chapter 6 : navigating turmoil

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the next day dawned, marked by beomseok's absence due to illness. yujin had already headed off for his morning training, leaving aejung and boreum alone at their customary morning spot.

"it was actually crazy," aejung began, rolling her eyes in recollection.

"tell me everything," boreum urged, her tone brimming with curiosity.

"basically, it was going so well. I was teaching him a lot, and then suddenly, boyoung comes in and says they have training once again," aejung recounted with a scoff, frustration evident in her voice.

"that's annoying," boreum sympathized, letting out a sigh.

"it just sucks though. i feel like our friendship is being compromised since she's there all the goddamn time now," aejung lamented, a palpable sadness underlying her words.

"i'm sorry this is happening to you, aejung," boreum expressed with a pout, offering her friend a side hug. aejung reciprocated the hug, appreciating the comfort.

as they embraced, aejung noticed a familiar male figure approaching. "morning," gunwook greeted warmly, receiving smiles in return from the girls. "are you girls okay? from a distance, you guys looked really down," he observed sympathetically.

"it's just boy problems again," aejung sighed sadly.

"well, you can always talk to me about it, okay?" gunwook reassured aejung with a warm smile, prompting her to explain the events of the previous day in the library. she recounted how well it was going, the engaging conversations they were having, and the progress yujin was making until he got pulled away by boyoung once again.

gunwook listened closely before he began to speak. "remember, true love isn't about competing for someone's attention, but rather about finding someone who chooses you willingly and wholeheartedly," he advised, offering a supportive smile to aejung. boreum nodded in agreement, emphasizing her solidarity with gunwook's statement.

"but i want him to be that someone, liking him for so many years, it would be hard to give up on him," aejung confessed sadly.

"we understand, but sometimes holding on to something that's not meant for us can prevent us from finding what truly makes us happy," boreum responded, echoing gunwook's sentiment. gunwook nodded in agreement with boreum's words while aejung continued to wear a saddened expression.

"well, he doesn't know anything about how i feel yet, so i won't give up on him just yet," aejung declared, her voice tinged with hope despite her despondency.

gunwook and boreum exchanged a worried glance before easing their expressions and nodding at each other. "we'll support you," boreum reassured aejung, her tone comforting. "you can rely on us if you need anything," gunwook added empathetically, his eyes reflecting genuine concern. aejung nodded in acknowledgment, offering a small smile in return.

with the bell signaling the start of their first class, the trio made their way through the school corridors together, gunwook and boreum keeping a watchful eye on aejung. "i'll walk you girls to class," gunwook offered, receiving a grateful smile from aejung. as they walked, boreum suddenly spotted something in the distance, prompting her to walk backward in front of aejung. gunwook, puzzled by boreum's actions, followed her gaze and quickly understood the reason for her sudden change in direction.

"what do we have first again?" boreum asked, attempting to initiate a conversation. "we have geography first, i'm pretty sure," aejung replied, trying to stay focused. "which teacher do you guys have?" gunwook chimed in, hoping to divert aejung's attention. "i think we have ms. ju, right?" aejung asked, glancing back at boreum, who nodded in confirmation.

they soon reached the classroom, where gunwook bid farewell to aejung and boreum before departing. settling into their seats at their usual four-person table, they found yujin sitting alone. "good morning," yujin greeted them warmly, receiving reciprocal greetings in return. "hey, i'm sorry for leaving you, by the way," yujin apologized, turning to aejung.

"it's fine, basketball is pretty important now at the moment anyways," aejung chuckled softly, trying to keep the mood light. yujin nodded in response, offering a charming smile.

the lesson continued, with ms. ju lecturing about geography. throughout the class, aejung felt the urge to address something important. when ms. ju finished speaking, aejung turned back towards yujin.

"hey, can i be honest with you about something?" aejung asked, her tone serious. yujin nodded attentively, indicating he was ready to listen. "i was kind of uncomfortable yesterday, by boyoung's actions, not just in the library, but the entire day," aejung confessed, watching yujin closely for his reaction."i mean she just seems to be affecting our friendship, & not even just with us though, i mean like all of us as a group," aejung expressed, her tone filled with concern. "like she always drags you away & we don't even get to hang out as much," she lamented, searching yujin's eyes for reassurance.

"i'll make sure boyoung understands boundaries and respects our time together as friends," yujin reassured, offering a warm smile to aejung and boreum.

"what type of boundaries are there though to ensure that our friendship together as a group remains strong even with boyoung's interferences?" boreum asked earnestly.

"we can establish clear communication and prioritize our group time, making sure everyone feels included and valued," yujin proposed, his honesty evident in his words.

with the sun casting a warm glow across the school courtyard, the trio made their way to their next class, pdhpe. their steps fell in sync, the rhythm of their conversation lulling into silence before yujin's voice broke through.

"hey, i just wanna make it clear that you can be as assertive as you want to me," he said, his tone gentle yet sincere, his eyes meeting aejung's with unwavering warmth. "we're friends after all."

though his words were like a gentle reminder, aejung couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. yujin's casual mention of friendship felt like a sharp slap to the back of her mind, a stark reminder of the boundaries she had yet to cross. she silently chided herself for letting her thoughts wander into the realm of possibility without clarifying her true feelings.

suppressing the twinge of disappointment, aejung managed a nod, masking her inner turmoil with a faint smile. as they continued walking, she contemplated the weight of his words, pondering the complexities of their relationship. the notion of friendship hung in the air, a tangible barrier between them, yet aejung couldn't shake the yearning for something more.

"it's important to me that we spend quality time together without interruptions," aejung finally spoke, her voice carrying a hint of longing disguised by determination. she hoped her words conveyed more than a simple desire for uninterrupted companionship, hinting at the unspoken feelings lingering beneath the surface.

the trio entered the classroom, their usual four-person table conspicuously missing one member. beomseok's absence was felt like a hollow space, a gap in their tightly-knit group.

as they settled into their seats, aejung's gaze wandered to the empty chair where beomseok usually sat. she couldn't help but feel a twinge of concern for her friend, hoping he was feeling better soon.

with a sigh, she turned her attention to the lesson at hand. it was theory for today, and the teacher droned on about mental health, the importance of self-care, and coping mechanisms. aejung dutifully took notes, pen scratching against the paper as she absorbed the information.

but amidst the lecture, her mind drifted to other thoughts. she found herself absentmindedly sketching on the margins of her notebook, drawing stick figures representing herself, boreum, beomseok, yujin, and gunwook. each figure was surrounded by a flurry of question marks and ellipses, symbolizing the uncertainty that lingered in her mind.

as she drew, aejung couldn't help but wonder about the future and the possibilities that lay ahead for their relationships. would things between her and yujin ever evolve beyond friendship? what role would beomseok, boreum, and gunwook play in their lives moving forward?

the questions swirled in her mind like a whirlwind, leaving her both hopeful and apprehensive about what was to come. but for now, all she could do was sketch out the contours of their friendships, waiting to see how they would unfold in the days and weeks ahead.

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