"What a ride"

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The light was red i sigh, yet again.

Do you know why I got attacked?
- Star you have to erase that you must right things that happened to you, not converse with me.

I quickly erased it.
- No, actually, but I do have speculations.

The car went through a few bumps roughly making me shake.
- So what are they, i asked excitedly

Things like this always exited me. I was always better that any agent sent to kill me. Truth is the agency had enemy spies  that had always attacked good agents as myself.

But I always laughed at them because, well I'm better. I hope one day I find a better opponent.

-Five minutes until arrival, the driver said

The man look like he had been smoking for years and haven't slept on months. The bags below his eyes could carry my clothes. And his hair not enough to cover my bruise. And the accent was so thick you could barely understand anything.

- Star would you like me to run you through the mission.
- Go ahead
- In the basement of the school, that is where you will find a stach of drugs, where everything is kept. You should find where the trades take place.
- So is there a schedule or a plan.
- Schedule yes, plan no.
- What do you mean
- Your school schedule.
- Drop off point, miss, the driver said

I look at outside and telling from the clouds the rain was about to pour.
He helps me back my bags out the trunck.

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