chapter seven

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happy monday!! i know this is a big jump, i can't really remember why but 🤷🏽‍♀️ i think you'll enjoy this one


~ friday morning ~

I was currently making myself some breakfast. It just consisted of a bagel with cream cheese and some juice. Pretty basic but i like it.

Today is the day of Natasha's party, Jades coming over later so we can get ready together. I'm pretty nervous to be honest, i mean i've never been much of a party goer.

Since i still don't have a sofa i have to sit on my armchair to eat my breakfast. I do have bar stools but i would rather sit and watch my show.

I'm settling in quite nicely, i spent all of thrusday organising my pantry. I bought a bunch of containers to store all my food in. As well as labels so i know what everything is. All the white powders can get quite confusing.

I was just about to start on the top side of the bagel,
my favourite side, when my phone started to ring. I groaned placing my bagel down as i reached for it.

When i saw the contact name i froze. Natasha. Why is Natasha calling me? My breathe quickened as i started blankly at my phone screen.

Well i have to answer it, "uh hi" I answered my phone finally.

"took you long enough, did i catch you at a bad time?" Natasha's voice came through loud and clear.

"um no, i was just eating my breakfast" I answered honestly looking down at my neglected bagel.

"oooo whatcha eating?" Natasha asked in a playful tone. I found it quick funny that she's randomly called me and now we're talking about my breakfast.

"a bagel with cream cheese" At my answer Natasha moaned. Now i don't mean a little moan i mean a full on eyes rolled to the back of her head moan.

The sound made my cheeks heat up and my lower abdomen tighten. "i love bagels, and creammmm cheese mmmm" Natasha moaned again as she spoke.

I had to take a breath, the way she sounded was doing things to my body. I instinctively rubbed my thighs together feeling some form of ache between my legs.

"anyways, enough about bagels. i was actually calling to ask for some help" Natasha changed the subject to the reason for her call.

I cleared my throat before i spoke, "what did you need help with?" I got straight to the point, i'm not sure why she would ask me.

"i need help setting up for tonight, i had a friend coming over but she's a little bitch and bailed" I chuckled at her last sentence about her friend. "she's totally not invited anymore"

I picked my bagel up inspecting it before i spoke again. "i can help you, but you've gotta give me like 15 minutes to get ready" I spoke quite confidently considering how nervous this woman makes me.

"get ready huh, you gotta get all pretty for me?" Oh fuck, now i'm blushing, hard. "does that mean you're still in your jammies?" I can tell she smirked at her own statement.

I looked down at my pyjamas, well my baggy tee and short shorts. I'm not really a 'pyjamas' kinda person. Don't get me wrong those sets are super cute but not really my thing.

"um maybe, i like to eat breakfast before getting ready" I justified myself before taking a bite of my bagel.

"how adorable, is it a matching set? let me guess some kind of animal print?" Natasha spoke smugly. I smirked at the fact she got it all wrong.

naughty neighbourजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें