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Harry's POV


"Oh, pizza's done!" Aria quickly went to the kitchen again to grab the pizzas in the oven. "I'll help!" Niall ran in as well and carried two of the three pizzas she had put inside. They carried the three large pizzas to the dining room and set them down on the table. Niall was quick to keep one to himself, much to Aria's distaste. "Niall I understand you value your food but you need to share with the us too." she told him as he groaned. "But I decided to be nice for once and let them have the other two!"

"Niall..." she raised an eyebrow at him as he sighed. "Fine." and gave the pizza to Aria who patted his head then set the pizza down. "Good Niall."

"Good Niall." He mimicked her as she turned to sit down and we all stifled our laughter causing Aria who look back at us. "What?"

"Nothing." We shook our heads as we sat down. Conversation flowed smoothly among us about our day and plans for when we get to new York. Aria explained to us how she was planning to meet up with her older brother so he could show her around. She also wanted us to meet him and by what she's told us about him, I'm actually terrified.

"So he was in the army..." Niall trailed off as Aria nodded. "Yup! A decently decorated soldier who fought for our country until recently he found himself falling in love with the performing arts so he retired and became a Broadway producer and moved to New York." Aria said as we gulped. "So he can like, kill us?" I asked her as she nodded. "Yeah pretty much, but he won't. The least he could do is put you in a hospital for a week but really he's a nice guy." She shrugged as we all nodded.

"Does he know you live with four guys?" Louis asked, her chuckling as she shook her head and pulled a face. "If he did, I wouldn't be here now would I? I'd be in a cellar, rotting away with squeaky." She sighed. "Who's that?" Liam asked her. "My cat. She's one of the main reasons I've never had a boyfriend." Aria shrugged as Louis snapped his fingers. "Well that answers ALL of my questions! Dusty likes to claw at anyone who touches young Harold over here, that's why he rarely brings girls into his home and instead fucks them in the washroom of the club he's a-"

"OKAY MOVING ON!" I yelled, cutting him off to save me form further humiliation. "What did you buy today?" I asked her curiously as she bit her lip. "Um... clothes?" her answer came out in the form of a question, interesting me further. "Like what? A new top?" I asked her. "You could say that..." She trailed off so I decided to let it pass.

"Hey do you have plans tomorrow?" I asked her, hoping she didn't so maybe I could hang out with her and get some Starbucks like before. I have something I want to tell her. "In the morning nope but in the afternoon and evening I do." She answered. "Why?"

"I was just wondering since we haven't gotten any 'us' time in a while." I frowned, remembering the days when Aria was MY best friend and only hung out with ME. "Where are you going tomorrow anyways, and with who?" Zayn butted in, pulling the attention from the others to us as she cleared her throat. "Um. A play." she answered blankly as we looked at her confused. "A play... oh are you going to the Rocky horror Picture Show that's playing tomorrow night?" Zayn asked her as she blushed and nodded. "Who with?" He asked, ignoring our confused looks as he smirked at her.

"Anne." She replied, looking at me before looking back at Zayn. "is that a problem for you?" she murmured as he shook his head. "Not at all... though whoever you're going dressed as; it better not be the maid or else some of us will end up a little furious when they find out." zayn smirked at her again as she rolled her eyes and glared at him. "I will hurt you." she spoke as he laughed. "Yeah you will slap me to death."

"Shut up Malik." She groaned before standing up. "I'm gonna go to bed now, got an early start in the morning. Harry if you want, come here at ten and we can go out for coffee or something." She said and I nodded, watching her smile as she walked up the stairs. When she was gone, the boys all turned to be and slapped my back. "OW WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" I yelled, rubbing my now painful back. "Dude she totally asked you out." Zayn said as I scoffed. "Oh please, all she did was ask if I wanted to go out for coffee with her or something. If you all didn't already know, we've been to starbucks together plenty times before."

"Oh so you've been on a date with her plenty of times already? Damn Haz you move fast." Louis chuckled as I shot him a glare. "We have not gone on any dates! They were just friendly meet ups to just have a calm and relaxing chat over coffee."

"That's what you said about Ava before you two started dating! You two would meet up for coffee at some cafe down the road back in Holmes Chapel and you two would talk and whatnot. Eventually you fell in love with the girl and started dating all throughout high school and the X Factor then a few weeks after we get signed, Ava disappears and you become this animal we barely recognize!? What the hell happened between you and Ava anyways and WHY does it seem like you're trying to replace her with Aria?!"

