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THAT morning Madelyn woke up to pounding on her front door and Ridley barking, still half asleep she rolled over and pick up her phone to check the time. 10:23 am. Panic rose in her as she jumped out of bed and began to change for the stranger at her front door.

Considering the days were getting cooler she wore a simple flare tracksuit pants and a jumper. Walking to the front door she called out, "coming." Annoyed she flings open the door, not checking the peephole in the door.

Madelyn puts Ridley in a heel beside her, now having some peace with the now controlled dog. Looking up at the stranger she is soon to realise this is no stranger. Detective Grayson. Sighing she looks down at her feet ashamed of how she reacted to the last interaction.

"Detective Grayson..." She paused. "Before you arrest me I would like to apologize for how I acted last time, I promise you I'm not guilty of anything, I know it may not seem that way but-" She was cut off.

"Miss Walsh, I'm here to question you, not arrest you." Detective Grayson spoke. "May I come in?" He asked politely. Madelyn nodded and stepped aside for him to enter the apartment, she closed and locked the door behind her, then instructed her dog to bed, only than to lead the officer to the dining room.

The two sat down and Madelyn offered the officer something to drink to which he declined gently. "So, where do you wanna start?" Madelyn questioned, cocking her head to the side.

"Miss Walsh, would you happen to know a man by the name Damon Walsh?" He questioned, sliding a photo of the man in front of her. She drifted her eyes up to the detective before answering. "Yeah, what about him? Is he ok?" Her concerns rising for her brother.

"He was murdered, last week. His ex, found him." She felt my body go cold. Damon was dead. Impossible. "What was your relation to Damon?" He asked, having his notepad and pen in hand. Madelyn looked at the photo in front of her.

"He was my older brother." She answered, slowly, still processing the whole situation. "I'm sorry to hear that. Would you happen to know where your parents live?" Detective Grayson asks her. She shakes my head 'no.'

"Did you know what he did for work?" He asked, Madelyn knew the answer already, she couldn't dob on her dead brother. "No, he was unemployed." She speaks softly, he nods slowly. "Did he have any kids, partners, or other exes?" Asking her once more another question.

"No, he was lazy, played video games all day, I don't even think he talked to a woman." She spoke lying once more. He didn't own a gaming device, he didn't even like video games. "Do you have his address?"

I nodded 'yes' this time. "Unit 19, 14 Dolans Avenue, literally a block away from here."

The officer nods and writes a few more things before standing up. "Well, I believe that is all for today, thank you and sorry for your loss." Madelyn stands up with him and they both shake hands, a firm shake of the hand.

They walked to the front door. She let a tear drop from her eye, she told herself it was all for show, that she wasn't actually sad, but she wasn't truly sure at this moment. "Thank you Detective Grayson. Could you please if you find anything else on this case, contact me. Here's my number." Madelyn thanked him, handing him a card with her number on it.

He nodded at me with a somewhat comforting smile. "Of course. Thank you for not running off this time." She chuckled softly, "of course."

Waving him off he walked out of her apartment and she shut the door behind her, her mood changing completely. She was emotionless. "Motherfucker." She muttered to herself. "Now look Ridley, I've gotta kill the motherfucker who killed my brother and then figure out Nightwing's family."

Madelyn exaggerated the 'and' while talking to her dog who had completely calmed down. Sitting on the couch, her plans of doing nothing all day began. Pulling out her laptop she began doing her research on what she could find, but yet, nothing.

Then she went into her bathroom where behind her bathroom cabinet was a filing cabinet going through she found anything she could on the vigilantes who fought at night. The stack of files were smaller than some others but she was sure to have enough to find something useful.

Soon her lounge room became a mess, files everywhere. She groaned annoyed, muttering curse words under her breath. It almost felt as though it would be useless and about to resort to other methods before she came across a file read: Richard Grayson.

It had some information about his past, his circus life, than he came onto working as a detective. How convenient. Throwing the file to the side she didn't think it held much purpose. She went through every file about any superhero or vigilante she could find.

"These files are supposed to have life changing information in them, the only thing life changing about this piece of shit is that I'm gonna lose 100,000 dollars." Madelyn spoke to herself, standing up angrily.

She threw the file in her hand at a wall and walked over to the dining room, to calm down at. She lowered her head before the photo of her now dead brother was on the table. "Shit, he forgo-" That concern turned into a smirk. "He forgot the photo. Some cop." Placing the photo in her pocket she walks around her apartment now in deep thought.

Looking outside, it only hit her how long she'd been going with this. Including breaks in between she'd been at this for a good 8 hours.

No dots were adding up. No files had information. Nothing was going as planned and she had a photo of her dead brother. Her train of thought was interrupted by the growling of her dog once more.

Storming over to where Ridley was at her bedroom window growling, it was raining hard. So it took a minute for her to finally notice the man standing on the fire escape.

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