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NIGHTWING? Opening the window she held Ridley's collar with a tight grip. Dragging him over to his bed placing him in a stay. Back in her bedroom stood the man. "Nightwing?" She asked as if his name were a question, though it was more a reality check. Even though she knew the answer, she couldn't believe it.

"What are you doing here?" She was stunned. But a wave of panic washed over her, what if he's already figured out everything, from the moment she was born to this very moment. "Madelyn, I understand this is crazy but it'll all make sense ok?" He spoke as if she were a child, looking down on her.

"Well go on." She urged him to continue. "I have a mission and it requires someone unknown to the criminal world." He spoke. Madelyn looked around the room as if looking for cameras for this 'hilarious prank.' "Why me?" She questioned puzzled on why her.

"I've heard you've been through some sort of military training." Madelyn shrugs. "Yeah, but it wasn't meant for things like this."

Nightwing looks down at her. "You can just say no if you don't want to do it, I totally und-" Madelyn cut him off. "I'll do it." She couldn't be seen as weak. It was like her number one rule. In and out of the mask, she was never to back down from a fight.

Nightwing almost seemed not to believe it. "Seriously?" Madelyn nodded once more. "Sure, I mean I love you know... Taking down criminals." She said awkwardly, seeming as though she didn't know what she was talking about.

Nightwing let a small chuckle escape his throat and looked down at his feet before back up at her. "Um, so is this like your thing?" Nightwing tilted his head to the side at her, as if he were a confused puppy. "You show up to random girls' apartments and ask them if they wanna help you fight people." Madelyn finishes her question.

Nightwing smiled at this and shook his head. "I guess it is. That doesn't make me sound any good does it?" Madelyn was quick to shake her own head. "No it doesn't." He begins nodding. "Noted."

"Uh, sorry how rude of me. Would you like a drink, to sit down?" Madelyn offers leading him into the common area where her kitchen, dining table and lounge room all were located. "Just water thank you." He takes a seat at the dining table.

When Madelyn walked to the table he was sitting at it looked familiar, giving her deja vu. Taking a couple blinks she snaps herself out of it and places the cup in front of him. Then her eyes drifted to her mess in the lounge room. Shit. She cursed herself mentally.

"Sorry about the mess, I wasn't expecting visitors." She sat opposite him. "Please don't worry about it, my home is an absolute mess. Constantly just things everywhere." Madelyn smiled at this, nodding her head.

She watched Nightwing look at her dog. "Your dog, he always like that?" Madelyn nods. "He's a protection dog, it is Gotham after all." She shrugs and he nods understanding that. "Can I pet him?" He asks looking at me.

"You can try." She smirks wanting to see this. Nightwing stands up and walks over to the dog slowly and crouching down to him, he held out his hand and Ridley sniffed it, standing up wagging his tail. Nightwing pet Ridley's head.

Madelyn walked over in confusion she couldn't even muster a word. "He never lets strangers pet him." She crouches next to the super. He hums in response before standing back up. Checking his watch he says. "We need to talk about the mission."

Madelyn nods. "Oh yeah, the mission." They walk back over to dining table they sit down once more and Nightwing begins talking.

He explained that the mission was one where Madelyn would have to go undercover to one of Bruce Wayne's gala balls, there was  a criminal selling illegal drugs and weapons there. Madelyn was to go and communicate to him of what was going on, on the inside of the charity party.

Madelyn nodded along the whole thing. Before Nightwing dismissed himself with a nod he climbed out her window and she watched him. Not in a creepy way per say just in an confused way.

That's what she told herself.

He closed the window silently not to draw attention to himself or her apartment. It must've been something he did a lot. Sneaking around into peoples apartment.

Ridley had walked in front of Madelyn and sat, staring up at her with his big brown eyes. She pet his head and smiled content. Deciding it was time to go back through the files.

She went to back to the lounge room to gather all the files she had pulled out. Reading through a few more.

She looked around the room confused finding no information on it. Fuck this. She stood up and walked over to where she had thrown Richard's file.

write about dick leaving then Madelyn going through the files one last time only to find Richard's file gone. Confusion filled inside of her.

Sneaky mother fucker. She thought to herself. "Fucking Nightwing." She mumbled, anger now bubbling inside of her. Betrayal rising in her.

Looking out the window that the super had jumped out of she saw nothing, except the darkness lit by city lights.

Mentally cursing Nightwing in hopes he would never come back. But oh how she wanted to see him again. How she wanted to punch him in his awfully perfect face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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