Let's Get Physical, Physical

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Aria's POV

"I'm done." I shook my head, eyes clouding over as I turned away from Harry. "How could you? I trusted you!" I yelled at him, crossing my arms as he frowned. "Babe I swear I didn't mean to upset you!" He protested, trying to grab my arms but I just wouldn't have it. I immediately backed away from his grip. "You should have known better!" I shook my head at him in disgust as he bit his lip. "I know... I'm sorry." he mumbled, stepping closer to me.

"No I'm not forgiving you!" I backed away from him again.

"Babe I thought you wouldn't mind!" He groaned as the boys snickered. "Told you , you shouldn't have bitten into her burger." Louis smirked as Harry rolled his eyes. "It's a burger! It's just food!" He yelled as Niall and I gasped over dramatically, causing everyone in McDonald's to look over at us to see what the commotion was about.

"Only food!? Is it only air that we breathe!?" Niall fanned the air around him. "Is it only blood that courses through our veins!?" I added, glaring at Harry who winced. "Ouch guys, your sarcasm hurts." he held his chest. "Look I'm sorry, really I am." Harry breathed as he pouted. "But does your sorry make another Big Mac appear on my plate? NO!" I narrowed my eyes at Harry who huffed.

"How about I buy you another one?" Harry suggested, fishing out his wallet as he looked up at me with hopeful eyes. "Hmmm... ok!" I smiled happily, bouncing in my seat as Harry rolled his eyes and got up to go order again. "Thanks babe!" I called out to him. "Yeah, yeah." He mumbled back as he approached the counter.

"So, now that Harry's gone tell us what happened last night!" Louis whispered lowly as he and the boys moved closer to listen in as well. "A girl never blows and tells boys." I told them as they all flew backwards in their seat, gasping loudly. "ARIA HOPE." Liam yelped as he stared at me with wide eyes.

"What?" I asked him slowly. "You naughty girl." Zayn shook his head as he smirked. "Harry's a lucky guy."

"Why am I a lucky guy?" Harry came back, carrying my Big Mac which I took eagerly and began to eat. "Oh nothing..." Niall trailed off with a sly smile. "what he means to say is that nothing makes you more of a lucky guy than the fact that you have a very helpful girlfriend." Louis pointed towards me as I smiled up at Harry through a mouthful of the burger.

"Um... okay?" Harry sat back down and rested his arm around me comfortably while he continued to eat. "So what's the plan for today?" Harry asked us all. "We got a studio session later at four so we're free until then." Liam said as we all nodded. "What time is it now?" Sienna spoke up from her spot on Niall's lap. Wait whoa what- "Nearly one." I looked over at her, makin eye contact as I mentally asked her about why she was on Niall's lap looking pretty comfortable.

"Oh." She started blushing furiously as she got up from her seat. "Just remembered that Aria and I have that thing we were going to do." sienna spoke nervously as she eyed me to back her up. "What thing-" she pinched me. Ouchie. "Oh right! That thing, how could I forget?" I slapped my forehead dumbly as I quickly got up. "something's going on." Liam said as he looked between me and Sienna.

"Nothing's going on. Just girl things." Sienna told Liam before she grabbed my wist. "now let's go."

"Wait wait wait wait wait!" Harry pulled me back towards him. "Are you meeting up with anyone?" He asked curiously. "Harry remember what i told you last night?" I raised an eyebrow at Harry and smirked as he gulped instinctively. "Uh yes..." he flushed brightly as I sniggered and bent down to kiss his cheek. "I love you." I smiled as he grinned. "Love you too."

"Okay enough with the lovey dovey crap save it for the bedroom, we NEED to go!" sienna whined as she continued to tug on my arm. "I'll see you lot later." I waved at the boys as I allowed sienna to pull me out of the building.

