Chapter 15

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17 seconds

Juliette, Cristina, Izzie, and Meredith were all at joe's bar after a shift watching Derek and Preston playing darts. 

"He's picturing my face. He's totally picturing that dart puncturing my skull." Cristina says. "Whoa! Look at that." 

"Derek...Derek is picturing you." Juliette says, as Derek gave Meredith a heated glare. 

"He called me a whore. He lost the right to picture me." Meredith replied. 


"So I fall asleep during sex." Cristina says.  "So what? Ass!"

 "Ass!" Meredith said. 

"Ass!" Juliette also says wanting to also say ass. 

"Oh, ass! Hey!" Izzie says as Alex walks by. 

"Isobel Stevens has finally left the hospital." Alex said. "Does this mean heart patient dude finally kicked it?" 

"I'm sorry. This section of the bar is for surgeons. We don't socialize with gynecologists." Izzie replied as Alex walks away. 

"George!" Izzie says.

"Callie, George you guys made it!" Juliette said, wanting Callie to feel welcomed as she knew her friends weren't fond of Callie. 

"Hey." Izzie said. 

"Hi, Callie." Meredith says. 

"Hi, Dr. Torres." Cristina said. 

"Uh, gin and tonic and a beer." George told Joe. 

At the Hospital-

 "Why are they all in the hallway?" Meredith asked, as the interns walk in the hallway.

 "Overflow from the ER." Juliette said. 

"A paramedic told us an employee went postal. shot up a restaurant." Izzie says. 

"I heard he got away." George replied. 

 "Really?" Meredith questioned. 


 "Two dead, 14 injured. The policeman say the gunman got away so there could be more incoming." Richard said to Burke. 

 "I could stay. We could send Bailey." Burke replied. 

"No. You're our only cardiothoracic transplant specialist. You go get that heart." Richard says. 

"Oh, forget it, Karev and Stark. I already asked." Cristina tells Alex and Juliette as Richard and Burke talk. "It's not going to...happen." 

"Dr. Burke! Dr. Burke! I heard you were getting a heart. Can I go with you?" Alex asked.

"Can I go with too?" Juliette asked. "I have no patients" 

 "I asked first." Cristina said. 

"You didn't get assigned any gunshot cases?" Burke asked Alex and Cristina.

"Well, yeah, but if you had put me on this when I asked I would've been free." Cristina replied. 

"I didn't. I'm not doing anything." Alex said. 

"No, he's on the gynie squad!" Cristina says. 

"Not if you put me on this transplant. Please." 

"Let's go, Karev and Stark." burke says. 

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