Little Things

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Aria's POV

"You better not be peeking." Harry teased as he led me along. I was blindfolded right when we stepped out of the taxi much to my displeasure but Harry insisted it was needed since our dinner location was supposed to be a surprise. Though I have a vague idea of where we're eating at. "Are we there yet?" I asked Harry once I felt us start to slow down.

"No. Bunch of punk asses are staring at you so I'm showing them you're mine baby." Harry whispered huskily into my ear before nibbling on my lobe lightly, eliciting a moan from me. "Hmm stop." I sighed as Harry chuckled darkly. "No baby they're still looking." Harry said as he pulled me closer to him. I inwardly rolled my eyes and succumbed to his touch. After a moment or so Harry moved away from me but kept his hands on my waist as we continued to walk. "Okay they're gone." Harry sighed in relief.

"I'll never understand why you get jealous when guys notice my existence. I'm pretty sure I should be the one jealous what with you having most of the female population at their knees for you." I said as Harry chuckled. "Clearly you have not seen yourself in the mirror lately. You're beautiful and you have the personality to accompany it. This is going to be really sappy but you're all I really see because nobody can surpass how beautiful you are to me."

"Clearly I need to wear a dress more often." I joked, feeling my cheeks turn pink from his little revelation. "Hmm yes...but only around me because I should be the only one to see your legs." Harry added as I rolled my eyes. "Oh you mean these elephant legs." I pulled at the flabby skin but felt a hand smack mine away. "Don't do that, you're perfect the way you are." Harry breathed. "Plus you haven't seen my legs back in the X Factor. I wore this bright pair of trousers once to an interview and when I sat down my legs looked like tree stumps. I was called Thunder Thighs for the next few months." Harry said as I giggled. "Thunder Thighs."

"Hey." Harry poked my sides making me laugh. "Okay I'm sorry." I managed between laughs. "But seriously are we there yet?" I asked him. "Yeas sweetie we are." Harry said as we stopped. "Well can I take off the blindfold?" I brought my hands up but felt them being pushed down. I groaned inwardly. "Let me babe." Harry said as he began to pull off my blindfold. Finally it fell off and I gasped as I looked up at the familiar restaurant. "SURPRISE!!" Harry waved his hands in hair excitedly as I laughed and smacked him lightly in the chest.

"Harry you didn't have to take me somewhere so expensive, but thank you." I smiled at him as he smirked. "Anything for my little cookie." He kissed my cheek as he led me inside. We were greeted by Jacques, an old friend who was standing behind the podium. "Ah I see the young couple has arrived. Reservations?" Jacques smiled as he looked through his big book.

"Yes, reservations under the name Styles." Harry spoke posh as he linked his arm around mine. "Right this way." Jacques said as he grabbed two menus and led us towards a table in the back. "Let me." Harry said immediately as he pulled my chair back. "Oh thank you." I smiled meekly as I sat down. Harry ran to the other side of the table and sat down, fixing his collar as he eyed the table. "Here are you menus." Jacques handed Harry and I the menus. "A waiter will arrive shortly to take your order."

I opened the menu and flipped through the pages until I reached my favorite dishes. "Hey Harry what are you order?" I asked him, looking over the menu only to see him stare confusingly at the page he was on. "What's fil-filet ming-mignon?" Harry asked awkwardly. "It's just fancy looking beef." I chuckled, finding it adorable that he was so confused. "O-Oh..." He blushed, hiding behind his menu.

After a moment or two I finally decided on what to order and was now helping Harry. "Okay I think I'm just going to have the Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding." Harry decided, slamming his menu shut. "All these French words are giving me a migraine." He groaned. "I thought you were fluent in French?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "I am. But most of the food I eat are in English not French." he muttered.

"Good evening Sir and Madame I am Camille and I will be your waitress for the evening." Camille smiled down at Harry as we both nodded. Jacques you said waiter not waitress! "Are you both ready to order?" She asked us politely. "Yes, I would like-" I was cut off rudely by Camille who batted her eyelashes at Harry. "What would you like to order Harry?" Of course.