And she didn't stop. I think she kept pulling me along for a few minutes until we reached a small park which she quickly led me into. "Tell me everything!" we said in unison, holding onto each others arms with big yet worrying smiles on our faces. "You first! Did he ask you out?" I asked her excitedly as she bit her lip and giggled. "Yeah..." I squealed. "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! I TOLD YOU HE FELT THE SAME WAY! WHAT HAPPENED!? HOW DID HE ASK YOU OUT?"

"SHHHHH!" sienna shushed me by clamping my lips shut with her fingers. "Niall wanted the two of us to tell you all later tonight together, but obviously you're the only exception so please, don't tell the other's yet." She begged me and I nodded, smiling as I poked her sides. "I told you he likes youuu." I mused as she rolled her eyes. "I know, I know."

"So how did he ask you out?" I asked her again. "Well basically you know how we've been hanging out a lot lately?" She started as I nodded. "Yeah I barely see you!"

"I know, but anyways we just got to know each other more and stuff then last night he asked if we could hang out on Valentines Day you know, as friends. Have to say that hurt quite a bit and Louis, that cheeky bastard had to join us as well which ended up with us three heading to the tattoo parlour. We hung around there quite a bit; Louis tried to get Niall into getting a tattoo but Niall refused. Ummm Louis decided he was going to get a few done and it was going to take apparently a while so I told Niall and Louis that I was just going to go back to the hotel. Niall didn't want to leave Lou." Sienna frowned as I groaned.

"Aww, stupid Niall! No wonder why he was so quiet when Harry and I got there." I said. "You and Harry were there?" she looked at me a bit stunned. "Small world.

"Yeah Harry apparently got himself a tattoo for me- tattoos most likely knowing him. " I told her as she nodded. "That's so sweet. Are you going to get one for him as well?" She asked as I tilted my head in thought. "You know what I really would, but my parents would kill me if there was even a bit of pen on my skin, much less a tattoo."

"I think you should; rebellious teens have gone mainstream recently." Sienna said as I shrugged. "Meh I don't know. Maybe. Harry doesn't want me getting a tattoo unless he's the one doing it for me because apparently he doesn't want anyone touching me except for himself." i chuckled as sienna smirked. "Speakin about touching, how was last night?" She asked, nudging my shoulder suggestively as i blushed.

"It was... steamy." I replied curtly as sienna grinned. "Did he like it?" Sienna asked again. Isn't she a curious cat. "I refuse to tlel you all the details about harry and I's Valentines Day escapades." I rolled my eyes as she frowned. "Come on! It's just a simple question!" She whined as I huffed. "Sienna. I am not having a conversation about this in public."

"Fine." she sighed. "How big was he? I reckon nine inches-" I cut her off and nearly screamed. "SIENNA!" She laughed and pushed my hand off her mouth. "Relax Aria, there's nothing to be ashamed of. You successfully blew Harry Styles which sort of calls for a little gloating don't you think? Especially since it was your first time doing it to anyone."

"Oh my God." I rubbed my temples as people started looking at us oddly. "At least answer this question; simple yes or no would be fine. Did he return the favor?" Sienna asked as she inched closer to me. I bit my lip and looked left and right, making sure no paps were around to snap this moment and interpret it wrong. "Yes."

Sienna slowly backed away, her jaw dropped to the floor as I licked my lips. "So-So you're telling me his fingers were-" she thrusted two of her fingers into the air and I couldn't help but laugh at the awkwardness that is sienna. "Did you two go all the way?" she whispered quietly again as i shook my head.

"No, no we didn't. I don't think I'm quite ready yet to be honest. I'm glad Harry respects that." I smiled as she aww'd. "Awww he better, or else I'll bust up his head." she snapped her fingers in the air as I laughed. "No need Sienna. He's literally perfect. You know what he got me for Valentines Day?"

"What did he get you? Bling, cash, what!?" she asked excitedly as i roled my eyes. "None of that actually! He got me an autographed photo of Audrey Hepburn and a cintage movie reel of my favorite movie of all time: Breakfast at Tiffany's!" I squealed happily, rocking on the heels of my feet as I clapped my hands.

