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@giannapalmer        sorry guys jumpscare! 🔵🔵 👥: @walker

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sorry guys jumpscare! 🔵🔵 👥: @walker.scobell

—> @giannapalmer: 💕

@mckennagrace: it had to be said walker, sorry bud.
—> @walker.scobell: WHAT.

@walkerisminegiannasucks: don't worry walkie i like your eyes😍
—>@charliebushnell: me when i lie.

@user598895: BAGAHGA
—>@walker.scobell: stop this madness.

@madifilipowicz: so this is why you weren't answering my calls? i thought we had something real gianna.
—>@giannapalmer: NO FORGET WALKER I LOVE YOU.
—>@walker.scobell: EXCUSE ME?


gianna's pov:


walker came over since we are driving together to dinner that us and the rest of our friend group is going to.

he wanted to straighten my hair! you can just guess how that ended.

"walkerrrr what are you doing?" i could feel my hair burning.

"hush i'm making a masterpiece." walker answered.

"by masterpiece do you mean frying my hair off?" i questioned.

"okay, i give up you're too difficult to work with." walker protested shaking his head.


i finished straightening my hair and went into the bathroom to change into my dress. i decided to wear a pretty black dress.

when i opened the bathroom door, walker was sitting on my bed on his phone.

he looked up from his phone, stood up and walked over to me.

"you look beautiful." walker said twirling his finger around my the end of my hair.

"thank you!" i replied back with a smile.

"GUYS COME DOWNSTAIRS ITS TIME TO GO!!" you can hear my mom yell from downstairs.

some people's parents are going and siblings, since my siblings and parents were coming me and walker sat in the wayyy back together.

"wanna watch something i have my airpods?" i asked him.


"okay so i'm gonna force you to watch the summer i turned pretty!" i told him as i handed him an airpod.


belly just got to the summer house and walker was already complaining.

"why is that conbad guy so grumpy.." walker said messing up conrad's name.

"okay first off it's conrad. and if you would just listen maybe you'd find out?"

we got through 3/4 of the episode when we pulled up to the restaurant.

walker got out of the car and opened the door for me.

"wow what a gentleman."

"it's what i do best." walker responded with a grin.

"sure sure." i said as we walked into the restaurant and found the table that all of our friends were seated at.


a/n: short chapter but oh well! i stayed home from school today bc guess who's sick?

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a/n: short chapter but oh well! i stayed home from school today bc guess who's sick?

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