"DON'T BRING HER INTO THIS!" I snapped at him. "Ava was a bitch. Period. I'm not in any mood to explain to you our whole God damn relationship and NO, I am not replacing her with Aria." Louis looked at me in disbelief, shaking his head at my words. "LIES! Whatever happened between you and Ava affected not only you Haz but us as a band! We didn't perform properly for weeks, interviews were canceled, concerts were moved, hell YOU almost died of alcohol poisoning from one of your many drunken nights! I believe as a band we deserve to know exactly what the fuck went down between you and Ava!"


All eyes were turned to me as I breathed in and out deeply. I opened my mouth to speak, knowing another lie would be tumbling from my lips.

Aria's POV


I gasped and backed away from my position by the stairs and scurried straight to my room. He still loves her. He still loves Ava. I don't know why but I felt a stinging pain in my heart from the way he said it. Like he was almost ashamed. What is this pain I feel, it's so foreign.

Heart break.

Of course, heart break. So mum wasn't joking when she said heart break felt like a thousand needles in your heart. I don't know why it hurt; it's not like I like Harry or anything... Oh who am I kidding. Every time he looks at me, every time he touches me, every time he mentions me, I end up blushing like a tomato. I knew this would happen eventually. It always does. The good girl falls for the bad boy with the luscious curly hair and the piercing emerald eyes and those rosy red lips.

And this is what I feared as well. I can't like Harry. I just can't. It'll only make this 'A' situation worse because I know I won't be able to keep away from him. Not to mention the dozens of men waiting for my return to the castle so mum and dad could do the whole arranged marriage thing which I am completely against hence another reason why I ran away. I want to fall in love the normal way. I want to fall for a guy, get hurt, then be begged for forgiveness until we're together again. That's how I'll know if a guy really does love me. He'll always come back.

I groaned and laid down on my bed, trying to figure out how I was going to get rid of these Harry feels for now, at least until this whole 'A' thing is blown over and whoever 'it' is, is arrested. Lucky for Harry, he doesn't have any feelings for me so this shouldn't be hard. I could always make him hate me. He'll be sure to ignore me then. I don't know, but I have to come up with a plan before my task this Friday.


The next morning I felt awful. No I wasn't sick, I was disappointed in myself. I canceled my previous plans with Harry, lying to him that I was planning on cleaning my room today before Anne comes. He sounded sad over the phone and offered to help me out which I quickly declined and reassured him that I was fine on my own. I was doing this soley because I needed to detach myself from him in order to ignore him.

I wish there was a reason to hate him, but I could never really hate anyone. Not even my parents. I'm more of a strongly dislike kind of person. Any who, I eventually did pull through with the whole cleaning my room lie and actually did arrange my room for once. Sadly I had to put Harold in my walk in closet since he reminded me so much of Harry. By the time I finish cleaning my room, it was a quarter to three and I still hadn't eaten breakfast yet.

I tied my hair up into a loose ponytail then made my way downstairs to eat, hoping the boys were out in the city so I wouldn't have to endure the awkward atmosphere I was sure to create. "Morning cupcake!" Spoke too soon.

"Morning Lou." i threw him a tired smile as I made my way into the kitchen to grab a bowl of lucky charms cereal. Liam, Zayn and Niall were all sitting at the table eating their breakfast loudly while Harry stood up and walked over with a small smile on his face. "Hey Aria." He smiled widely as he hugged me tightly. "Hi." I blushed and pulled away from his grasp so I could get a spoon. This is not working.

I sat down next to Zayn who kissed my cheek with a small good morning through his morning voice which I found undeniably attractive. Sue me. "Sorry for canceling by the way Harry." I looked up at him to see him frown then smile and nod. "Nah it's okay. We can hang out some other time right?" he looked at me hopefully and I could only mentally tell him yes while my mouth spoke differently. "Maybe." I shrugged at him before digging into my cereal. Harry sighed once more and tried to sit in the seat next to me. Key word; tried. Louis beat him to it causing him to groan. "Louis!" he whined as Louis smirked.

"What Harry? Jealous?" Louis wriggled his eyebrows at Harry while he rested his arm around my shoulder. Harry huffed and crossed his arms. "No fair! She was mine before all yours!" His whining made me choke on my cereal as I gaped at him. "I'm not some toy you own Harry." I told him as he sighed. "I know! But you were MY friend before them and now you barely have time for me!" He frowned, looking like a five year old who didn't get the candy he wanted. As adorable as he looked, I couldn't give in.