"Ummm that's nice, I guess? I mean,it's not something I'm into so that's probably why I'm not as excited as you but honestly that's the sweetest thing ever." Sienna smiled as I nodded. "Yeah..." I smiled, mind drifting off to last night for a few small seconds before my head snapped back to Sienna. "Now that we both have boyfriends- a miracle to be honest, I think we should celebrate that little transition from being friend zone to actual relationship." I joked as I took out my phone.

"Agreed. When I always asked the big man up there to let me meet Niall so he can fall in love with me; I didn't expect it to actually happen. But since he's granting wishes, could he help a sister out and make my boobs bigger like come on!" She yelled at the sky, groping her breasts as I laughed and pushed her hands down.

"Leave that for when you're with Niall." i told her, chuckling as she blushed. "Now how about we head back to the hotel and watch some chick flicks?" I asked her, hooking my arm around hers. "Sounds like a plan." she smiled as we began to walk out of the park.

Back at the hotel, Sienna and I raced into my hotel room and popped in our favorite film Magic Mike. We then sat back against the mini sofa with a nice fluffy duvet over us while we ate slices of watermelon. Forty five minutes in to the film and Sienna and I were already half dead. "Sienna I really can't." I sobbed half heartedly as we watched Channing Tatum strip off.

"Imagine Harry and Niall's faces if they knew what we were watching." sienna chuckled as she bit her lip. I sighed happily as I watched Matthew McConaughey rip off his top. "Harry who?" Sienna and I shared a knowing look before turning back to the large television screen.

"I'm telling you, they're probably in here-" Speak of the two devils. "There you two are!" Harry yelled as he stepped to the side to let in the rest of the lads. "We've been trying to reach you two but you,re not answering your cells!" Liam scolded as she rested his hands on his hips, stepping in front of the television which unfortunately blocked the best part of the film so far. "Move Liam we're missing Channing tatum humping the floor!" I whined, throing a cusion at his face as I tried to see past him.

"Channing Tatum humping the-" Liam turned to face the screen and never have I seen such horror on his face. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" He screeched. Harry didn't look too happy as well.

Oh well, at least Liam's not blocking the screen anymore. I ogled the screen shamelessly,bitting into my watermelon slice as Channing got up and everything was zoomed in and just i really can't right now. "I got this." Harry pushed Liam aside and stood in front of the screen. "Harry!" I groaned, leaning to the side to look past him.

Harry let out a long sigh of aggravation before he lifted his top up, revealing his toned torso knowing it was my weakness- sort of. Obviously the first thing my eyes landed on were his v-lines which were starting to become prominent again, then the intricate lines that shaped his abs and finally his happy trail.

He started walking towards me, ignoring Sienna who still had her eyes trained on the screen. I looked up at Harry from my spot on the sofa, breathing erratically when I realized how close harry was to me right now; my face being in front of his... region.

Harry smirked and brought his hand down to stroke my hair softly before his hands trailed down my arms to my hand currently not holding a slice of watermelon. He gently brought my hand up and rested it on his stomach. "I hate you." I muttered, shaking my head as i looked up at Harry who had a wide grin on his face. He turned to Sienna who was still looking at the screen. "You want to touch too?'Harry asked sienna who rolled her eyes.

"No thank you." she said as Harry huffed. "Well." I turned to Niall who had a shy smile on his face. I motioned for him to lift up his shirt and he looked at me quite confused until Harry had to walk up to niall and do it for him. "Oooooh look at those rock hard abs!" Harry swooned, rubbing Niall's stomach with his large hand which made Niall squeal and laugh loudly.

I guess that grabbed sienna's attention because next thing we knew she was staring shamelessly at Niall's bare stomach, biting her lip as she did so. Niall's cheeks flared with joy from the attention and I couldn's help but smile at him. Niall really deserves to be happy; any girl would be stupid to not want him.

