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Jack's POV
Toby and I stood in place in the shed. We were instantly teleported to the living room of the mansion. I couldn't face anyone right now. I headed to my bedroom door, opened it, and stepped down into my somehow, upright room. I sat down on my bed. I couldn't help myself, I started crying.

I curled up in fetal position. What if Slender decides to kill Violet? She was finally safe, I protected her... but now, I can't... and she's not safe. I'm a horrible boyfriend. Why is my life so unfair. Things were finally going good, now everything has just turned to shit.

That night, I cried myself to sleep. I awoke to Slender stomping on my door. It sucks having a door on the floor. I opened up the door to his smooth, blank, expressionless, face. "Laughing Jack, we need to talk. Now." he said angrily. I nodded. In a blink of an eye, he was gone. I climbed up and out of my room. Here goes everything.

I walked up to Slender's door. There was a lump in my throat. I swallowed hard, trying to stay strong. The door swung open. Slender reached for me with his tentacle, and pulled me inside. The door slammed behind me. "So, LJ, I hear from Bloody Painter that you've been hanging around with a human. Is this true?" He asked.
"Yes. But-"
"When is that ever okay?"
"Never, but Slend-"
"But nothing. You know that hanging out with or befriending humans is not allowed."
"Jack, that is enough buts."
"Slender, you don't understand. She's a wonderf-"
"She? So you're hanging around a female human?"
"Yes. She's a wonderful person."
"Are you... falling for her?"
"We're... we're dating."
"Unacceptable. I will not have you befriending a human, let alone dating one. How dare you disobey my rules."
"But, you don't understand. She's amazing. She makes me feel happy, and I do the same for her. She's no longer alone because of me. I finally have someone who's special to me. She's my everything. I've known her ever since she moved to California, eleven years ago. I really care for her."
"You've known her since 2004! Jack, how could you do this? Sneaking around behind my back for eleven years? I thought I could trust you. I took you in when you had no one."
"I'm sorry. I just thought-"
"No apologies. Kill her... or I will."
"No! I can't."
"Then I will "
"Please, Slender, you can't. Don't do this!" I started crying.
"I don't want to hear it."
"What do you have against humans? I realize that we're killers, but why do hate humans so much?"
"I can't answer your question, Jack. Say your last goodbyes because this female is not going to live another day. If you try to stop me... I will kill you as well. Forget her, Jack. She's not worth it."

I looked at him. I was horrified, yet filled with a mix of extreme sadness and rage. I didn't know what to do. I was paralyzed with fear. My mind was racing. Violet was going to die. This time I couldn't save her. She'd be gone. We'd both be alone.

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