Chapter 9

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 Two weeks passed and Inky and Liam saw each other almost daily. Liam would pick up Inky from school and walk her home. Liam liked to walk Inky home because he could look at his crush, which he enjoyed.

One day Liam couldn't walk with Inky because he was going to the soccer match with his older brother, so Inky walked home alone.

She was crossing the street when she saw Dany and Henry across the street. Inky ran away, but the boys followed her. She turned into an alley hoping to escape but it was a dead end. She was cornered.

"Well look what we have here," Henry mocked. "A lost little Vampire girl."

"How about we teach this Vampi," Dany's voice stopped. "I know you. You're the girl always around Liam, aren't you?"

"Yeah, you're right," Henry said. "I wonder what he sees in you?"

"Well, I know he likes her, so how about we borrow his toy," Dany said. Dany put his hands on the wall next to Inky's head, cornering her. He knocked his lips against Inky's. A cold shiver ran through Inky's body as he deepened the kiss. She didn't kiss back, but Dany didn't care. He kept kissing her. When he finally let go, she slapped his face. This caught him off guard and he stumbled backwards.

"How dare you," Inky almost screamed.

"Says the girl that just slapped me," Dany said.

"You can't just kiss any girl you want," Inky said. She was lived.

"Maybe for Human Girls, but not for Vampire girls," Henry said. Then he pinned Inky's wrist to the wall. Inky was flushed from the kiss and stared at Henry with wide, pitiful eyes.

"Am I making you blush?" Henry sneered. Then he pushed his lips onto Inky's. The same icy shiver went down her spine as he deepened the kiss. Just as before, Inky didn't kiss back. She couldn't do anything but stand there. Henry let go to say something.

"Aww, don't you want to kiss me?" He mocked. "Your chapstick is perfect. Coconut, is it?"

Then he went back to kissing her. Poor Inky. No one knew where she was. Her father would start to worry but how would he find her? Henry let go and lowered his head.

"Vampires like to bite other people's necks, but what would one do if they got bit on the neck?"

"Do it, Henry," Came Dany's voice from behind him.

Henry lowered his head and bit Inky's neck. She gave a low, sad moan.

The two boys were stopped when some purple magic lifted them off the ground and away from Inky.

"Get away from her," Said a cold voice. Inky knew at once who the voice belonged to, father.

"Oh yeah," Danny mocked. "And who are you to tell us what to do?"

A dark shadow came into the alley. The boy's eyes were wide, but they stood there ground.

"I am the girl's father," The voice was coming from Mr. Thorn.

"You can't stop us," Henry said. "There is no law that says that what we are doing is wrong."

"But there is a law that says we can attack if threatened," Dany said. He pulled out a sheath from is his pocket. From it, he pulled a knife.

Dany ran at Mr. Thorn but Mr. Thorn turned into a rat and ran to Henry. Henry pulled his own dagger and was ready when Mr. Thorn ran at him. Henry cut him in his side. Henry got him good, but Mr. Thorn proceeded to run up the boy's leg. He left blood on Henry's pants. Mr. Thorn got onto Henry's shoulder but Henry threw him off.

Mr. Thorn was breathing heavy now. Henry and Dany could tell he was tired and went at him. Mr. Thorn ran out of the way and Henry cut Dany and Dany cut Henry.

The two boys cried out in pain and clutched their hurt arm. Mr. Thorn ran as a rat to Inky. He turned back into his person form. He hugged Inky and asked if she was ok.

"I'm fine," Inky told him. Mr. Thorn turned to the two boys.

"Don't ever touch my daughter, you hear me," Mr. Thorn growled.

"What is going on here?" A voice came from the start of the alley. It belonged to Henry's mother. She took one look at the hurt and bleeding boys and at the Vampires. "You hurt my boy." she sounded scared, but also sad.

"Your boy hurt my girl first," Mr. Thorn said in a calm voice.

Henry's mother was a very scared women. She didn't know who to believe. She pulled out a gun and aimed it at Mr. Thorn.

"Move and I shoot," she warned.

"Inky get behind me," Mr. Thorn told Inky. Inky did as told. "Miss, you don't know what happened."

"You hurt my son," Henry's mum said.

"No, the other boy hurt your son," he pointed at Dany.

"Your lying," She said. Her voice was trembling as she spoke.

"No, I'm not," Mr. Thorn said. "I'll show you."

"Don't move."

Mr. Thorn ignored her and moved over to the boys. Henry's mother was shaking and very scared. Her hand moved to the triger. Mr. thorn was about to touch Henry when Henry's mums hand slipped and shot Mr. Thorn. Mr. thorn had lost a lot of blood, so when the bullet hit him, he died.

Inky rushed to her father's side and checked his heart. Silence.

"You killed him," Inky's voice was soft and low. She started to cry.

"He hurt," Henry's mother began, but she was cut of by Inky.

"He did nothing. Your son attacked me and he," she pointed at her father's body, "was saving me."

"You have no proof," The mother said. She went to go and pick up her son and his friend and took them to Henry's house which was across the street.

Inky was left alone with her father's body on the ground. Inky pulled out her phone and called Yuri.

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