Chapter 24 - Function Prelude

Start from the beginning

Anyways, it didn't take a marriage counsellor to know Aaron's chosen mate was angry with him. During every pack discussion, every meeting they had with the Beta, Delta and Gamma to decide on further actions, Kylie only seemed all the more determined to oppose whatever stance the Alpha was taking just to spite him, and in the end nothing was done. A lot of duties that should have been accomplished weeks ago were still on the agenda, causing many activities in the Silver Arrow Pack to come to a standstill, and complaints to arise from certain pack members.

Maybe it was because they hadn't slept together for a long while since they became a mated couple, but Kylie was starting to become less and less attractive by the day. She knew how to fight and still exuded the supposed confidence Aaron had wanted in his Luna, but she refused to interact with any of her pack members aside from her friends and family, and showed a complete lack of patience in running through the usual documents or procedures that a Luna was required to overlook.

The closest thing she had to guidance was a file full of notes that Olwen had taken when she was still training here - but like hell was Kylie going to look at those. And her childish behaviour towards him in official matters, just because their relationship was not going well was beginning to irk Aaron.

Yes, she is the perfect, beautiful strong Luna you wanted, Ares mocked inside him. Congratulations.

Being unable to bed his own chosen mate outside of when the heat cycle demanded it, Aaron had no choice on regular days but to relieve his tensions like a hormonal youth who had not yet found his other - by himself. He had held off on the drugs the best he could after 'the incident' to prevent Ares from spiralling even more out of control, but that didn't stop his wolf from continuing to push images of Olwen into his mind when he was alone and with Kylie during her heat. He'd ended up calling the name of his ex mate more than once - managing to hold it off this time whenever he was with his chosen mate, thank the goddess - but was increasingly unnerved by how little guilt he was experiencing.

It was made all the more difficult since even though he'd been having an affair with Kylie, he'd still been with Olwen physically the most while the former was away at the Snow Fang Pack with her own fated. Before Kylie's green apple scent, Aaron had been more familiar with Olwen's lavender and honey, and the house that he and Luna Kylie now lived in had once been hers and his after all.

On particular days where Kylie and him had very bitter arguments that resulted in them facing their backs to each other and falling asleep in tense silence, Aaron missed playing with Olwen's brown hair and listening to her soft snores as she lay next to him.

He was confused. He couldn't be sure whether it was actually him or his wolf's actions affecting him, but he didn't feel anything for Kylie these days other than annoyance and exasperation.

"You useless brat!" A shout startled Aaron out of his thoughts. A distance away was Luna Kylie once again shoving Jessie to the ground with an agitated expression on her face. "Trust an omega to miss out an item from my shopping list!"

Jessie cowered immediately, baring her neck to the Luna in complete fear.

With a heavy sigh, Alpha Aaron left Delta Jace and Gamma Edric to talk with another pack member who was having neighbourly issues and approached his mate.

"Kylie, enough. You're scaring your attendant."

"It's her fault!" The Luna snapped, her amber eyes blazing with fury. "Tell her, Aaron!"

"Look, whatever it is you missed, I'll go and get it." Alpha Aaron said, his tone flat and resigned. He turned to Jessie.

"Jessie, I apologise on behalf of the Luna. She must be on edge thanks to the approaching function. You may be excused from your omega duties for the rest of the day."

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