"Sharing is caring." I gave him a smug look, making Zayn laugh and rest his arm around me as well. "Yeah Harry, sharing is caring."

"Fuck you all." Harry muttered and plopped down in the seat next to Liam who smiled at him. "Cheer up mate, it's better us than Edward." At the mention of Edward's name, harry turned bright red as he scoffed. "I thought we agreed we will never mention he who shall not be named ever again."

I decided to tease him a bit and purposely made my cheeks pink. "Oh..." I whispered as everyone looked at me. "What?" Niall asked me. "Well when I was out with Anne the other day we bumped into Edward and he looked so hot in his tight fitted top. He came up to us and pulled me into an alley way then he kissed me-"

"HE WHAT!?" Harry leapt up from his seat, causing his knee to hit the table which made it fly up a bit while his chair flew back. Niall spat out his food and nearly started to choke if it had not been for Liam who fell into him, hitting his chest in the process. Zayn and Louis were gawking at me in disbelief.

"I'm hurt you actually believed me." I rested my hand to my chest and looked at the five; hurt. Harry clutched his chest as well and leant over the table, breathing heavily. "I feel like I'm going to go into cardiac arrest..." He breathed out, looking at me as I smiled up at him innocently. "I was literally going to storm out and kill him with my bare hands you know." Harry said as my eyes softened. "Harry you don't have to hurt every guy who kisses me. What if Louis kissed me, would you hurt him?" I asked him as he sighed. "Yes."

"HARRY!" Louis yelled, looking hurt as well as Niall, zayn and Liam laughed. "I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING!?" Harry raised an eyebrow at him and flipped his hair sassily. "Well you thought wrong Lou. These eyes only crave one thing." Harry turned to look at me before winking quite obviously. Am I supposed to be breathing right now?


I have never felt so happy to hear a door bell ring in my LIFE.

"I'll get it!" I sprang up and ran for the door. I looked through the peep hole and sighed in relief at the sight of Anne. I opened the door and greeted her with a hug. "Oh, morning Aria! Or should I say afternoon?" Anne chuckled and hugged me back. "Aha afternoon to you too Anne. Come in! The boys are eating lunch." I told her as she nodded and walked in. She was carrying a large duffle bag, most likely filled with her costume for tonight and black ten inch platform pumps with nice decor and straps.

'Who's at the door- MUMMY!" Harry pushed me aside and hugged Anne tightly. The boys came over as well and greeted her with a big hug before releasing her. "Mumma Styles, what are you doing here?" Louis asked Anne who chuckled. "I'm here for Aria, love. We're going out tonight isn't that right Aria?" Anne asked me and I giggled excitedly, pulling her upstairs without a second glance at the five who looked at us weirdly but walked away. Harry lingered a bit longer but eventually followed the others. "Going out tonight where..."

I led her to my room and jumped up and down excitedly as I took out my costume and laid it out on the bed with the wig and maid hat. "I'm gonna go take a shower then get ready." I told her and walked into the bathroom with a towel. "Okay hun, I'm going to start changing." Anne said as i shut the door.

Stripping down to nothing, I then walked into the shower and let the warm water fall onto me. I did the usual with my hair then washed my body. I shaved my legs as well because, you never know. After what felt like a twenty minute long shower, I stepped out and grabbed the towel I brought with me, using it to dry myself and wring out my hair. I tucked my towel around my body then grabbed the hair dryer. I put it on high and dried my hair as much as possible since it would be in a wig for most of the night.

"Are you decent?" i called out to Anne as I turned off the hair dryer. "Yes!" Anne said and I walked in. Anne was wearing her Janet costume which was fairly simple http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=70856735. She turned and smiled. "You look good Anne. So many years younger than you are." I told her, rubbing at my eyes to make sure this was Harry's mum in front of me and not some teenager like me. "Aha thanks! I'll leave you be in here while I go do my makeup." Anne said motherly as she passed by me into the washroom. When she shut the door, I made sure my room door was locked; wouldn't want any of the boys walking in on me like this.

I shrugged off the towel and put on my undergarments first; matching black lingerie. I proceeded to put on the booty shorts and the fish net stockings that hooked together perfectly. I slipped on the maid dress then tied my hair up into a bun. It took a bit of hairclips to keep my hair in place but it ended up working out fine. I picked up the large curly haired wig and gently placed it over my own hair, making sure it fitted nicely before pining it to place with some bobby pins. I put on the maid hat as well then put on the heels Anne gave me and luckily they fit like a glove.