"Um I'd like Roast Beef- medium rare- with Yorkshire pudding and a bottle of champagne please." Harry smiled up at up waitress who nodded and feverishly wrote down his order. "How about you?" she turned to me sharply and clicked her pen. "I'll be having the Beef Wellington dish and the Sheppard's Pie." I told her monotonously as I kept my eyes glued on my menu.

"Sure you can finish all of that?" She asked perkily as she leant against Harry's chair, running her stupid hands down his chest. I'm pretty darn sure I can finish her if you know what I mean. "Of course." I smiled at her bitterly. "Sure." she smiled back. "Now I'll be going now, don't miss me too much." She winked at Harry, taking both of our menus before trotting off. The nerve of this girl.

"So." Harry snapped me out of my thoughts as he drummed the table. "The waitress seems nice." Oh brilliant, he mentions her. "Yeah, charming." I muttered as I began to play with the knife on my napkin. "You seem a bit off. What's wrong?" Harry asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. "Why don't you ask our waitress? She seems more than willing to have a conversation with you." I snapped.

"And the claws are out. Meow!" Harry meowed like a cat as he clawed the air. "I'm just joking around but seriously what's wrong with our waitress? She's just being polite." Breaking news my boyfriend is an idiot. I am dating an idiot. "Yeah politely feeling you up right in front of me. Are you that dense?" I murmured. Apparently Harry didn't hear me as he continued. "I mean she's hot-" ouch. "but baby you make her look like ice compared to you." oh. I felt my cheeks turn crimson as I looked up at Harry. "Really?"

"Yes, really. So don't worry your pretty little mind princess because I'm all yours." Harry poked my nose, making me giggle. "And I'm afraid I'm yours too." I smiled at him as he smirked. "Hey here she comes now with our champagne." Harry said as he pointed to Camille. "I have an idea..." he looked towards me slyly. "and what-" I was cut off yet again but for a good reason because Harry had pulled me into a kiss, which looked a bit odd since a table was separating us. But he stood a little so he was hovering over me as he kissed me deeply.

We heard Camille gasp behind us and Harry pulled away, cheekily smiling at me as he licked his lips. "Thanks." Harry said to Camille who was wide eyed as she gave Harry our drink. "Now move along." Harry waved her off as she scoffed and stormed back to the kitchen.

I laughed loudly, snorting as I brought my hand to my mouth. "Oh my God her reaction was priceless! I should be jealous more often." Harry smiled at me and took my hand in his, entwining our fingers as he launched into a chat about his plans for the future. We talked about their new album and how they already started writing songs for it. Then he started talking about a possible tour which saddened me a little but still made me feel very proud of him to see how much success he and the boys have gotten.

I know I'll miss him a lot but I'm sure Harry will probably do something stupid to get management to let me go with them if they go on tour.

"You food sir and madam." A new waiter came, and bless my soul he's a looker. I know I'm dating Harry and I love him, a lot but damn this guy's blessed. I'm guessing Camille didn't want to wait on us anymore. Good. "Thank you." I smiled up at him thankfully as he nodded. "Anything for a pretty lady like you." okay I giggled. "Anyways, just call for me if you need anything." He winked at me slyly, making me bite my lip as he walked away.

"Ahem when you remember who I am I'll be waiting." Harry cleared his throat, making me turn to him as I smiled at him apologetically. "Sorry... I love you?" I said reassuringly, hoping it was a good thing to say. "I love you too." He muttered lowly as he looked down at his lap. Could see the pained expression on his face as he nibbled on his bottom lip thoughtfully. "Hey." Harry looked up. "What?"

"Come 'ere." I wiggled my finger at him to move closer and he sighed, getting up to lean closer to me. "what now-" I cut him off by crashing my lips to his, much like he did to me earlier. "Ahem." I pulled away and smirked at Harry who crashed into his seat, looking a bit flabbergasted. I licked my lips and winked at Harry before looking up at our waiter. "Yes?"

