city boys

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When the sheriff got to work that morning the city boys were already outside waiting for him. One was a tall thin black man around the Sheriff's age, the other a shorter man, younger and bespectacled. The Sheriff already knew the black man who was taking quick puffs off a menthol.  "Pokie" the black man said sticking out a hand. The sheriff took it and clasped him on the shoulder.

Good to see you Tree. The sheriff said.

Whose this fella? the sheriff asked looking at the younger man with glasses.

This is one of our new hires. Tree said.  He's a sharp one you'll see.

The sheriff and the young man shook hands then the sheriff said come on in guys. I'll have the deputy whip us up some coffee and we can go through the case file.

That'd be great Pokie. Tree said. Then the men went inside the station.  Later on the four of them, the deputy, Tree, the sheriff, and the young man sat at a large table covered in large brown envelopes, boxes, papers, and photographs.

So you said there were two witnesses? Tree asked.

That's correct sir, the deputy replied.  A woman named Rhonda, and the clerk.

What did they tell you?

Well the clerk said a skinhead came in, shot dead the two fellas at the gaming machines then asked him where the generator was. He told the kid he had 10 seconds to live or something like that, then when the killer got to zero he fired a shot into the ceiling, walked out and drove off with the generator.

What about this Rhonda? Tree asked.

She's an old tweaker, the sheriff replied.

Ah, one of those. Tree said. So what's her story.

Well, the deputy paused then said, she was hitchhiking along the highway, trying to get a ride to the gas station for some cigarettes...

Probably hooking. Tree interjected. And the sheriff nodded in agreement. Go on deputy, Tree said.

Anyway, some guy picks her up, takes her up to the cube...

The cube? Tree asked.

Yeah that's what we call the gas station down here. You know, since it's shaped like a cube. The sheriff said.

Makes sense. Tree said. Please continue deputy.

So Rhonda gets dropped off at the cube, notices the pumps turned off, walks up to entrance, sees that all the lights inside are off, peeks in and sees the two victims dead, then gets freaked out and runs off into the woods till I got there. The deputy said.

What about the John who dropped her off? Did you get a chance to talk with him?

No sir, the deputy said. We couldn't get an id from Rhonda, and she said he just drove off anyways once he dropped her.

When the deputy was done briefing, Tree reached into the breast pocket on his shirt, took out a cigarette, lit it, closed his eyes and took a long drag.

Sir. The younger man with glasses said. There's a no smoking policy in government buildings.

He can smoke in here. The sheriff said. He's earned that right.

The younger man looked flustered. Of course, Sheriff. The younger man said.

Tree opened his eyes after and spoke. I'd like to interview the witnesses again. If that's alright with you Sheriff.

Yeah I got no problem with that, The sheriff said. Who would you like to talk to first?

Tree thought about for a moment then replied.


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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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