꧁You go on a date꧂

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➪ Naruto
You were walking around the village with Kakashi just going into random stores just to pass time. You guys weren't really talking much because Kakashi was reading his book and you were too busy thinking about...

You slowly turn your head to see a familiar blonde boy watching you from the bushes 'NARUTO?!' You panicked because Kakashi was with you and you pushed him into the store you were next to. Thank god it was a book store. You told him to take his time and that you were going to go into the other store next to it. He just sweat dropped and carried on looking at books.

You let out a sigh and then turned to naruto and approached his bush. "What do you think you're doing, did you forget that Kakashi was a ninja too, who do you think you're fooling!" He just smiled at you and grabbed your hand while running off. "Wha- Naruto what are you doing." "I'm gonna take you on a date!" You started blushing like crazy. "HUH NOW?"

You guys reached this small shop and you looked at it and it was some Ramen place. 'Huh, ramen really?'
You caught Naruto smiling at you again and you couldn't help but smile back. He took you inside to sit down and ordered for the both of you.

"So Y/N, let's ask questions about each other so we get to know each other more!" "Yeah sure." "Hmm what's your favorite flower." You giggle "Is this why you scared when thinking about asking me out with flowers?" Naruto's eyes widened a bit before he blushed "No way... well maybe, it's just for when i want to give you flowers at another time." He gave you a cheeky smile. "Well then it's f/f" Your food then came out making Naruto drool out of his mouth. You guys then began to eat. You thought for a moment thinking about what you wanna ask him.

"Naruto... have you ever dated someone before?" He started choking on his food. "Ah- sorry you don't have to answer that" "No it's okay, i haven't really dated anyone before no..." You smiled at his shyness and then he expression changed to a bit more serious one. "Uh... how come you know Kakashi? Are you related or something?"

You look away for a second thinking before answering. "My parents died a while ago and they were kind of friends with him, he told me they took over a mission for him but they never came back from it so he felt like he had to me in... well he didn't say that last part but i figured that's how he felt." You looked back at Naruto realizing he has a sad and guilty looking face. "S-sorry Y/N, i didn't mean to-"
You smiled at him "No worries Naruto i wanna tell this stuff about me" You start you blush "Because i really like you..." You guys continue to talk and eat.

➪ Sasuke
You all are walking during the night through the woods till you come across a small village. You and Suigetsu get excited "Woohoo we finally get to sleep in an actual bed" You both began to cheer up and down. Karin glares at you two and yells to 'shut up'. "But Y/N aren't you used to sleeping in the wilderness" Juugo mutters at you. "Well not all the time jeez a lady needs an actual bed sometimes." You pouted. Sasuke just had his normal blank expression as we walked through the village and finally got some rooms for us.

You immediately jumped on the bed and soon feel asleep. Until you woke up from a knock at your door. You groaned "Who dares disrupt my slumber." you stomped to the door to open it but then your eyes widened seeing who it was. "Sasuke what are you doing here?" He just looked at your sleepy form before rolling his eyes. You smirk wanting to mess with him a bit. "Sasuke... You came here to have your way with me didn't you, how dare you think you can take advantage of a girl like this, you perv!" You jokingly cried out.

He blushed and got a tick mark. "Don't be stupid! just... come on." He turned around about to leave like you weren't just sleeping. "What and go where!" He just kept walking and you slumped your shoulders, grabbed your coat and followed him.

"Are you going to talk at all, i mean we finally get to a village with beds but for some reason you don't want to sleep and you want to torture me as well" You whine while following him until you reach some bar which makes you sweat drop. "Uh Sasuke i'm starting to think you really are trying to take advantage of me" Sasuke scowls "Shut up! ugh this is the only place open this late and i thought we could talk or something..." You blush but smile at him and drag him inside.

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