"Here's your complimentary lemon tarts. Enjoy your evening." he gave us the two small tin trays then scurried off. I raised an eyebrow and nodded approvingly as I set the tart aside and dug into my beef wellington, using the correct fork. Harry on the other hand looked like he was having a mini existential crisis. "You use that one." I pointed at the right fork as he sighed in relief and smiled at me thankfully. "Thank you baby."

We ate for silence but I was quick to make conversation with Harry. I talked to him about my family, explaining to him every single detail about them and the story behind my royalty. Harry listened carefully too, looking really intrigued and asking questions about everything which left me touched because he actually cared.

Then we talked about his family, his friends, and he even told me some stories about him and the boys during the X Factor. I loved listening to Harry's stories, though they felt like an hour long since he spoke so deep and slow but nonetheless it was nice hearing him talk about his accomplishments in life and what he looked forward to doing.

Suddenly soft harp music began to play near us and Harry stopped talking, fixing his top as he stood up. "May I have this dance?" he asked lowly. "People will stare." I blushed as I took his hand and stood up as well. "Let them." He murmured into my shoulder as he pulled me close. We slow danced to the beautiful music, Harry soon pulled me even closer and rested his chin on my shoulder, letting me rest my own in the crook of his neck. He swayed us to the melody and surprisingly, he's better than what fans give him credit for.

"Hmm you're not a bad dancer at all." I said as Harry's chest rumbled from his chuckles. He pushed me away and twirled me around before bringing me back to him. "Only for you love." he smiled as I blushed. "And I got a few pointers off twitter so um yeah."

When the music stopped, Harry and I thanked the harp player who nodded and walked off. "Shall we go?" Harry asked as he waved his hand for the check. "Yeah sure." I smiled. The check arrived and Harry was quick to pay for it before getting up and helping me with my chair again like the gentleman his is. We put on our coats then left the restaurant, stepping out into the dark, chilly night.

"So where to now?" I asked him as he took my hand and led me down the road. "The movies." Harry said as I nodded. The theater was only a block away so Harry and I walked hand in hand in complete silence as we went our way. Harry was first to crack and asked me a simple question. "Are you enjoying our night so far?" he asked worriedly.

"Of course! I enjoy spending time with you whether we're on a date or in my hotel room." I winked at him as he rolled his eyes and kissed my cheek. "Good, but the night is still young and we're here at the theater." Harry said as we entered the building. "What film do you want to see?" He asked. "There's Safe Haven, OZ: The great and Powerful, 21 and Over-" Another movie caught my eye and I pointed at it. "Can we see that one?" I asked him.

"Warm Bodies?" he squinted at the small lettering. "Sure." he said as he went to the booth. "Two tickets fotr Warm Bodies please." Harry told the man who nodded and gave Harry the tickets who was quick to pay. He walked back to me and whisked me towards the concession stand. "What do you want to get?" Harry asked me. "How about a large popcorn and drink then a bag of candy?" I asked him.

"Perfect." Harry smiled down at me, kissing my nose before going up to order. He came back wih our order then led me towards the theater. We walked up and down the somewhat empty aisles before sitting at the very top. There were only a few people in the theater since it was pretty late now. The only people here were young couples either making out or getting down if you know what I mean.

The film began rolling and Harry held the popcorn between us, eating from it as we shared everything. The film is about how after a zombie epidemic, R (a highly unusual zombie) encounters Julie (a human survivor), and rescues her from a zombie attack. Julie sees that R is different from the other zombies, and as the two form a special relationship in their struggle for survival, R becomes increasingly more human - setting off an exciting, romantic, and comical love story.

Harry and I couldn't keep quiet the whole film. We were either laughing or making comments about the film along with R. We were so loud that most of the other couples watching the film had left in frustration. As the film ended, Harry and I were wiping away our tears of laughter and happiness as we stepped out of the theater. "Oh my God that part when she,s undressing because her clothes were wet though!" I laughed as Harry laughed louder.

