Chapter 4

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 Yuri and Inky met on Shrieking Street and walked down it. They took their time looking in every window. Then they entered the candy shop. Yuri and Inky drooled over all of it.

When they left the shop their pockets were bulging with Human sweets and Vampire sweets.

They were going to the pet store when Inky asked, "Have you ever met a Human that wanted to be a Vampire?"

"Well, I have only met a few humans and they all liked being Human, but they are friends with my parents," Yuri said. "why?"

"Because," Inky went pink. "On my way here someone pulled me into an alley and kissed me. It was a boy around our age and He wanted to be a Vampire. And now he wants to be friends!"

"For real?" Yuri asked in shock.

"Yes, for real," Inky said. "I have his number and he has mine. I don't know what to do, should I befriend him? He seems trustworthy, but I don't know him at all."

"You should go out with him and get to know him," Yuri said.

"That seems weird," Inky said.

"Ok, then do you not want to be friends with him," Yuri asked. "He could bring you into places and have your back. He might even keep you safe from boy bullies."

"Should I text him to go to a park or a café?" Inky asked. She was lost when it came to boys. All she knew was what her dad told her, which wasn't much.

"Just leave this to me," Yuri said taking Inky's phone and texting him.

"WHAT! Wait, Yuri, what are you doing?" Inky asked her friend franticly. Beep.

"What was that?"

"Ok, I asked him if he wanted to go out to the park for a walk," Yuri said. She was smiling as she spoke. Inky dropped her head and sighed.

"Sometimes I wonder if anyone has a better best friend than me," Inky said lifting her head to look at Yuri.

"Well I say we should get this all home so you can go and meet him on time," Yuri said. "Because I told him you would be there around 3."

Inky looked at the clock on her phone. It said 2:00 pm. She had an hour to get home, unpack, and leave for the park. "YURI!"

"Well at least I got you a place and time," Yuri said.

The girls rushed out of the street and hurried as fast as they could to their houses.

Inky got home and dumped her shopping on the kitchen table and her dad stared.

What is all this," He asked.

"Sorry, Dad got to go, see you later," Inky said out of breath. Mr. Thorn grabbed Inky's shoulder and turned her to face him. He looked into her eyes. His calm eyes seemed to calm down Inky, a little. "Why are you in a rush?" His voice was calm and slow.

"Yuri told this boy that I would be at the park at 3 and I don't want to be late."

"Do you know this boy? Is he safe?" Her dad asked.

"Well, that is what this meet-up is for, so I can get to know him better," Inky said. Worry was going through every part of Inky's body.

"Do," Mr. Thorn paused. "Do you like this boy?"

Inky could feel her face going red.

"WHAT, NO," Inky stammered. Her father loosened his grip and let go.

"Then why are you going to see him," He asked. He still didn't smile.

"Like I told you, to get to know him. Why?"

"I just don't want you hanging around the wrong people, that's all," Mr. Thorn said. He put his hand on Inky's face and Inky leaned into it. "I don't want anything to happen to you, Inky. Your mother picked your name and I can't lose the last thing I have of her. So please be safe."

"I will be," Inky assured him. "Now I really have to go now, bye."

Inky rushed out the door and Mr. Thorn stood looking after her fading figure.

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