The Fight

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TW// verbal and physical harassment. Homophobia and sanism.

"Is everything okay?" Skeppy was going to join Bad's table, but noticed the group looked tense.

"Ugh, Foolish is such a–" Bad exhaled with a large puff. "It doesn't even matter. How are you feeling?"

"I'm you want to come eat with me in the nurse's office? If you aren't eating with your friends."

"Yeah, sure."


They sat at a desk, overlooking a window. There wasn't much to see, just trees. And overlooking the boys, was Angela. She was helping a girl pull a splinter out of her finger. Yet her focus still traveled to those boys.

"I can't believe he did that..." Skeppy shoveled some egg into his mouth. "I don't know him, but...I wouldn't think you'd be friends with a guy like that."

"He's not normally this stupid." Bad rested his cheek in his hand. He didn't feel like eating. He worried he had just lost his friends for the rest of the week if not the summer. "I can't believe he took it that far either..."

"It's messed up, for sure." Skeppy reached over and poked Bad on the nose.

Bad scrunched his face. "What the heck?"

"Eat your food, you haven't eaten anything."

Bad blushed and took a bite out of his bacon. "Sorry, just so stressed out."

"I get that." Skeppy continued eating. Things were quite for a couple minutes. Thoughts consumed Skeppy until he finally said one out loud.

"Your hair looks really smooth."

Bad ran a hand through his ponytail. "Most people tell me it looks gross."

"What?!" Skeppy believed it, people could be horrible. But he couldn't believe that Bad even remembered their remarks. "Don't even bother remembering that bullshit. Your hair looks silky like– like in those commercials."

Bad had to laugh, hoping he could blame the pinkness of his skin on laughing. "Like, those L'Oreal commercials?"

"Yeah, because you're worth it." Skeppy quoted the advertisements.

The sun could have burnt out in that moment, and Bad would be ready. Who needs the sun when you're in love?

"Oh my gosh, You're cute." Bad didn't know he said it until the awkward silence fell between them. When Bad looked up at Skeppy, Skeppy was staring right at him. "Sorry? It was just a little joke."

"No..." Skeppy picked at the skin around his fingernails. "Sorry, I just had a wave of fatigue."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm completely fine." Skeppy blamed the stuttering of his heart on his medical record, not the boy sitting with him.


"This is boring." Skeppy chewed on his pencil. The only redeeming quality of today was getting to sit next to Bad.

"It's better than sports day, isn't it?" Bad was taking his assignment seriously. He was glad to be sitting in a classroom, doing something more academic. They were assigned to go to the library and find a book about an occupation they were interested in. Then they were writing a paper about it. It felt like school, and Bad enjoyed it.

Summer Flings {Skephalo Summer Camp AU} CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now