chapter twenty one

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hey y'all, happy monday!! sorry this is a little late i'm on american time and forgot i needed to upload it early. it's a long one though and got some good stuff it in so i think it makes up for it ☺️


"ooo they have pool tables, let's play" Natasha squealed immediately as we entered the arcade.

I chuckled as Natasha pulled me towards the pool tables. "okay, but i have to tell you something first" Natasha started racking up the balls as she hummed. "i grew up with a pool table"

The redhead froze looking up at me to check whether i was telling the truth. I gave her a nod to let her know i was serious.

"damn, okay. and i've only played about three games in my life" Natasha huffed as she grabbed a pool queue.

I saw her little pout feeling defeated already, "hey, i'll go easy on you. i promise" I spoke softly as i placed my hand on her arm rubbing lightly.

"will you teach me? show me how it's done?" Natasha looked at me with that oh so cute pout and those pleading eyes.

"yes, i will. you want me to break?" Natasha smiled giving me a nod before i went to do just that. I lined up my shot getting close to the table as i looked down at the balls.

In one swift move i hit the white ball, hard. I watched as it collided with the racked balls dispersing them in seconds. To my surprise one ball ended up rolling into one of the corner pockets.

"oh shit" Natasha gasped as she watched, "things are about to get serious huh" I looked over watching Natasha slip her jacket off and lay it on the table nearby. One that already had our other belongings on it.

I took a moment to take in Natasha's jacket less figure. Since it was so oversized i was now able to really see the curves of her body. The main ones standing out to me immediately.

I quickly regained my composure before taking my second shot. I had to move around the table to where the white ball was, which meant i was now stood in front of Natasha.

As i bent over the table to line my shot up i glanced back only to see Natasha's gaze locked on my ass. She didn't end up seeing me catch her before i turned back to shoot my shot.

I smirked as i watched the white ball hit another ball perfectly rolling it into another pocket. I heard Natasha groan behind me as i turned to face the her.

I just shrugged quickly taking another shot, this one i didn't sink another ball i just broke up a few that were close.

"do you want your lesson now?" I asked as Natasha stepped up to the table. Natasha let out a deep breath as she stood in front of the white ball.

"yes please" I hummed placing my queue down to help her. I watched as she tried to figure out how to hold the queue immediately stepping in to help.

"okay, so your left handed, me too this'll be easy" I spoke as i lightly touched her arm and hands to hold the queue correctly. "now, i like to sit it on top of my fingers like this..." I explained before grabbing my queue to show her. Natasha nodded paying attention, she mimicked my hold perfectly.

"perfect, okay so now, when you take your shot i want you to really follow through in your arm. try not to drop your shoulder, like this..." Again i demonstrated what not to do. "... you want to do this..." I demonstrated what to do. "... one smooth motion.

Natasha stuck her tongue out as she practiced what i had just shown her. I have to admit she was a quick learner, this is going to be easy.

"okay so how low do i get to the table?" Natasha asked as she slowly started to lean over the table.

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