "As if, we have somewhere to be" Naruto then grabs your hand stomping away.

"Sorry i didn't know you knew him Naruto" "Oh uh it's okay it's not like i hate him, we're cool and all but it's like he actually thought he had a chance with you or something" You paused looking at him before realizing he was was jealous. "I mean no way you'd ever want a guy all smelly and dirty like him... right?"

You giggled a bit making him stop with a panicked look. "What! You wouldn't right?!" You start laughing louder before wrapping your arms around him. "Naruto you were so jealous weren't you~"

He starts blushing like crazy before sputtering nonsense. "Wha- there's no way i would be jealous of a mutt like him it just couldn't happen- Y/N i swear! Stop laughing at me!" Your laughter starts dying down as you take his hand and start walking again. "Don't worry Naruto your secret is safe with me" He just sighs continuing forward still with a blush across his face.

➪ Sasuke
Guess what you guys were doing again? Yep you got it you guys were walking... again. You were sick of walking it was every single day. Your body and legs were exhausted.

"Sasukeee can we please take a break, my legs hurt and i'm so tiredd" You were practically dragging your feet trying to play up the act more but Sasuke wasn't fazed. "No, we've only been walking for like 2 hours you'll be fine" 'Only?'

You just sigh but you won't give up. "Hmm well then can you carry me pretty please Sasuke-kun" You get close to him with puppy dog eyes hoping he'll give in to you, but of course "No" You frown at him seeing his face hasn't wavered a bit. 'You suck'.

You then hear Suigetsu start to laugh but that makes you think of something. "Oh Suigetsu what about you?" He looks surprised and mutters a huh as you can pretty much hear Sasuke roll his eyes. "You're such a gentleman you know, so can you carry me? I'm sure you'd be so comfortable you have such soft skin!" You wink at Suigetsu hoping he'll catch on and you both see Sasuke slightly glance at you guys. Suigetsu smirks as he realizes.

"Well of course i could never let thee Lady Y/N walk on her own feet for too long it's not like i'm 'Heartless' or anything". He says teasing Sasuke. As he goes to put his arm around your waist his wrist is caught by Sasuke looking at him with a scary look. "Don't you dare." The way he speaks makes you both shiver. Suigetsu just puts his hands up nervously. "Yep you got it!"

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