"Okay, you've won us over." sienna shut the tv off then stood up to punch Niall jokingly in the arm. "Have you two been here the whole time?" Louis asked inquisitively as he plopped down next to me. "yeah pretty much. I thought you guys had a studio session to go to?" I shrugged as he nodded. "We leave in an hour, so we have time to kill." Louis explained. "So we thought we'd see what you two were up to.

I smiled at them as I continued to eat my watermelon, swallowing the black seed even if you were supposed to spit them out. I don't know why i do it, but I just do. "Why do you always swallow the black seeds, you could choke on them you know." Sienna asked as she shook her head at me.

"I always swallow I guess." Shrugging before sending a wink at Harry who bit his lip and turned his gaze away from me, cheeks flushed.

"Anyways, good thing we came just in time, or else who knows what could have gone on in this room." Zayn winked at Sienna and I as we rolled our eyes. "Harry, Zayn's flirting with us again." I told Harry who immediately raced up to Zayn. "Back off my woman." He pointed a finger at Zayn who smirked. "Really? Because she didn't tell me to last night." Oh he did not. "Shut up Malik she was with me all night." Harry stared down at Zayn who scoffed. "Where do you think she went after you went to sleep?"

The moment Harry began to raise his balled fist, I was quick to stand up and pull his arm back. "Harry don't. He's just teasing." I looked down, feeling Harry step back slightly as he held removed his arm from my grip. He looked between Zayn and I then stalked off without another word.

"Harry-" zayn tried to stop him but Harry only shut the door behind him as he left the room. "Great." I muttered, shaking my head disapprovingly at Zayn who sighed. "I'll go talk to him-" I pushed Louis aside and shook my head. "No I will."

"Hurry then, we have to leave in a few minutes." Liam said as I nodded. I walked out of the room and followed after Harry, mind reeling at what just happened in there. Usually Harry would see it as mild banter and not make a deal of it but instead he saw it as a reason to start a fist fight.

I slowed down my steps as I approached the taller boy who was looking out the full body window, hands in his pockets as he stared at whatever was outside the building. In the time I've known Harry, there was one thing that really stood out among all his personality traits and that was his mild anger issues. He'd be completely happy for a moment then his mood would easily change and suddenly his smile is replaced with a figurative frown and his green eyes would turn to almost black.

What's worst is that Harry a physical kind of guy. One word to provoke him and he knocks the day light out of you. The dark side of Harry enjoys the pain he causes on people yet his lighter side- his soft side I suppose, doesn't really want to have to hurt you but his dark side overtakes him as he blacks out for a second. This happens a lot during out petty fights, but he'd never lay a finger on me, unless it was to hug me or comfort me.

Harry hasn't complete let go of his past, that's one thing I know. I can tell he has urges too, but don't we all? I stopped walking as I stood next to him, training my eyes on whatever Harry was looking at, though I reckon he was lost in his thoughts again.

"Do you love me?" He asked suddenly, filling the void of the silence we just had. "Of course I do." I told him. "Last night... when we... 'explored' each other... did you do it because you love me, or because you felt like you had to?" Harry asked again as I shrugged. "I did it because I wanted to, and because I love you. Why would you feel like I had to?"

"I don't know. I guess it's because you're always saying how I would probably leave you for some other chick because she would give me what I want and well, since you gave me what I wanted last night, I guess... I just figured... you know... you did it because you were afraid to lose me?" He looked down at the toes of his shoes, kicking the carpeted floor under us as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I guess that is kind of true- the afraid of losing you part. Everything else is not true; what I do with you are my own decisions that aren't based on what anyone else thinks." I told him as he sighed. "Okay."

"You're a very complex person Harry." I said as he turned to me. "Am I?" I nodded. "Yes, you are. Probably why I took an interest in you in the first place. What I can't seem to understand is why you're always on edge when Zayn talks to me. You don't notice it but I do. You tense up and kind of try to pull me away from talking to him. All Zayn and I are friends you know."

