꧁Successful Confessions꧂

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➪ Naruto
You were walking through the village contemplating what to do about your feelings toward Naruto, until you stopped in front of a flower shop and looked in the glass at the beautiful flowers.

'These flowers are pretty romantic, i wish Naruto would get me flowers... Maybe i should get them for him-' you paused for a moment to think. "No way i should just forget it, he probably doesn't even want any type of romance in his life right now."

You were about to walk away until you heard voices talking inside. "Hey Sakura what are you doing here." You looked and saw Sakura talking to some blonde girl that also kind of looked like a ninja. "Oh hey Ino, we have some time before training so i just wanted to walk around until then."

You were about to walk away not wanting to eavesdrop anymore until you heard something that stopped you in your tracks.

"I see... oh there was something i wanted to ask, i saw Naruto in here the other day and it seemed like he was looking for flowers to give to a girl~" I immediately turned around to watch them more intensely seeing the blonde wiggle her eyebrows at Sakura. "Soo do you think they were for you, he's had this fat crush on you since forever, or Hinata she's had a crush on him too."

You felt angry and you didn't even know why, it's not like Naruto belonged to you or anything but even so you decided to leave and immediately find Naruto, you wanted him to explain, you wanted to know why not you.

After what felt like forever you finally found him training. "NARUTO" you yelled at him still not knowing why you were so angry but he didn't seem to care. "Oh hey Y/N-chan, what's going on." He smiled at you, but you still had a frown on your face. "Naruto... I don't get it." you said in a low whisper. "Huh?" "I don't get what you see in Sakura, I mean she's always mean to you and i'm nice to you- well at least i try to be, do you think I'm not nice is that why or maybe i'm too nice, and what's with the flirting then are you just leading me on or is it really not flirting and i've been understanding you wrong- omg do you really not like me as much as i like you-" you started sputtering nonsense until Naruto cut you off.

"Wait... you like me?" Naruto just stared at you with a blank face making you even more pissed off. "Wha- that's what you took out of that, god Naruto you can be such a dunce sometimes, just tell me who the flowers were for and-" "They were for you." You immediately stopped and stared at him with your mouth agape and then looked away blushing madly.

"Come on Naruto stop playing games, it's not funny" He just shyly smiled at you and scratched his neck. "I'm not playing games, I was going to get you flowers to ask you out but... I kind of chickened out, but since you said you liked me too it made me realize i was worried about nothing." You let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding. "Well then, i'd be happy to go out with you Naruto" You smiled back at him while he jumped up and down excitedly. "But there might be something you should be worried about" "Huh what is it?" "Kakashi-sensei" you said nonchalantly while skipping away leaving Naruto shaking.

➪ Sasuke
You had feel asleep on top of the cliff while petting Chrono, until you were awakened when he moved and you heard footsteps. You shot up realizing you could be trapped up here on the cliff.

"There you are, you know you're delaying us right, now let's go" You looked and saw it was Sasuke, of all people 'great'. You laid back down and flatly said 'no'. Sasuke quickly glared at you not expecting the attitude. "What's your issue, you're the one that wanted to join us". You then harshly said back "Yeah i thought it would be fun but it's not anymore so you can just go now."

Sasuke just stared at you "hey where's this coming from, did Suigetsu do something to y-" You then stood up abruptly and turned to Sasuke. "No idiot-" Sasuke then glared at you for calling him that and was about to cut you off before you continued "It's you! You do some sort of love jutsu on girls around you don't you, and then you have to be a jerk to all of them and for what! Just to have them as your lackeys or to seem cool, well i'm done with it i wanna go back to my wilderness life all alone with no one to upset my happiness so if you could just leave now-"
"I don't put girls under any type of love jutsu, girls are just attracted to me for what ever reason, it's really annoying honestly." You stare at him shocked and get even more mad. "You self centered-" "If anything i think you're the one that's got me under some jutsu" "huh.." you stare into his eyes trying to understand what he's playing at.

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