Chapter Four

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I was awakened by a small hand gently nudging my shoulder, and when I opened my eyes, Davian's pale face greeted me.

"Sorry for waking you," he apologized, a blush spilling across his cheeks, "but, um, I-I figured you might be hungry. So, I brought you some soup."

It was then that I noticed the small, steaming bowl cradled in his hands. Of course, it was then that my stomach decided to make itself known, causing my cheeks to burn when Davian chuckled. I wiped the crusty remnants of sleep from my eyes and pulled myself into a sitting position—though, I admit it was a bit of a struggle, seeing as I was laying on a hammock and my arms, legs and chest were aching.

But alas, I was able to get situated comfortably, and when Davian handed me the soup and took a seat, I asked a question that was burning in the back of my mind. Well, ever since I woke up, anyway. "How long have I been out?"

Davian got comfortable in that little rickety chair and slid that ruby gaze towards me. "Two days. I wanted to wake you up earlier, but...well, Cayden thought some rest would do your body some good." He nibbled at his bottom lip, twiddling his thumbs in his lap. "How are you feeling?"

I averted my gaze to the meal in my hands—feeling warmed by the steam—and shrugged, wincing when the cuts on my biceps stretched uncomfortably. "I'll give you a more accurate assessment when I wake up a little bit more. But...ok, I think. A bit achy, but I guess that's to be expected." I then nodded towards the door. "How's the crew?"

Davian shrugged and tucked a lock of raven hair behind his ear. "Mostly fine. We...did lose one, though."

I lowered my gaze, feeling my chest tighten for our fallen ally. "Captain Tavan?"

"He's fine too. He, ah, he keeps asking about you. About how you're doing." He raised a thin brow. "I'm under the impression that he likes you."

'You think everyone only wants you for your title,' the siren's words lingered in my mind, and made me doubt Davian's words. I was a prince, after all—heir to the throne. If anything happened to me while in Tavan's care, and it came to my father's would be his head. Literally. So...of course he would worry about my condition. He didn't want to face my father's wrath. And that's...that's all it was.


Davian frowned at my silence. "Is it...bad, that he cares?"

I slowly shook my head, having lost my appetite. "No, no. I-I'm a prince, Davian. I'm not only a prince, but the heir to a very powerful line of royals. My wellbeing is essential to him keeping his life. doesn't brew any further than that, I'm sure."

My brother's frown deepened, and his brows pinched as if he didn't want to believe my words. "Oh. But, you both flirt with each other...a-and you both disappear into his room to frolic, s-so I thought...maybe..."

My eyes widened. Oh, this poor, innocent little thing. He thought that Tavan and I cared for each other in a romantic way... A smile made its way onto my lips and the look of confusion that Davian shot me was adorable. "Davian, Tavan and I...we...well we "frolic" to pass the time. It was a long, lonely journey we had ahead of us, and sex's a good way to pass the time. It's a mutual understanding between two consenting adults. We know it's not going to lead into anything long lasting, or even romantic."

I then frowned when I realized why Davian thought in such an innocent way. Cayden had told me about what his bastard of a father did to him, and in Davian's eyes—thanks to Cayden—sex was something to be shared with someone you loved, and cherished. He had seen such horrible things in his young life, and yet...he was still so innocent to the world.

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