Arc 3. Chapter 3. The journey.

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Ayanokoji Pov:

“...Of course you won.”

Eiichiro was not surprised that I made it to the gate first.

“You really are fast…”

Hasebe muttered.

“That's what she said.”



After that exchange, we continued on the way to the gym.

After 5 minutes, those guys were already bored.

“Urgh. I can't believe they made us go for such a long trip with our feet.”
Hasebe complained. Which was understandable, it was quite peculiar for a school to do such a thing.

Right now, we were in the cindersap forest. This is the only place in the entirety of the Anhs campus where we can find a Shroomish. And there are a lot of them here.

Sakura yelled.

I looked towards her to see a Spinarach jumpscared her.

I sighed.

“Just catch it.”
I told her.

She brought up her pokeball to catch it, but she was trembling trying to catch it.

I went towards her, and took hold of her hand. Then I pulled it towards the Spinarach, catching it.

“Here you go.”
I said before turning the other way.

“Hehe. How nice. Ayanon~”

I ignored the blue thing and continued on the journey for an hour.

They all made small talk on the way, but I didn't really pay attention.

While on the way, I thought about the presence that followed me throughout the last week. I wonder whether Ryuen or Arisu sent them? I looked at all the students in the first year two days ago. I didn't check the second and third year since it is unlikely I have got their attention yet.

After a while, I only had four suspects. Shinna, Hashimoto, Kamuro or Yamamura. I doubt it was Shinna, since she didn't seem like that type of person. But you never know what Ryuen could do. Hashimoto or Kamuro are likely options if Arisu sent them after me. And Yamamura doesn't really seem to have any reason to follow me. There is a chance that she is also under Arisu though. So I will keep her as a suspect.

“Ayanokoji-kun. What do you think about it?”

Ichinose asked.

“What were you all even talking about?”
I replied.

They looked at me with disappointment.

“Did you really…Well, you see. Sakura believes that mythical pokemons exist. While the rest of us don't believe it. What do you think about mythical pokemons? Do you believe in them?”
Hasebe explained.

Mythical pokemons. They are pokemons that are considered myths. Unlike Legendaries, there is not any proof that they exist. People who believe they exist are often looked down upon because of this.

As for me?

“...I don't really care.”
I answered.

“Of course.”
Eiichiro gave a sigh of disappointment.

Suddenly, sounds of battling come from near us.

“Eh? Do you all hear that?”

Hasebe asked.

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