3.5 | The Accident

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THE LITTLE BLUE SEDAN pulled into the driveway at Eight Pearlygate Pointe, at approximately eight PM. Eight–O-four, to be exact. A light was on in the kitchen, but the rest of the house was dark.

Nico stayed in the car. Sitting. Watching. Waiting. He didn't know what for, exactly. He just knew that whatever awaited him inside, was far, far worse than the temporary safety of Charlie's car.

"You're late," Charlie said.

Nico only sighed. He stared out the window, watching the lighthouse as it surveyed the sea. "I am."

A thumb moved over the back of his palm. Rubbing his knuckles in some comforting circles. Charlie taken his hand and hadn't let it go since they'd got on Bridgestreet. Since Nico had yelled at him. Like an idiot.

Fucking idiot.

"Do you...," Charlie started, "...want me to come in with you, or—,"

"Absolutely not."


Nico stared at the house. He couldn't stay out here forever. He was prolonging the inevitable. And he needed to check on Claud. Make sure she hadn't stuffed Leena in a closet, or tied up the twins. It had all happened too fast. He wished he could go back to the beginning of the day. Back to the stupid prank call. To the roller coaster, and the gift shop. Terrifying as it had been, he would live it over and over if he could.

"Well. I hope you had a good time still—,"

"I did," Nico turned finally. He nodded, "I did. It was the best time."

Charlie held his stare on him. It seemed as if he wanted to smile, but it proved weak, "Good." he said. His hand gave the back of Nico's palm a squeeze. "I'm glad. That was all I really wanted."

Nico hissed an equally weak laugh, tired as he sighed, "Yeah. Well," he swallowed and pulled his hand away suddenly, patting his own lap as he shrugged, "I guess... is my, debt considered paid now?"

His friend only stared. That same comfortable silence they shared each time neither knew how to hang up the phone seemed as if it had found its way into the car.

Charlie moved suddenly. Lips crashed against Nico's. Hard. Softening, tenderly. And suddenly, gone before he could properly register. His friend was back in the driver's seat.

They didn't speak. Quiet.

Charlie finally swallowed and nodded after some time, "Uh huh."

Nico was frozen. A statue, save for the warmth which prickled at his face.

"Oh," he started. Stopping. His heart was skipping like it somehow forgot how to beat, if that was even possible. "OkaywellI'llseeyoulater!" he jimmied nervously with the door that was still locked, and Charlie mumbled some awkward apologies as he fumbled to unlock it with the controls on his side. At last the car clicked with the sound of the unlocking mechanism and the door pushed open far harsher than Nico had intended.

"Shit, sorry?" he whispered a laugh,  swallowing as Charlie shrugged, stammering that it was fine as he reached across— "Oh. D-don't forget, the uh...,"

"Right, yeah," Nico forced an awkward laugh as he took the longboard.

"Well. I'll see you?" Charlie asked. Nico nodded. He smiled. His throat was like sandpaper.

"See you!" a quick wave and he turned on his heels. Legs felt like jelly as he crossed the driveway and tapped up the back porch steps. And even as he fumbled the house key from his pocket, twisted it in the door and unlocked, there was only one thought on his mind.

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