Jonathan returned the knife to the cat girl, Rory took a deep breath and put his hand to his neck where Jonathan had pressed the knife and his paw came back dirty with a little blood, Rory felt his neck hurt a little, the raccoon didn't have the courage to get up from the floor, instead he was barely able to cry properly.

Rory put his hand to his elbow that he had hit on the floor while looking at Jonathan.

- And here's the thing, I want 2,000 reais, if you don't give me that money, I'll kill you and your wolf friend, I repeat one last time, 2,000 or the lives of you and your wolf friend are forfeit. - Said Jonathan.

- You are crazy? 2000 is very little it has to be 3000 - Said the cat.

- 5000. - Said the hyena boy.

- 5000 is good. - Said Jonathan and Rory thought that they really needed that money judging by the clothes they were wearing, Jonathan was wearing a denim jacket with some pink details, Rory realized that it was a women's jacket.

- Where am I going to get all this money? - Rory asked.

- That wolf is rich, I've been watching you two this whole time, while you were in luxury we were in the mud. - said Jonathan.

- I don't know if he has all that money, I think it's in the bank. - Said Rory.

- Turn around, if I don't get all that money I'm going to kill you and him. - Said Jonathan and Rory lowered his ears and thought it best not to question him, he had barely escaped death.

- You're going to go in there and get this money and I want it for today, do you understand? - Jonathan asked and Rory nodded as if he wanted to say yes.

- Don't even think about escaping, we'll be watching. - Said the cat.

- Get up and go. - Said the hyena boy, kicking Rory.

Rory got up from the ground and walked out of the alley.

- I'm going with you, if you try to run I'll put a bullet in your head. - Said Jonathan while Rory walked back to the wolf's house, Rory was too scared to try to do anything and just obeyed.

Jonathan wore a coat that was a little too big, he could take the revolver from his waist at any moment and shoot Rory who was walking ahead.

- You go in and I'll wait for you outside, don't even think about calling the police, if I know the police are coming I'll kill you and him, understand? - Said Jonathan and Rory with his ears down said yes.

Rory pressed the bell of the wolf house calling him, waited a few seconds and no one came to answer, the raccoon in a cold sweat pressed it for the second time while Jonathan had the revolver pointed in his direction and was hidden behind a tree, Rory pressed the bell a third time and no one came to answer.

"I think he left." Rory said to himself.

Jonathan came out from behind the tree and came towards Rory who lowered his ears thinking that Jonathan would kill him right there.

- I don't think there's anyone there, he must have left. - Said the Raccoon.

Jonathan put his hand in his pocket and took out a clip, Jonathan put the clip where the key is placed and moved the door handle making it open.

- Now, enter the house - said Jonathan, placing his hand on his waist where the gun was.

Rory entered the house and Jonathan followed and closed the front door, taking the revolver from his waist and pointing it at Rory.

- Now start searching - said Jonathan and Rory started walking towards the wolf's room and climbed each step of the stairs with Jonathan's revolver stuck to his back.

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