"Yeah he was like OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!" Harry wailed as I laughed even harder. "But the end was the best when they jumped out of the building and landed in the water and they kissed! LIKE FINALLY!" Harry yelled as I agreed. "His eyes were so blue!"

"Best film I've seen so far." Harry rubbed his eyes. "I could really relate to R." I smiled questionably. "How?"

"I'm awkward, walk slow, talk slow, and I have beautiful eyes." Harry winked at me. "And I also changed because of a special relationship with a beautiful girl." I hid my cheeks in the collar of my jacket as I blushed furiously. Okay maybe that had a little to do with why I chose the film.

"Don't do that." Harry snapped as he pulled my coat down to reveal my hot cheeks. "I wanna see what I do to you." he smiled, making my cheeks burn. He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "That's better."

Well turn me into a tomato why don't you? I giggled and look his large hand in mine again. "So Mr. Styles what's next on this lovely date of ours?" I asked him as I skipped over the cracks in the sidewalk. "I was thinking a walk in central park?" He smirked as he led me towards the gates to the park jst scross the street. I shrugged and followed after him, letting him pull me along.

We reached the gates and I frowned, noticing the locks on it. "Harry how are we supposed to get in? The entrance is locked." I told him. "We're gonna sneak in, duh." Harry rolled his eyes from the stone he was standing on as if it was the most obvios thing in the world. "Well what if we get caught?" I asked him as I stood on the stone next to him. "Then I'm more than happy to be yor cell mate." Harry said as he climbed the fencing and hopped over.

My eyes widened and i looked down at the dress and heels I was wearing. "I'll help you." Harry said as he put his hands up. "Please baby." He poted and I sighed, takin off my heels and checked them over the fence. "I trst you styles, you better no drop me." I told him as I climbed the fence to the best of my abilities. I was perched at the top now, waiting for the right moment to fall into Harry's arms. "Nice panties babe. I love white lace." Harry smiked as I rolled my eyes and jumped down to him. He caught me easily and set me down so I could put on my heels.

Harry then led us to the pathway and held my hand again. Lucky for us the park lights were still on and lmintated the way. Our walk through Central park was secluded and really intimate, making me feel more safe with Harry than ever. We talked about the film we just saw even further and talked about our favorite parts and least favorite parts; Harry putting in some connections to our relationship as well.

Soon we reached the bridge and Harry brought me under it then stopped us both. "Um Harry, why are we here?" I asked him, a bit scared since it was so dark. "Hold on." Harry whispered as he let go of my hand. Okay now I'm even more scared. I stood completely still, waiting for harry to come back. "Boo." A voice whispered from behind me and I jumped so high, turning around ready to knee whoever scared me, but I was only met by Harry who had his phone on full light. "Harry you little shit." I swore, grabbing my chest as I breathed uneasily.

"Sorry baby I was just looking for something." Harry said as he kissed me on the lips shortly then moved to do something else. I don't know what he did but next thing I knew the the bridge was complete illuminated, light streaimg from little fairly lights from up and under the bridge over a checkered picnic blanket and a guitar.

"Wow." was all I could muster as Harry chuckled and led me to the blanket. "Courtesy of Louis and his excellent skills of both slyness and agility." Harry said as he sat us down. "Ths is beautiful Harry." I gaped at the faiy lights above us before lookin down at Harry. "You're amazing." I breathed as he smiled. "You're pretty amazing yourself." He said, kissing me on the cheek before reaching over to the guitar and placing it in his lap.

"So I wrote you a song." Harry smiled uneasily as he picked his pocket for a guitar pick. "Um... The boys helped me with some of the rhyming because I'm shit when it comes to that and Niall kind of um showed me how to play a tune or so on the guitar so... uh yeah sorry if this doesn't sound too good. I just finished writing this afternoon and um I'm not a prodigy on the guitar." Harry blushed as he strummed the guitar a few times, missing a note or two making him grunt in frustration.

"So yeah, here's a song I wrote about you." Harry smiled faintly as he beganto strum the intro to his song. The song started slow and harry concentrated on his fingers rather than me as he got the notes right. Then he began singing, his eyes fixated on me as he sang.

