Chapter 18

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Time Has Come Today

 "Izzie. Izzie come on!" Alex yelled at Izzie, as everyone stood outside the bathroom door. 

"Okay, she's been in there all night. We have to do something." Juliette said. 




"Why are you all looking at me?" Meredith asked, everyone looking at her. 

"Well this is familiar territory to you." Cristina replied. 

"There is nothing familiar about this. Unfamiliar. Denny died. The man she loves died." Meredith said. 

"Yeah, but you're all dark and twisty inside." Juliette said. 

"Dark and twisty?" Meredith asked. 

"The mother with the Altzheimers thing, and the father that you don't talk to." Christina replied. 

"The tequila thing, and the inappropriate men thing..." Alex said. 

"You are dark and twisty inside Meredith, and now Izzie is dark and twisty inside." George tells her. 

 "So now all the sudden I'm the president of people with crappy lives?" Meredith questioned. 

"Seriously we have to do something. Someone has to go in there." George tells them. 

" Well I'm leaving, I'm with Shepherd today which is exciting!" Juliette tells them, walking away from everyone. 


"We have a dural laceration. She's leaking spinal fluid. Let's get an OR ready, ok?" Derek tells Juliette. 

"The dancing's so beautiful." Giselle said. 

"You're beautiful" Omar said, as he starts coughing.

"He's burning up." George said. 

"Somebody get him bed! Let's get her up to the OR right away." Derek tells them. 


"The clot's been evacuated, are we ready to close?" Juliette asked. 

 "I just want to make sure there are no remaining bone fragments." Derek replied. 

"As well as can be expected." George spoke. 

"It never gets easier, you know...losing patient. A little less shocking I guess, but it never gets any easier." Derek tells them. 

"Izzie was in love with him. Denny wasn't just a patient. They were in love." George tells Derek. 


"Nice work today guys." Derek tells them. "Hey did Meredith go home with Izzy?"

"Yeah Christina too, that's where we're headed there now." Juliette replied. 

"yeah, me too." Derek said. 

"Oh great, it's just that...I don't know if Izzie's up for a lot of people." George tells him. 

"Well I'm gonna go see Meredith." Derek replied, causing Juliette to role her eyes at them. As she went to leave a man in a suit stopped her. 

"Mr. Shepherd? Dr. O'Malley? Dr Stark? I'm with the IDC is anyone else in this room?" The man Questioned. 

"No." Derek tells him. 

"You performed the Surgery on Mrs. Toussant?" The guy asked. 


"She and her husband were in close contact with a victim of the plague. She may have been exposed." He tells them. 

"Which means we may have been..." Derek starts. 

"Yes." The man replied, making Juliette groan. 

"I gotta go. I can't do this." Derek said, Juliette agreeing with him. 

"We're waiting on the diagnosis on Mrs. Toussant. This room will be sealed off until we know the threat has been contained, and you're absolutely safe." The man said. 

"You're not saying that..." George starts. 

"You can't leave. You three are quarantined." 


Juliette was starting to lose her mind with how George was acting in the locker room. She was ready to leave and go home as Mark had something important to tell her. Juliette was broken out of her thoughts as George started more freaking out. 

"We've been exposed to the plague." George said. 

"They don't know it's the plague." Derek tells him. 

"So the men in the white suits?" George asked. "Just, what, making a fashion statement?"

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