Chapter 6

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 The surprise meet-up with Inky's dad went pretty well. Mr. Thorn even invited Liam to stay for dinner. Liam texted his mum and she said it was ok, so he stayed.

"So how did you meet Inky," Mr. Thorn asked Liam.

"I bumped into her on the street and noticed she was a Vampire. I have always liked Vampires so I asked if she could tell me about them. Then she told me she needed to be somewhere else and I gave her my number. Then we met at the park and protected her from some bullies."

"Well thank you for protecting her," Mr. Thorn said. "So what did you want to know about Vampires?"

"Well is it true that you can shapeshift?" Liam asked.

Mr. Thorn turned into several animals and then went back to his person form.

"Does that answer that question?"

"Can Inky do it too," Liam asked.

Inky, hearing the question, came over and turned into a cat. She jumped on Liam's lap and curled up, purring. Liam started petting her.

"You're such a cute cat," Liam told Inky. "Do you know why your kind is hunted?"

"I believe it's because they think that people that have magic can overrule the country," Inky's father said. "Why?"

"Because I want to be one, but I want to be safe. I was also just wondering about it, that's all," Liam said.

"Well if the world is safe for Vampires one day then I would gladly turn you," Inky's dad said. "It's nice to see someone interested in our kind."

"Then I hope that day comes soon," Liam said.

"Me too," Inky's dad said. "It's getting late. You should go home soon."

"Oh my parents don't care where I am," Liam said. "My mom just wants to know so that I don't do anything bad."

"Your parents don't sound like good parents," said Mr. Thorn.

"They kind of are good parents," Liam said. "When they want to be."

"If they ever are unkind to you, you are always welcome here," Mr. Thorn said.

"Thank you, sir," Liam said.

"It's 11 pm, I'm going to go to bed," Inky interrupted the flow.

Her father came over, kissed her forehead, and said goodnight.

"Goodnight," Liam called after Inky. He had a slight blush.

"Do you like her?" Mr. Thorn asked. This caught Liam off guard and his face went red.

"N-no," Liam said, but his face said otherwise.

"Your face says more then your mouth," Mr. Thorn said.

Liam dropped his head down and covered it with his hands.

"Wise words, sir," Liam said. He was beat.

"What caught your eye?" Inky's dad asked the young man.

"Well, at first I liked how she looked, but know that I have seen some of who she really is, I like that part too," Liam confessed.

"She is an amazing girl, my Inky," Her dad said. "You seem like a nice man. If she returns your feelings then you have my blessing."

"For her hand in marriage," Liam said. He had gone all red again.

"Well not until you and her are 18 of course," Inky's dad said. Liam's face seemed to calm down at this.

"But can I date her for now?"

"Yes," he answered. "Just don't get lost in the moment, ok."

Liam looked like he might faint. His face was red and was sweating.

"I would never," Liam said. 

"I just know things can happen when you get lost in a good kiss," Inky's dad said.

This just broke the poor boy. His eyes widened and he looked like he might pass out. Mr. Thorn noticed this.

"Are you alright?" he asked. "I didn't mean to make you uneasy. Can I get you something? A drink maybe?"

"A glass of water would be nice, thanks," Liam said. He was still red in the face, but he had dried his face with the sleeve of his hoodie.

Mr. Thorn came back with a glass of water and Liam drank some.

"Sorry, I just know some boys can get carried away, but most of them leave her alone right after it, and I don't want that to happen," Mr. Thorn said.

"I know what you mean, but I am not that type of guy," Liam said.

"But accidents happen," Mr. Thorn said.

"True, but if it did happen then I wouldn't leave her," Liam said.

"Good. That's what I wanted to hear," Mr. Thorn said.

"So," Liam wanted to change the topic fast. "How old can a vampire live and how dose the whole aging thing work?"


Liam and Mr. Thorn talked till mid night. Liam fell asleep on their couch, so Mr. Thorn brought him home and into his own bed by sneaking in through a window.

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