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me

But bear this mind it was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks

And it all makes sense to me

I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile,

You've never loved your stomach or your thighs

The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine

But i'll love them endlessly

I could already feel tears starting to build up in my eyes as he sang.

I won't let this little things slip out of my mouth

But if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to

I'm in love with you and all these little things

You can't go to bed without a cup of tea

Maybe that's the reason that you talk in your sleep

And all those conversations are the secrets that i keep

Though it makes no sense to me

He sang with emotion, stumbling over the chords a few times but continuing nonetheless as he smiled down at the guitar. He looked up at me once more and continued to sing.

I know you've never loved the sound of your voice on tape

You never want to know how much you weigh

You still have to squeeze into your jeans


You're perfect to me

I looked down, blushing as I choked back a small sob, tears now trickling down my cheeks as I smiled at him widely.

I won't let this little things slip out of my mouth

But if it's true, it's you, it's you, they add up to

I'm in love with you and all these little things

You never love yourself half as much as i love you

You'll never treat yourself right darling but i want you to

If i let you know, i'm here for you

Maybe you'll love yourself like i love you oh

This little message struck home. He knew how insecure I was and every time I'd say something degrading about myself, he would be right there to back me up and say how beautiful I am and how much he loves me for me. His words are reassuring and so were those few lines.

I've just let these little things slips out of my mouth

'Cause it's you, oh it's you, it's you they add up to

And i'm in love with you (and all these little things)

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth

but if it's true, it's you, it's you they add up to

I'm in love with you, and all your little things.

Harry finished strumming and smiled at me meekly, brushing his hand through his hair as he let out a sigh. "I know it's nothing too good yet but I hope you liked it-" I cut him off, shaking my head as I started crying harder. "Crap it was that horrible? I-I'm sorry I thought you'd like it because I just waned you to know how much I love you and all the little things you worry about and how perfect you are to me and shit yeah I'm sorry." Harry rumbled as I giggled at his awkwardness and stupidity.

"Harry, I didn't like it." I managed through tears as he winced. "I loved it." I breathed, crawling up to him and hugging him tightly as I cried into his neck. "No one has ever done this for me and it means a lot. You make me feel special and worth it... thank you, I love you so much." I don't know where I'd be if I didn't have Harry.

Harry let out a sigh of relief as he hugged me back, cradling me close to him as he allowed me to cry into his neck. No one makes me feel this way except for harry. Harry made me feel wanted and loved, something I didn't really experience as a child. Harry helped me believe that true love really does exist.

"I'm so glad you love it. I love you too Aria." He breathed into my neck as he hugged me tighter. When I was done crying, I pulled away and frowned at his shoulder. "You've got tear stains on your shoulder. Sorry." I blushed as he chuckled and touched my shoulder. "You too babe so I think we're even."

"You were crying? Why?" I asked him as I wiped under my eyes, making sure my make up didn't run too much. I thanked the lord that the lighting from the fairy lights masked away how hideous I probably looked right now. Good thing I wore waterproof mascara tonight. "I'm just realy happy." Harry beamed. "Like I'm so happy that you're mine that I can just scream you know?"

"Then why don't you?" I rolled my eyes as I smiled up at him. "Okay." He shrugged and ran out from under the tunnel. "I was joking you know!'I yelled as I followed him out. I stood outside the tunnel as Harry climbed to the top of the bridge and stood tall on the edge, cupping his hands around his mouth as he screamed.

"I, HARRY STYLES AM IN LOVE WITH ARIA HOPE- THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD AND SHE'S ALL MINE SO ALL YOU PUNK ASSES CAN GO SUCK IT!" He thrusted into the air, almost falling as I laughed at how crazy he was. "Get down from there or else we're going to get caught!" I waved at him to come down and he did. He fell forward and fell down on his face. Good thing this bridge wasn't too high up.

Harry let out a groan in pain, bringing me back to the current situation he was in. "Oh my God are you okay?" I asked him as I helped him up. "Yeah." She checked his body for broken bones, looking down at his feet as he wiggled his toes. "Yup I'm all good." he smiled up at me and I let out an oooh as I looked at his face.

