Chapter Fifty-Four

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When I finally managed to regain consciousness...I immediately could tell, the moment I opened my eyes, that I was no longer in the home Alaban, Narvi and I built ourselves. The ceiling looked...different, and the bed I was in felt much more...luxurious than anything I had in my abode.

Where was I?

What happened to me?

My brows pinched together, the beginnings of a headache creeping in the back of my mind as I—with way more effort than I cared to admit—pulled myself up into a sitting position to better gage where I currently was. Of course some things looked familiar, like the crudely cut end table that sat next to the bed—meaning I was no doubt still in the sun dragon's village. However, some things threw me for a loop, like the expensive blanket that had been draped over me, and the curtains that looked like they should have been in a castle, instead of a crudely built home in the middle of the woods.

I also felt a weight on me, and when I peered down, I spotted the expanse of pale white hair, before my gaze fell onto Narvi's waking face.

Once he spotted me and saw that I was conscious, those pale blue eyes grew wide, and—before I could even say anything to him—he launched at me, hugging me tightly. "Thank goodness," the moon dragon breathed against my neck, his hug warm, and borderline too tight. Gosh, for someone who appeared lithe, he surely had some strength to him.

"Narvi?" I managed to get out, though, my voice was rough. I cleared my throat with a wince and tried again. "Narvi, what happened? W-Where am I?"

Narvi sat back, keeping my face in his hands as his gaze searched mine. "Evander thinks you had a heart attack," he began slowly. "He didn't say what caused it...though, he illuded to your age. Alaban...he didn't agree with Evander." He paused, giving me a moment to soak in what he just told me.

I...had a heart attack? I didn' family didn't have records of heart attacks within our bloodline so how...why...what?

I gulped and placed a hand on my chest, feeling the slow thump, thump of my heart.

Was this a cause...of being resurrected? Did this happen because of the unnatural way I came back to this world?

Gods, and to think Alaban could have lost me yet again...I-I couldn't fathom what he was going through right now.

With another shaky inhale, I pulled my hand from my chest as if it had caught fire and glanced around for the illusive sun dragon, catching sight of him passed out on a chair not too far from where the bed was.

The poor man looked utterly exhausted, and I felt immense guilt that I had put him in that situation, yet again—even though I knew I shouldn't, since who the hell knew when they would have a heart attack? Even though I knew that and told myself that, that feeling of guilt festered, and festered the longer I looked at him, until Narvi gently pulled my face back towards him—the man giving me a stern look, as if he somehow knew what I was feeling.

"Let him sleep," he said softly, his gaze flickering over to the dragon in question. Those light eyes grew sad. "He hasn't slept since that night. He needs some rest...even if I know how overjoyed he would be to see that you're ok."

I tore my gaze from Alaban and looked at Narvi. "How...long was I out?"

Narvi nibbled at his bottom lip. "A day and a half." He then fell silent and just stared at me, seemingly trying to read me before he spoke again, his voice shaky. "I-I...saw your nightmare. I-I don't know how...but...I saw. I wanted to help, but i-it was as if I was a bystander...I-I couldn't do anything. I-I wanted to help..."

My heart tightened in my chest when I saw those light eyes well with tears, and I pulled him against me, hugging him tightly.

That's right...I-I had a nightmare. A bad one. And while I couldn't quite recall the details, I did recall the pure, unfiltered fear I had felt...which would explain why I had a heart attack. Gods, had I really been so scared that I caused my heart to go into overdrive?

Narvi and I stayed like that for a good fifteen, or twenty minutes—honestly it was hard to tell what time it even was...but after some time, Narvi finally—though seemingly reluctantly—pulled away from me, dabbing at his eyes with his sleeves to dry his tears.

He cleared his throat, and for the first time since I've known him, his pale cheeks were quite reddened—though not from his tears. "Are you hungry? I-I can make you something, i-if you are."

Just as he asked that, my stomach—at the promise of something warm and filling—made itself known, causing my own cheeks to redden as I nodded my head. "I would love some food, thank you Narvi."

The moon dragon's cheeks darkened further...and despite everything that happened, I couldn't help but admire those red cheeks as he jumped to his feet with a nod.

When he left the room, my smile faded, and I glanced over to Alaban with a heavy heart. Twice, I had caused this man pain, even if it hadn't been my fault. But twice he had to worry if the man he loved was going to live or not and I...gods, I felt so guilty. Alaban didn't deserve this...and I began to dislike myself because of it. Why did disaster always seem to follow me, no matter what I did?

I had been given a second chance...but had the gods only intended it to be temporary?

I frowned my gaze transfixed on Alaban's sleeping face.

No. I couldn't think like that. Nightmares happen. Heart attacks happen. It doesn't necessarily mean the gods were out to get me. I was...not the young buck I had been in my twenties. I was older now, and things like this...happened.

I wasn't entirely convinced; however, I did know that I wanted to get out of this bed—whoever's bed this was, and let the man sleep for a little bit longer. Narvi said he needed sleep, and I didn't doubt it one bit.

So, with a heavy breath, I got up and made my way silently towards Alaban with my blanket in hand. I then gently laid it over him, stood there silently for a moment, before I pressed a gentle kiss against the top of his head before I left the room, weary about the future and my health.

A/N: Oooooo shnappppppp, now poor Drakell has to worry about heart attacks??? Is it natural thoughhhhhhh? A punishment from the godssssssss? 

Who knows! Lol

Anywhoooo, hope you all enjoyed the chapter!!!

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