"I know that. I guess that image of you sleeping in his bed in his clothes still haunts my mind to this day. I'm scared I might walk in on that again." He chuckled nervously as I frowned. "You really think I would cheat on you?" of course he thinks that. He's already accused me of cheating after that whole Jay thing.

"How could you not? I'm a douche." he leaned against the wall as he stared down at me with a sad smile. "I'm waiting on the day you leave me." and this was the moment when I realized that underneath that tough character was a broken one. "I don't like the fact that I can be easily replaced-" I stopped him right there.

"But you can't be easily replaced Harry. You go on and on about how I should date someone who'd be good for me when really all I need is you. I don't want some goody two shoes, diploma holding, grammar Nazi simple guy. I want you. I like the risk of being with you. All my life it's always been Rosaria do this, Rosaria do that, Rosaria don't do this, Rosaria don't do that- everyone telling me what to do, who to be friends with and not to love and you know what, I'm disbobeying them all right now because I'm here with you and I love you-"

Harry crashed his lips to mine, holding me close as I kissed him back hungrily. He pulled away first and looked down at me with a small smile. "I get it. You love me."

"Exactly. Now please go apologize to Zayn;I don't like controversy." I poked a finger at his chest as he nodded. "I'll go do that right now." He pecked me on the nose, causing me to giggle. "Thank you by the way, for helping me calm down." he said as he turned to leave. "Anytime." i smiled at him as he went on his way.

I sighed contently as continued to ogle the beautiful streets of Stockholm, until the sounds of my phone going off interrupted me. I took out my phone and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Hello again love."

My eyes widened.

"What do you want now?" I asked them, waiting nervously for them to answer. "I see you and Harry have been getting along quite well recently." They completely ignored my question. "which I find rather amazing considering the little Jay stunt you pulled a few nights ago."

"That was you!? You took the pictures and gave them to the tabloids didn't you!" I raised my voice, awestruck and confused as to why someone would want to do this. "Correct you are. Lucky for you my plan was easily foiled after that Jay kid tweeted about the picture of him and his girlfriend. Otherwise Harry would have ran into my arms instead of yours."

"Why are you doing this to me? To the boys? What could have they done that made you this way?" I asked the anonymous caller who scoffed. "Still blinded by their caring personalities aren't you? Sorry to break the table but that's not who they really are. If only you lived your life through my perspective, you'd understand why I'm doing this."

"Why are you after Harry then? You practically said you hated them all." I told them. "I do hate them all, but unfortunately my love for Harry will never go away. He'll always have that effect on you, even after he leaves you." Did we just have a moment? I think we did.

"If you hate him so much, why do you wan tto be with him? Why are you trying to break us up?" I asked, curious as to why this female, or male wants me to suffer. "So I can take what's rightfully mine then crush his little heart because he deserves it."

"And using me will help you how?" I asked. "Easy. You have him wrapped around your little finger- one false move and I can have you break up with him or have him dump you for whatever reason I put on the plate. You'll be hurting, Harry will be hurting, until i swoop in and comfort him. He'll eventually learn to trust again but I'll do the same thing you would have done and he's back to the old Harry except this time, he can't change."

"You're a horrible person." I shook my head in disgust.

"Would you like to know your task or would you rather I send a truck to ram into the boy's car on their way to their studio session?" My eyes widened at what they said. "I'm listening."

"Hmm best choice. Your task this week is your second last one. You better not fuck up or I will pull through with that truck idea when you last expect it. Or maybe I'll even phone your parents and tell them where you are." I groaned. "I get it, just tell me."

"Your task is to actually cheat on Harry; with the boy of your choice. I don't care who it is, what you do, or where you do it. I want Harry to catch you; I want him to feel the pain of being cheated on."

Suddenly, I didn't feel too well. "You want me to w-what?"

