Chapter Fifteen

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The next morning, when I woke up, I...well, I felt like absolute crap. My head felt as if I had bashed it against a rock, my body was aching badly, and I felt as if I was going to throw up at any moment. Not to mention, it didn't help that my curtains had been pulled open, leaving my room illuminated in too bright of a light.

Wincing, I opened my eyes, trying hard not to close them again as I placed a hand on my forehead. Just how the hell much did I drink last night?

I wanted nothing more than to just remain in bed until this hangover passed, however, once I realized I had never changed out of my clothes from the night prior, I decided it was probably best that I got up and changed into something more comfortable. And, well, maybe take a bath, if the stench radiating off of me was any indication.

So, I pulled myself up, noticing that my shoes had been removed, and turned to look at my nightstand, sighing in relief once I saw a glass of water and some medicinal herbs sitting on the surface. I wondered if they were from Davian, or even Cayden, and without much thought I grabbed the herbs, mixed them appropriately with the water, and downed the entire glass, grimacing from the taste.

Once that was done and over with, I sat at the edge of my bed and dropped my head in my hands, rubbing at my temples as I tried to recall everything that happened last night. I remembered the talk with father, about Lumerian...I remembered downing that first glass of liquor...then I remembered dinner, and the dance with said elven prince...then after that, I was all a blur, and for the life of me I couldn't remember anything after that.

Leave it to me to drink the entire night away.

Shaking my head in exasperation—mostly with myself—I ran my hand though my hair and stood up, nearly falling from the vertigo that shot through me. Once I gathered my balance, I took another deep breath and headed towards my bathroom, readying my bath before I stripped out of these dreadful clothes and climbed in—sighing in content as I leaned my head back against the edge of the tub.

Gods I was never going to drink ever again, no matter what happened. Because hangovers sucked. Badly. I don't know why I ever thought drinking was a good idea, but then again I admittedly was a bit overwhelmed with everything happening around me. It was no wonder I turned to the drink after father practically betrothed me to that elf prince I didn't want to be with.

What the hell happened with him after I ran, I wonder?

Pursing my lips, I grabbed my shampoo and lathered it in my hair before dunking under the water.

Maybe he went back to his table with his fathers', or something. Or, maybe he found someone else to occupy himself with? Hopefully he didn't stay overnight, or try to find me to continue trying to woo me into marrying him, or whatever.

Whatever the case, I just hoped the gods blessed me enough to allow me a day of peace, without father or Lumerian hunting me down to "have a chat". Gods know I didn't need that on top of this hangover.

I stayed in the bath for a good hour, and thankfully, whatever herbs were in that vial helped alleviate my migraine enough that I felt like I could function half-way normally. Once I decided bath time was over, I stepped out of the tub and wrapped a plush towel around my waist, before grabbing another one to wipe my face and dry my hair with.

However, as I was leaving the bathroom, I...well, I nearly screamed in fright when I saw the familiar form of Alaban sitting on the edge of my bed—no doubt waiting for me.

But, why the hell was he here? And how the hell did he get in?

I rushed over to him—definitely forgetting that I was currently...well, only covered by a towel—and watched as he stood up once he noticed I was approaching him. "Drakell,'re naked," he said so eloquently as he immediately averted his gaze and looked everywhere but at me.

Now that he pointed it out, I remembered that, yes, I was indeed naked and now this whole thing was beyond awkward. "T-T-That's besides the point, what the hell are you doing here? In my room, no doubt? What do you want?"

Alaban glanced at me, then quickly looked back away again. "Do you have no recollection of last night?"

I went rigid, and my cheeks burned as the worst-case scenario crossed my mind. "D-Did we sleep together?!"

"What? No!" Alaban exclaimed, and if his skin wasn't so dark, there was no doubt I would see a blush on those cheeks of his. "I assure you, nothing of that nature happened. We...had a conversation. About me needing your help to find my people?" He looked back at me, and this time his gaze remained firm. "Do you truly not remember?"

I shook my head and pinched the bridge of my nose. "No, I don't remember anything past my dance with Lumerian."

Alaban took a step towards me, and I raised my hand, stopping him in place. "Uh, what are you doing?"

The other dragon blinked. "I have a spell that might help you remember what you've forgot. It may not help you remember all of it, but if I focus, I may be able to help you remember our conversation at the very least. It's just...a lot to reexplain."

I eyed him wearily, my hand still up. Should I? I mean, what if he did his weird magic on me and I remember that he wants to take Davian back to Alaban? I mean, after all, he was the one who brought Davian back to him in the first place. Granted, he helped us escape, but how do I trust him because of one good deed?

Then again...if I allowed him to restore my memories and any of it has to deal with him trying to take Davian, I would not hesitate to kill him to protect my baby brother.

"How do I know you won't cast some spell that incapacitates me?" I asked him, trying to read that amber gaze. "After all, you're the reason Alton got his hands back on my brother in the first place."

Alaban winced and averted his eyes. "Look, I apologized for that already. I did not know...I had no idea what that bastard was doing to him. All I knew, was that Alton knew where my people were and I was driven by that need to find them and reunite with them. I know my apology can only go so far, but I assure you, Prince Drakell," he glanced back at me, "I will never associate with that human ever again. Davian is safe here, and will remain so, I promise."

I stared deep into those eyes like liquid gold, trying to find any indication of a lie, swirling within those depths. But I only found honesty, and after a moment, I cleared my throat and lowered my arm, turning my gaze away from his.

"Well...then do whatever you're going to do then."

Alaban nodded, and gently pressed his fingers against the side of my head, his gaze piercing into mine as he began mumbling under his breath. I could see the amber magic slowly materialize around his hand, twisting and twirling like a living tattoo as it wrapped around his fingers that were pressed against my temple.

His voice was deep and calming, and I found myself closing my eyes as images from last night flashed in my mind.

The conversation with father. Me drinking a shot. The dinner. The dance with Lumerian.

All of those I had already gathered happened. But then memories I had forgotten flew into my mind with such force, it reanimated the migraine I had just gotten rid of.

Davian approaching me. Then him and Cayden helping me to my room. The conversation with Alaban...then the incident with Lumerian...

Everything was just so much that once Alaban pulled his fingers from my temple, I pushed him to the side and threw up.

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