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I hate everything

Killua grumbled, as Magna yet again stopped him from electrocuting himself. He'd been trying to do so for the last six months, but someone always stopped him. "Do you have a death wish or something lil man?" Magna said, with a pointed glare at him. Killua glared right back, hissing to be put down. Magna groaned, then dropped him. Killua landed square on his paws, before giving him as much as a scowl as he could in this cat body.

Killua had gotten more used to how to convey different kinds of emotions or needs without speaking. Over time the Bulls stopped treating him like a cute housecat, and more like an actual member of the squad. He went on missions, he had his own room, Killua had effectively established himself as an official member. He'd even met some other black bulls members he hadn't known existed previously. Killua once visited a lonely man with messy pale hair deep in the bowels of the hideout, however he'd felt his Nen almost draining from his body when he was around and never went back.

He usually ended up hanging around Luck, Vanessa, or Magna. The three who'd initially found Killua. He was done trying to electrocute himself for the day, so he made his way over to where Vanessa was lounging. Killua leapt up onto a fluffy cushion that had been set up on a low table nearby and settled down onto it. He hung around Vanessa when he just wanted to relax, she'd sit there as she drank and just talk to him. Vanessa glanced over, very much inebriated. "Hey there. Back again?" She said drunkenly, taking another sip of her booze. "Mm, yeah that's the stuff."

Killua meowed in greeting, stretching himself out comfortably on the cushion. Vanessa hummed softly, laying back on her drinking couch. Killua laid his head on his paws, enjoying the peace and quiet. The peace and quiet that was almost immediately shattered as Finral walked in. "Can you sober up for a few minutes?" Vanessa let out a deep sigh. "Depends, is it important?" Killua's tail lashed in irritation, raising his head with a disgruntled meow. "Oh hey Corrie." He offhandedly greeted the feline. Pretty much everyone except the captain called him by his new nickname.

Finral glanced back to vanessa. "Well, kind of. We might have some new recruits coming. Remember, the magic knight exam is in about a week." Killua yawned, laying his head on his paws once more as he listened. Vanessa raised her eyebrows. "And that's important to me...why?" Finral rolled his eyes. "When- if, we get newbies. You need to be sobered up. So keep that in mind." Vanessa waved a hand, the booze she'd been drinking sloshing in the cup. "Yeah yeah, don't worry kiddo." She said dismissively, with a yawn. "I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you though, Yami can be pretty picky."

Finral gave her a perplexed look. "Half of our squad didn't even take the exam, Vanessa." Killua tilted his head at this, he thought one had to take the exam in order to get in. Interesting. "Doesn't mean he aint picky." The voices slowly faded out as Killua felt himself dozing off, slipping into a comfortable cat nap. 



Killua was startled awake by Captain Yami's shout. His ears slowly unflattening as he came to his senses. Killua had just been lazing away the day, napping in his room since nothing interesting was happening. Oh wait, those exam things are today aren't they. He remembered, as he peeked into the room with all the shouting. The captain was standing there impatiently, with Gordon. Gordon was quite strange, although Killua wasn't sure why most people were so afraid of him. The guy was actually really friendly, often times he'd make little cat toys for Killua. He never played with them, that would be extremely embarrassing and mortifying. But it was still a nice gesture.

Killua meowed, padding into the room. Yami glanced at him, then huffed. "What is it?" Killua sat down near his feet, cocking his head to the side with another meow. "Just waiting for our friend Corrie." Gordon mumbled, looking down at him. I know that, but I want go go with you. "Oh for fuck's sake. FINRAL!" Yami bellowed again, causing Killua's ears to flatten to protect his fragile eardrums. A portal materialized, and Finral nervously poked his head out. "Y-Yes sir?" Yami groaned. "Finally, we have to get to the entrance exam. Where the hell were you?" 

Killua drowned out the chatter, eyes on Finral as he stepped out of the portal, and prepared to make another one. He wasn't sure if he was allowed or not, but Killua wouldn't be asking. He was fed up being suck in the hideout all day. Killua lowered himself to the ground, ready to pounce. He leapt towards the portal, however Yami caught him mid jump. "Ah ah ah, you can't go." Killua's tail lashed and he growled softly to show his discontent. But it sounds so exciting! I'm sick of being stuck here.

"Why not sir?" Finral asked curiously. Yami sighed. "The whole 'Official squad pet' thing hasn't been finalized yet. Since this thing is kinda unheard of I had to run it by Julius first and the confirmation hasn't come back yet." He said, tossing Killua gently in the direction of the door. He landed neatly, with barely a sound. Yet, Killua turned and gave him a grumpy look. That's stupid. "Oh, well. In any case we should get going-" Killua walked away, disappointed. This relaxation had been nice for a month or two, but it eventually got boring and monotonous. Guess I'll go...take another nap? or something.

1029 words 

To Be Continued...

Sorry this chapter was pretty much a filler, but i promise next one's exciting!

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