"What!? Is something on my face!?" He started to freak out as he fanned his face. "No, but you have a nasty cut under your eye and it looks like it's starting to get infected." I said as I blew on it. "OW! What are you doing!?" He yelled in pain. "Trying to get some of the little gravel stones out of it now don't move you doofus." I continued to blow on his cheek until most of the little gravel stones were gone.

"We better go back to the hotel and put a plaster on that." I said as I walked back into the tunnel to grab my bag. Harry nodded and followed me in, taking down the fairy lights and putting them into the guitar case along with the guitar. We folded the blanket together and I held it for him whil he held the guitar case.

We walked back to the gates and strugged to get to the other side; Harry saying another comment about my panties like before which earned his a blanket to the face. Finally we were on the other side and Harry and I waited for a taxi to come. I hailed one and we got in, then told the driver where to go.

We arrived at the thotel not a moment too soon and Harry sighed, paying thre man before helping me out. "Did I ruin this date for us?" Harry asked sadly as we walked into the hotel. "No you didn't! If anything this is the best date I've ever been on. I don't think you should worry about other guys anymore because so far you're my favorite guy." I kissed his unharmed cheek, making it burn red as he blushed and chuckled. "In that case I should get hurt more often."

"If you do then I'll have to look after you and I don,t think I,ve got enough plasters for that." I joked as we got into the elevator. When we reached our floor we walked to my room and unlocked the door before going inside. "Sit down and take off your coat." I told him as I took off my coat and shoes and walked over to my bathroom to get the first aid kit. "Yes Ma'am!"

I brought over the small box and climbed onto my bed and sat beside Harry who turned his wounded cheek to me. "Be gentle please." he said as I opened the box and took out a plaster and some pads with rubbing alcohol. I took the one of the square pads and dabbed a bit of rubbing alcohol on it before bringing it to Harry's cheek. "This will sting." I told Harry as I dabbed the liquid over his cut.

"ow ow ow ow ow ow- okay." I finished and threw the bloddy pads in the trash before putting the plaster over his wound. I kissed him over the plaster and smiled to myself as I pulled away. "All better?" I asked him as I put the kit back. "Much." Harry rubbed his cheek.

"Well this has been an amazing date. Thanks again Harry, for the song." i smiled at him as I led him to the door. "Glad you enjoyed it and you're very welcome babe. Expect that song to be on our album." He said cheekily as he chuckled.

"I look forward to it. Good night Harry." I looked up to him. He leant down and kissed me softly and longingly before pulling away. "Good night baby, see you tomorrow." I shut the door as he left back to his and Louis' room. I sighed and smiled to myself as I stretched. I changed out of my dress and into one of Harry's tops that he left behind and short pajama shorts, then went into the bathroom to wipe off my makeup and to let my hair down.

I brushed my teeth then walked back into my bedroom, completely tired and ready for bed. Unfortunately I didn't stay up long because loud knocking on my door interrupted me before I could even rest my head on my pillow. Knowing who it probably was, I opened the door and turned back to my bed without another word.

I slipped under the covers and waited for him to get in as well. I heard the door lock and Harry quickly walk towards the bed before he jumped in.

"Night baby." He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me into his chest as he spooned me. "Night Harry." I breathed before falling asleep.


Early update today because I'm leaving later for the mall :) Nothing too bad happened in this chapter so I hope you liked it.

To summarize this chapter it was basically one big Haria fluff fest. We got Aria being jealous, Harry being jealous, then them acting like idiotic best friends at the theater and then harry singing her a song in central park under the bridge and declaring his love for her. :D

but he falls off like the loser he is and gets hurt, resulting in them going home and Aria treating him.

The next chapter will skip right towards the day they go back to London and unfortunately the boys have to record in Sweden which means Harry leaving poor little Aria in London. Expect mystery visitors on both halves because Aria's task has begun!


thanks for reading, love you :) .x

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