A Word from Robin

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I am writing this myself and in the first person after becoming inspired by reading a handful of autobiographies and memoirs back to back. Although I have a writer, who wrote the other part of my story 'Nowhere But You' (that you must read before this one, otherwise you won't understand many of the references here and you will get some major spoilers) she said no, you know this part better than I do. And she could be right. But my style is different: I write as I remember, as if I'm telling you the story out loud. As if every chapter is a sort of journal entry. I don't know how much dialogue there will be, not much, maybe.

Well, I decided to give it a go because this could be an interesting exercise before my good memory tricks me and I forget all of this, and also because I want to see my own reaction at remembering these events and these people. There are some whom I haven't thought about in a long, long time. I do have a good memory (ask my writer) but it's very selective, so I'm going to have to dig deep and see what comes out.

Also, I want to say that I'm writing this with the utmost respect to the people involved in that period of my life, and those who came after.

Finally, one small trigger warning: A big chunk of this story deals with an age-gap relationship between a legal teenager and a figure of authority 10 years her senior. It was entirely consensual, although we could agree that a teen's hormone-driven brain is not in the best shape to make decisions of any kind—you will see. Either way, if you find yourself bothered and/or triggered by that subject, I suggest you skip this story. 

In Hindsight (a Prequel to Nowhere But You)Where stories live. Discover now