"I want you to cheat on him, was I not clear?" They scoffed.

'N-No I heard you clearly... I'm just shocked..." Harry and I haven't even been dating for a month."Brilliant. You have a week." the hung tone signal left a ringing in my ears as i ended the call.

It took me a few moments to even my breathing as I slid down the wall and tried to gather my thoughts. I was expecting something along the lines of maybe ignoring Harry for a few weeks, or get into a fight with him and not talk to him for a few weeks, but cheat on him? This seemed all too much.

I really didn't want to have to do it but did I really want to risk one of the boys getting hurt? My time was very limited as well, and it hurt. A lot. We haven't even been dating a month, but I've known him for almost a full year.

Now I want to take back all those days spent fighting with him. They could have been spent on better things like actually being with Harry.

How I was going to approach this, I wasn't too sure yet.

I knew I had to find someone to cheat on Harry with, as horrible as that sounds. Then I would have to actually cheat on Harry which is even more horrible. I'm a horrible person.

I wish there was some other way to do this.

Louis' POV

We were currently in the studios recording Little Things, which needless to say is our ultimate fave on the album. Harry and zayn were working on the harmonies together on the sofa while Niall and Laid back and relaxed quietly while Liam was in the booth recording.

Zayn and Harry patched things up and were on speaking terms, though you can tell Harry was a little strained. Aria and Sienna were becak at the hotel and Niall kept staring at his phone like it was the most precious thing in the world. He could possibly be texting Sienna. Harry has that same look on his face when he texts Aria so I suppose Niall is talking to Sienna.

The boy is practically in love with the girl; Niall I mean. I think we've already established that Harry's head over heals for Aria and quite frankly I can see why.

Harry really wanted to record Little Things by himself but of course since we are a band we have to sing it together but Harry's apparently hooked things up with Ed and the two of them are going to record it together for Aria.

I look down at my phone phone, seeing as we,re all preoccupied in our own technologies and noticed I had a few old texts from Aria that were never opened. I clicked on her name and read the texts that seemed to be all cell numbers of girls who I could potentially date. I think her 'I gotchu lou' text pretty much explained it and I deleted them all.

I'm not looking into getting into a relationship. Not after Eleanor. She was a lovely girl, just not the one for me. We ended on good terms nonetheless but the struggle of keeping a girlfriend when we're taveling everywhere, especially now since we're a global success, makes me want to wait until things are a little settled down to try to meet someone.

Plus Elle's all I really need. If i were to have a twin, she'd be it; we're literally one in the same.

Another text was sent in by some unknown number and I don't quote remember whose it was. I clicked on their number and read the text.

Cheating is a choice, not a mistake. Fair warning to you Louis, your best mate is about to get his heart broken.


The mysterious sender didn't mean much to me at first; my first assumptions being a fan had gotten my number again and was sending me these crazy messages, then I remembered the note I got on the day of Harry and Aria's birthday. That note seemed to warn me as well.

Maybe I'm just over thinking this- being so used to protecting Harry has it's downsides. Harry gets angry pretty easily and you don't want to have to deal with an angry Harry. Of course nowadays he's been much happier than he has been in the last two years or so and Aria's definitely one of the main reasons why.

I ignored the messaged and locked my phone before looking up at Harry who,d been staring at his for a long time. "Oi what are yu looking at?" I whispered. "Nothing important." He shook his head before setting his phone down. "Well it's got to be if you've been staring at your phone for ages." I noted as he sighed. "Okay fine, I'm on twitter. Happy?" he huffed.

"I guess so?" I couldn't see why he was getting worked up over this but I rather not ask since he looks like he's already pissing himself. "They keep sending her hate and it's absolutely disgusting. Do they really think I'm going to love them after they do this? It's sickening." Harry shook his head as he tossed his phone to the side.

