Chapter 5

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 Inky got to the park and sat on a bench. Then she saw Liam come out of a house across the street. He walked over and waved.

"Hello," he greeted Inky.

"Hello," She said back.

"So, what was with the change in heart?" Liam asked.

"I asked my friend what I should do and she took my phone and texted you that message," Inky admitted.

"But you didn't send a different text telling me that was your friend, so you want to see me?"

"Kinda, I want to figure this all out," Inky said. "I guess I need to know you before I can trust you."

"Fair," Liam said. "It was sudden."

"Sudden?" Inky said shocked. "You kissed me and then wanted to be friends."

"Well, that was because you looked cute and I hadn't noticed it till after the kiss." Liam's face went red and he hid it in his hands. "Agh, I didn't mean that. I mean I did, but I didn't. I should stop talking."

  Now it was Inky's turn to go pink. Did he like her? He barely knew her, how could he like her?

"You barely know me, how can you like me?" Inky asked, still pink.

"Your hair is beautiful and I got lost in your eyes," Liam said.

"Well, if you're going to crush on me, then you better know me," Inky said. Then added, "Friends."

"You mean it?" Liam asked looking up.

"Yes," Inky replied.

"So," Liam began. "Shell we start this walk."

"Ok," Inky answered.

"Is it ok if I ask you some questions while we walk?" Liam asked.

"Well you have already asked me some, so a few more won't hurt," Inky said. Liam slapped himself in the face. He had asked Inky 3 questions already. The two started to walk and Liam asked Inky a lot of questions.

Halfway along the path, the pair ran into some boys.

"Hay, Liam," One of them called out, "Whose the girl?"

She's my friend," Liam answered.

"Dany, it's a Vampire," the other said.

"You have a girlfriend that's a Vampire?" Dany asked in a mocking tone.

"She isn't my girlfriend, ok," Liam defended himself.

"Henry, do you want to have some fun," Dany asked.

"Of course," Henry replied.

"Liam, I dare you to kiss the girl," Dany said pointing at Inky. "And if you say 'no', Then I will."

Inky went pink and Liam could tell that she did not like what was happening. He didn't like what his so-called 'friends' were asking. He was crushing on Inky, but he didn't want to kiss her again without asking her for her approval first. But if he didn't then Dany would. Liam made up his mind. He turned to Inky and put his hands on her shoulders.

"Listen," Liam whispered to Inky. "I know these boys. They won't leave us alone until they get what they want, but I don't want to kiss you again without your approval. So, maybe we could fake it? Unless you would rather kiss Dany?"

"Fine," Inky said.

"Well, what's it going to be," Dany asked.

Liam looked at Inky and she blushed.

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