Chapter Forty-Three

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Three sets of eyes fell onto Alaban and I, and I couldn't help the strange shiver that danced up my spine, my eyes snapping from Aerylin, to Narvi, then to Evander, before settling on Aerylin. "Aerylin, Alaban and I were wondering if you could fix us up some rabbit, while you make your special breakfast for Narvi? You don't have to if you don't want to, I'd be perfectly fine to do it myself, I-I"

"I don't see why not," Aerylin spoke up, a warm smile on her face. "It should be all done in about half an hour, so check up with me then."

Evander glanced at Aerylin. "I wouldn't mind something to eat as well. How can I possibly pass up the opportunity to eat your delicious cooking?" He grinned and pressed a kiss to Aerylin's blushing cheeks before those gold eyes flickered towards me. "Actually, this would be a good time to have our little conversation? If you're up for it, of course. I wouldn't want to rush you."

I nibbled at my bottom lip and glanced at Alaban, who stared back at me with such care in his eyes. His arm was still settled comfortably around my shoulders, and I couldn't help but notice from the corners of my eyes how Evander's eyes slightly narrowed.

That feeling came back to me—that same tight feeling in my chest that was borderline uncomfortable...but the love in Alaban's eyes had me relaxing just a bit as he gave me a chaste kiss and released his hold on me. "I'll be with Aerylin and Narvi, if you need to find me. Any other requests for breakfast?" He asked me, blond brow raised.

"Oh, Just rabbit is fine for me." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek, and turned my attention to Evander. "So, ah, where do you want to talk? If it's ok with you, I would rather not have this conversation out in the open."

Evander raised a brow, but nodded respectfully. "Of course, we can go to my tent." He gestured for me to follow him, and with a nervous, rapidly beating heart, I followed him to a small, private tent by the edge of where the woods began. Evander lifted the flap and held it up as I stepped inside—taking note of the simplistic leaf bed and crudely carved desk that sat in the back.

Feeling nervous and a bit awkward, I sat down in front of the desk and watched as Evander took the seat on the other side of me, steepling his hands while that golden gaze fixated on me. "Pardon my manners...would you like something to drink? Water? Tea, perhaps? The green tea I've managed to collect is quite strong and helps calm down any nerves."

I honestly wasn't particularly thirsty...but Evander was being nice and offering, and I didn't want to pass up on something that could help me relax. So, I gave him a small smile and nodded—awkwardly scratching the back of my neck. "Ah, sure. Thank you."

"Of course," Evander responded as he stood up and began prepping the tea—his back to me. "Now, I do want to let you know that in no way is this an interrogation, of any kind. If there is something that is too uncomfortable for you to speak about, do not hesitate to let me know, and I will change the subject." He held on to a metal pot, and, using his magic, heated the water within up enough that within seconds, it was bubbling.

I tore my gaze away from him—staring at the wooden grain of the desk in front of me. "I...thank you, I appreciate that. I'm still coming to terms with everything myself..."

Evander set a steaming cup in front of me, before taking his seat. "I can imagine. You died, and're currently breathing and speaking to me." He took a sip and sat his cup down on the desk. "I've seen a lot in my time—both magical and non-magical—however...not once have I seen a man come back from the dead before."

I grabbed my steaming cup and held it in my hand, just feeling the warmth of the cup heat up my chilly hands. "Trust me, it's new to me too. Especially magic. I mean...I've lived my life in simplicity—you know, despite the title that was thrust upon me at birth. I could have never imagined I would have ended up here, you know?" I sighed and peered up towards the sun dragon in front of me. "What do you want to know?"

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