chapter twenty

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helloooooooo, is everyone excited? if you're not, get excited this chapter is longggggg and some stuff happens 😏


~ saturday morning ~

I managed to get some kind of sleep in this morning. Thankfully, i was pretty exhausted from my full week of work.

I scrolled through tiktok for 10 minutes before deciding it was time to get up. After i went to the bathroom i made my way out of my room and into the kitchen.

I made my bagel with cream cheese and a coffee before sitting down to watch my show. I had nothing on this morning, all i was planning on doing was putting together my outfit for this afternoon.

I know for a fact Natasha will look amazing so i have to make sure i look just as good. In the hopes of possibly impressing Natasha, but i'm not sure if i'll succeed.

~ a few hours later ~

It was currently 12pm, meaning i had two hours before Natasha would be here to pick me up. I ended up doing some cleaning around the house to pass the time.

I was getting a little antsy waiting around for 2pm so i needed to keep myself occupied. After lunch i made my way into my wardrobe to pick out an outfit.

Immediately i grabbed a pair of black denim shorts to start off. I filtered through my tops trying to find a nice one, but nothing too over the top.

"no, no, definitely not, ew why do i still have that" I spoke to myself as i critiqued each top. "oh, this'll work" I found a short sleeved button up that i quite liked.

The shirt was a pale blue and had a print on it that looked like big patching flowers. The print was just white so it wasn't over the top with colour. I decided to put a white tank top underneath and leave the shirt open.

I spent way too long doing my hair, considering i usually didn't care what it looked like. I was fully dressed and ready to go with 10 minutes to spare.

Which meant i sat in my armchair staring at the wall until there was a knock at my door. I practically leaped out of the chair as i grabbed my things before standing at my front door.

With a deep breath i opened the door to reveal the redhead herself. "good afternoon gorgeous" Natasha purred tilting her head as she let her gaze fall to my body.

"afternoon, um beautiful" I tried returning the compliment, i've never been good at compliments or pet names for that matter.

Natasha didn't seem to care as her smile grew at my words. I decided to let myself take in her attire, since she was able to take in mine. It's only fair.

Natasha had a mini cargo skirt on, it was low waisted enough to show off her toned stomach as well at her belly button piercing. She had paired it with a cropped white singlet, again looked like she had no bra on. The redhead had also thrown an oversized denim jacket over the top.

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