Day 2

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6:30: I'm awake, school starts in 2 and ½ hours. I'll do a quick perimeter check.
Dorms: ☆
Classes ☆

-You have to write like it's happening right now, and more like a diary, Blue says
- Journal, I say correcting him. Journal not diary.

The basement is locked but heavily guarded, but those are just teachers.

I return to my dorm, only to see my partner going through my stuff.

- Stop, what are you doing, I yell.

- Shhhhh, you don't want to wake people do you, he says smiling

I tackled him, only for him to catch me in his arms. He laughs at me and drops me. At that instant I noticed his scar.

-Where did you get it, I say concerned.

I looks me up and down and scoffs: None of your business. I don't give up hope.
- Does it still hurt, I asked in the same manner.

He turns to me and coldly says: None. Of. Your. Buissness.

Well, I'm hurt. I take my glasses to examine it, he slaps them out my hand.

I apologize for being intrusive.

8:30 A teacher calls out to all students from that loud intercom. Probably as high as 120 decibels, just to make sure everyone hears.

I went back to bed after the incident. I sincerely didn't mean to hurt him. But what is he being so sensitive for. It's just a scar every jargon/agent has one.

- Not me, Blue says proudly from the comfort of his desk.

- It's nothing to be proud of, I reply

- Wakey, wakey Isla, the showers will soon be full.

Great now I have to wait to be clean. Just then a loud sound of punches make there way to my dorm. Like there is a fight.

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