chapter eighteen

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happy monday!!! here is the chapter you have all been waiting for, enjoy!' 😉


~ later that night ~

It was currently 8pm, i was in bed just scrolling through my phone. I was originally on tiktok but got bored of that quickly so i moved to instagram.

I went to my explore page hovering over the search bar. I hung my head back for a moment as i thought about what to do. To follow or not to follow.

After a moment i huffed before going straight to Natasha's page. It was quite easy considering it was in my recently viewed profiles.

Again i hovered over the follow button contemplating what to do. I glanced at the link in her bio also thinking about what to do with that. To subscribe or not to subscribe.

"fuck it" I muttered to myself as i clicked the follow button, no turning back now. I clicked on the link again going straight to her only fans page.

I took notice of the increased number of photos, crazy how i managed to remember. Crazy? or creepy? Oh well.

"ugh" I groaned clicking the subscribe button, the page loaded for a moment before it asked me to either sign in or sign up.

I proceeded to fill out all the relevant information;
email ~ real
name ~ fake
mobile ~ real
photo ~ no chance
birthday ~ real
card details ~  real (obviously)

(i don't know if these are the details required tbh, they're just the standard ones asked for 🤷🏽‍♀️)

Once all the information was filled out i clicked submit letting it think for a moment. *confirm payment of $10* message popped up. "yes" I spoke to myself as i clicked the button.

"here we go a guess" I waited as the screen loaded before i got the *you're all set* notification and it brought me back to Natasha's page.

I took a deep breath before scrolling down to see her posts. I was not prepared for what i saw.

@natt_romanoff 3 hours ago
these girls got some attention today 🍒

This post had 3 photos and 1 video attached. The photos started off innocent. Natasha was still wearing that top from earlier and she doing basically what she did to me. The second photo she was pulling her top up showing off a generous amount of underboob. The third photo she had pulled the top up completely exposing herself, only she had her hands covering her nipples. The video, i was not ready for, it was basically the live action of the three photos.

Natasha slowly pushed her breasts together as she pulled her top down slightly. She then pulled it up leaving just enough to cover her nipples. I watched her smirk grow as she poked her tongue out before letting her breasts fall out. Ladies and gentlemen, Natasha's boobs. Nothing covering them, no flimsy material, no hands or fingers, nothing. I saw those nipple piercing i had been seeing through every item of clothing she wore. They were a simple piercing, just silver with the balls being covered in tiny rhinestones.

Natasha then proceeded to play with her own boobs. She fondled them slowly as her mouth hung open. She pinched and twisted her nipples as she bit her lip. I started to feel a tingling in my core, one which i hadn't felt before, apart from a few times around Natasha.

After i watched that video more times then i would like to admit i moved onto the next post.

@natt_romanoff Friday
see how much fun i have after a workout 🥵

naughty neighbourWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt