Cabin Search

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Skeppy didn't ask about Cellbit, but he at least knew who was in the room by the screams and complaints.

Angela sat back down looking a little disturbed but not discouraged from nurse-hood.

"Don't worry about that, everything's fine." Angela said.

"Okay..." Skeppy was really unsettled but eventually he took a nap on the couch while waiting for Bad.


"Bad!" Skeppy had went to the lecture hall to meet him as soon as the writing was over.

"Skeppy." Bad didn't have much energy but he still smiled and walked with Skeppy towards the cafeteria for lunch time. "Gah, I am sleepy. Thankfully it'll only be an hour a day moving forward."

"Did you have fun?"

"Okay well...essays aren't fun."

"You said they were!"

"I think I just enjoy sitting down and letting thoughts out. I'm exhausted and hungry, but I feel lighter."

"That's good..." Skeppy looked back to the hoard of people also making their ways to lunch. He spotted Roier and stopped him. "Roier, are you going to get Cellbit?"

"Obviously?" Roier was just as tired, twice as sassy because of it.

"Okay, just warning you. I was in the nurse's office for a bit. Cellbit was screaming and crying, think he frightened the hell out of Angela a few times."

"Okay, thank you." Roier didn't look surprised. "Sorry if he disturbed you. Last night he hadn't slept, kept saying he saw faces in the the windows."

"Oh?" Bad tilted his head, listening in. "Me and Skeppy were up at one point last night and didn't hear him."

"It was very early. Like er...3:30 or something in the morning, didn't wake you?"


"Good, I try my best to keep him quiet so you did not wake."

"Is he okay?"

"Yes..." Roier knew Cellbit's business was none of anyone's. But, he knew some things he had to share. So people understood Cellbit more, so they'd treat him like a person. "Cellbit takes medication...I don't know how, but they are missing."

"Missing? Since when?" Bad figured it must've been for awhile.

"Just saw them missing two days ago."


Skeppy looked around as if he could easily spot the theif. He couldn't. Everyone looked completely innocent. "Someone took them?"

"I guess, is in a locked cabinet though. I have no ideas." Roier shrugged. He seemed abnormally calm. He was too exhausted and defeated to be angry.

"You'd think they'd do an announcement to figure it out?" Skeppy suggested.

"I think they will try to solve without all the fuss and panic. I suggested maybe it was Troy. They are trying to figure it out easy first."

Summer Flings {Skephalo Summer Camp AU} CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now