Lastly was my makeup which i had to goggle how to do since I was no wizard when it came to costume makeup. I applied the usual; concealer and a small amount of foundation then patted on some facial powder in a lighter tone to make me look pale. My eyes were done in dark, Smokey eye to look more dull and my lips were a bright red, like my hair. I put on fake lashes and used my mascara to comb through them to make them look real. And at last, my costume was donehttp://www.polyvore.com/arias_outfit_to_rocky_horror/set?id=69616810.

Just as I finished fixing my dress to help it look less revealing, Anne walked in looking even more younger than before. She gasped and looked at me in shock. "Wow." She said as she inspected me. "You look stunning honey! You look exactly like the maid!" She complimented as I chuckled. "Thank you Anne. You look lovely as Janet." I told her as she nodded and smiled as well.

"Oh well we better get going if we want to get there in time. Traffic is long around this time." Anne said as she grabbed her coat and shrugged it on. She handed me my feather duster as I sighed. "I'm not ready to die." I frowned, making Anne laugh loudly. "They're not going to kill you Aria, maybe Harry will have an angry fit but it'll blow over once he gets a picture of you." Anne joked as I groaned. "Not helping Anne!"

"Oh come on Aria. Do you want to see the show or not?" Anne looked at me as I sighed and gave in. "Yes..."

"Then let's go!" and with that Anne opened my bedroom door and pulled me out.

Here goes nothing.

Harry's POV

"They've been upstairs for hours!" I whined, finally reaching my turning point as I flipped over the sofa upside down. "What the hell are they doing anyways?"

"Getting ready for the Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight I'm guessing." Zayn shrugged. "You're supposed to go dressed up as one of the characters or at least look like you're from the movie and perfection takes time."

"Are the characters you know... revealing?" I asked Zayn, feeling chills run through my back at the thought of Aria dressed in less layers than she should. "Not all of them. The main character, Janet dresses pretty civil." Zayn shrugged as i sighed. "Well knowing Aria she's probably going as Janet." I told him as Louis scoffed. "You never know Haz."

"Shut up Louis." I muttered. Aria wouldn't dare go out dressed in anything less than a dress so any other character who wears some slutty costume, Aria would have definitely not have chosen it. "Shh listen." Louis shushed me and we all went silent.

Click clack click clack...

"Those are heels..." Liam said confused. "But who-"

"Oh my God." Zayn gaped at my mother who looked like she could very much be our age. "You look hot Anne." Zayn smirked, earning a pillow to the face from me as I glared at him. "Shut up Malik." I spat at him, causing Niall to laugh as he drank his beer happily. "Who are you supposed to be?" I asked my MUM; my very mARRIED WITH TWO CHILDREN mum who was checking the time on her phone. "Janet." She replied as I nodded. So that's what Janet is supposed to look like. Ok.

"Hey where's Aria?" I asked mum curiously, making her grunt. "she was right behind me I swear- ARIA COME DOWN HONEY YOU'LL BE FINE!" Mum yelled loudly up at the stairs as we all momentarily plugged our ears from her loud voice. "OKAY, OKAY I'M COMING, I'M COMING!"

Click clack click clack-

"Where the hell did I leave my coa-"


I watched Niall spit out his beer as the boys all yelled around me. Last I saw were multiple flashes of light before my eyes rolled to the back of my head and I fell backwards, blacking out.


I hope you all forgive me for making Harry faint at the end! Poor kid just can't handle Aria in a maid costume. I know in the actually movie the maid isn't slutty. At all. I just made it that way to add a bit of fearlessness and a whole new kind of confidence to Aria seeing as she's so innocent and Harry did tell her once that she should try something new and boom there you go! I hope you all caught on to Harry's little lie at the end of his POV. He doesn't love Ava AT. ALL. But Aria thinks he does :( Let's hope everything works out in the end *crosses fingers*

y'all better have looked at the polyvore sets I made for their costumes. it took me HOURS to find what looked close enough to the real deal so don't judge me. Yeah that's about it

plot twist in the end of the next chapter.You get to find out who Ava is and i think some of you already know so SHHHHH and let everyone figure it out for themseleves!! i wonder what Harry's reaction will be when he's conscious again. Angry? "Excited"? and what were the flashes? find out next chapter!! You know what to do! VOTE and COMMENT on this chapter on what you think Harry's gonna do when he wakes up and sees Aria -after the show- (10+ VOTES FOR NEXT UPDATE) THANK gOD tomorrow is friday but school starts then so boo :( thansk for reading!! .x

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