Chapter Twenty-One

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York Palace (September 1531)

Gossip had been rife at King Henry's court across the past few months. Indeed, the major news on every courtier's lips was the banishment of Queen Katherine. In July, Henry had sent Katherine permanently away from the rest of his court. She was housed in a minor, ruinous manor, in no fit state to house a Queen, and she was forbidden to see her daughter Princess Mary.

Apart from the Howard contingent, there was a deep wave of sympathy for the Queen. Bessie was an outlier among the Howard faction, though, as she too felt great sadness about the treatment of Katherine.

However, there was another significant piece of gossip that the hungry courtiers could not get enough of: the feud between Bessie Howard and Anne Boleyn. It had taken a matter of days after their fight for the rest of the Tudor court to recognise the tension between the two women. Bessie and Anne were known to be inseparable, but now actively avoided each other's company.

Moreover, no one knew what the issue was between the two women, save for Edward Seymour of course. Many speculated that Bessie was now secretly siding with Katherine's faction. Others believed that the King's eyes had fallen on Bessie and that he was going to put aside Anne in favour of her.

July and August passed into September, and the frostiness between Anne and Bessie had still not thawed. Stubbornness was a well-known Howard family trait, and both women had plenty of Howard blood.

Bessie had spent a long time pondering to herself as to whether Anne had informed the King about her relationship with Edward. If she had, the King had not mentioned it and still treated her as pleasantly as he had always done. Bessie put this down to Anne still caring for her despite their differences.

She truly missed Anne. Particularly, she missed Anne's close company and strong presence; something that she had had since she was a young and timid girl at the French court.

Yet, Bessie was also adamant that she would not give in to Anne first. Anne's words had upset her greatly, and she was sick of Anne controlling her life. Who was Anne to tell her who she could and couldn't love?

Bessie's thoughts wandered as she rode her horse Sampson down the old forest trail of York Palace. Whilst it was past the turn of the summer season into autumn, the day was crisp, with warm sunshine and a soft breeze. The only thing that differentiated the day from a summer one was the scattering of fallen leaves on the trail, which Samson had been happily stomping through.

"You are miles away, sweetheart."

Edward's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She had not realised how engrossed in worrying about her argument with Anne she had been.

She turned her head and smiled at him, to assure him that she was happy and well.

He returned her smile and pulled his black stallion closer to Sampson. He reached out to grab her hand and placed a soft kiss on it.

He had sent her word via Tom early in the morning to inform her that most of the court, including the King and Anne, would be attending an archery competition on the green in front of the palace, thus affording them a small opportunity to spend time together.

Despite everything, Bessie and Edward remained closer than ever. Edward was certain that they would be able to obtain the King's permission to marry next year sometime, as Edward had been constantly rising in the King's favour and had a growing reputation at court as an astute, ambitious and capable man. Their relationship was still a secret, but it was one that Bessie treasured deeply.

They finally arrived at a small clearing in the forest, that Tom had scouted for them as a safe place to stay for a while.

Edward dismounted and made his way over to Sampson to help Bessie down. His strong hands gripped her waist, and they did not move even after her feet had touched the forest floor. He moved one hand and tilted her chin to look up at him. She felt hot under the scrutiny of his grey eyes. His eyes held both concern and desire.

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