Chapter 3

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The next day flew past and Saturday came. Inky couldn't wait to leave the house and join her friend on Shrieking St.

Inky got up right before the sun came up and got dressed. She ate breakfast very fast and her father warned her not to doddle looking at shop windows on her way there.

"Go straight there," He said.

"Ok, I will," Inky said. "Bye."


Inky put a fat headband on and walked out the door. She made her way down the street and past several people on the streets. As she turned into an alley someone grabbed her arm and pressed her against a wall behind a corner. Arms held her in place and then she heard voice talk.

"Sorry about this." The voice was low, like a boy. Before Inky could think any further a pair of lips were pressed against hers. Inky closed her eyes and waited for it to be over. When they finally let go, Inky looked up to see who the offender was. It was a boy that looked around her age. He had dark blue hair, almost black, and blue eyes. "Sorry, it was a dare."

 Inky kept looking at him. He was sorry for kissing her? She thought that everyone liked to do it and tease the girls. But he didn't want to?

"Your hair is beautiful," He said. He released her arms and backed away from her. "Look, I'm sorry for kissing you but my brother said if I didn't do it then I wouldn't be able to go with him to the soccer game."

"You did it so you could see a game," Inky asked in shock. The boy dropped his head, clearly ashamed of his motive.

"I had no chance if my brother wouldn't bring me. Even if I had gotten a ticket, I would have no one to go with and I am too young to go by myself," The boy said. "I don't hate Vampires like everyone else. In fact, I wish I was a Vampire." He smiled weakly.

"No, you don't. It's horrible being a Vampire," Inky said. "I hate hiding in the shadows and running away." Inky pushed the boy away.

"Then can we be friends?" The boy asked. He held out his hand for a shake. "Hi, I'm Liam. Nice to meet you," Liam said. "I'm just sorry we had to meet like this."

"Well, now you can go to your game," Inky said, there was a cold tone in her voice. First, he kisses her and now he wants to be friends. What world did this kid grow up in?

"So, you didn't answer my question, can we be friends?" Liam asked.

"I will think about it," Inky said. She turned to leave, but Liam grabbed her arm again. Inky gave him a cold glare.

"Oh, sorry," Liam said, "But how will I find you again and what's your name?"

Inky seemed to stare into his soul.

"The name is Inky and how can I trust you with my address?"

"You don't have to tell me where you live, just your number," Liam said pulling out his phone from his pocket. "If you don't want to be friends then we can just delete each other's numbers."

"Why do you want to be friends with me so badly?" Inky asked. It was a valid question. They had just met and Liam had sexually assaulted Inky, so how could she trust him? He had only done it to go to a soccer game, so did he do it often?

"Because all my friends say how they make Vampire girl's lives bad, but if I am friends with one then I can walk away from it," Liam said. "Plus I love Vampires and want to be one very badly." His cheeks turned pink.

"So you want to be friends with me so you can learn about us. And maybe get a bite if you're lucky," Inky was furious.

"No, that's not it," Liam said. "I have seen you in the schoolyard with your friends and I want what you have."

"And what's that?" Inky almost snapped.

"Friends, fun, freedom," Liam listed. "People that care about you. Nobody cares about me."

"I don't have freedom," Inky said. "Sure, I've got people that care about me and I still have fun sometimes, but hiding what you are. Running from people who try to kill you. Why do you want that?"

Liam looked down.

"My life is very dull. I wouldn't like to run from killers, but you can change your shape, disappear into the shadows and you have magic!" Liam said. "Plus you seem nicer than us 'Humans'. I've read about your blood bank and it sounds cool!"

"Well when you put it that way, you're starting to make me see how special I am," Inky said. "But give me your word that you won't harm me in any way."

"You have it," Liam said. "I give you my word that I won't hurt you."

"Good," Inky said and gave him her number.

"So when can I see you again," Liam asked.

"We aren't friends yet," Inky replied.

"The way things are going, I think we will be," Liam said. He gave a sly smile.

Liam waved goodbye to Inky and left her in the alley, alone. Then she remembered where she was supposed to be and started walking down the alley.

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