"They're all just prissy little girls sitting behind a computer or whatever device they have. Take that away and their confidence is gone. Plus Aria seems to handle it quite well." Zayn reassured Harry who shook his head. "No you're wrong. Yesterday we had a run in with the fans and one moment she was telling this girl off in the kindest way possible then next she's breaking down in my arms. She's not as strong as you think she is mate." Harry frowned as he shook his head.

"Then we'll help her be stronger; be there for her when she needs us and give her some advice when she needs it. After all the help she's given each of us I think it's about time we give some back." Niall said as he finally put down his phone.

"Yeah we don't want a repeat of Danielle." Liam half smiled, stepping out of the booth as we nodded understandingly. Danielle had been Liam's first long term girlfriend of two years since the X Factor, until they mutually broke it off some few months back before we met Aria. The two were pretty devastated but they figured it was best not to be together since the amount of hate Danielle got overwhelmed them both.

Not everything sent to her was hate though, and we've got a few sassy fans out there who stood up for Danielle when she needed it and that was much appreciated. Still, they haven't contacted each other since but probably for the best.

"What if it gets too much? What if we have to break up?" Harry's eyes widened as he began to mildly freak out. I rolled my eyes. "I doubt it. You two are still in that honeymoon phase." I said.

"Yeah Haz, plus there's plenty of fish in the sea if things don't work out." Niall added as Harry huffed. "But the only fish I want is Aria."

"And you have her! Don't get too worked up about this. Just always be there for her like you did yesterday and everything will be fine." Liam patted Harry on the back who blew a breath. "Okay, I got this. Who knew being a relationship would be this stressful?"

"All relationships are Harry." zayn laughed as Harry shrugged. "By the way mate I'm sorry again for almost punching you. I tend to get... physical... when I'm angry." Harry chuckled lowly as Zayn shook his head. "Nah it's fine mate, i shouldn't have said what I said."

"Still I need to learn to talk things through instead of punching people." Harry smiled small. "Aria thinks I'm mental." I sighed. "Harry we all think you're mental, but that's why we love you yeah?" A grin pulled on Harry,s lips as he blushed.

"I love you all too. As the baby of the band I want to thank you all for helping me become the man I am today." he smiled, dimples on his cheeks as Niall ruffled his curls. "We couldn't have done it without our secret weapon."

"Which is?" Harry asked. "Aria of course!" Zayn nudged Harry who nodded. "haha yeah I guess."

"Happy I told you to use the loo before we left Nando's that day?" I asked Harry who chuckled and nodded again. "Definitely. You might have actually helped me meet my soul mate." He smiled at me as our eyes locked. As we shared a knowing smile, I looked down and nodded to myself, somewhat proudly.

It'd been a long time since Harry and I had a weird best friend telepathy moment like this. With management being so uptight about our friendship and having us barely hangout in public without the rest of the boys with us, I kind of forgotten what it was like hanging out with Harry.

It usually included pranks on the boys, listening to tunes, or cuddling and watching a film. That was back in 2010, when things were much easier and we could get away with doing anything. When Ava came along, I accepted the fact I had to share my best friend with someone who at the time I didn't know would occupy him so much that he would turn into that monster.

Safe to say after losing my best mate for over a year and a half, I finally got him back when he met Aria. It's crazy for me to even begin with, explaining how Aria helped brought Harry back without knowing it.

I'm happy they are together; we all are.


HAPPY EASTERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! :D I really hope you like this chapter :) so much more to come in CMS, I reckon there's probably a few more chapters to go until you find out who anonymous is which im guessing you all really want to know.

my friend at school was practically begging on her knees for me to tell her. i didnt :') she hates me now i think. oh well heh ;)

btw could you help spread the word about this story? ive never promoted my fics before (im lame at that and awkward too) so this is the first time im doin it so pleaseee share it with your friends and yeah :) wow im so awkward [waves]

(10+ VOTES FOR NEXT UPDATE bc y'all are lazy asses and cant vote when i say 20 sp whatever 10)

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